Should I sell all my WaxPoetics?



  • highschemehighscheme 785 Posts
    New plan.

    1.) Sell the issues

    2.) Buy Apple stock with the proceeds

    3.) Wait for Waxpoetics to drop their iPad app with complete digitized back issues.

    4.) Sell enough of the stock to buy the 2nd generation iPad + all the digitized back issues

  • mannybolonemannybolone Los Angeles, CA 15,029 Posts
    New plan.

    1.) Sell the issues

    2.) Buy Apple stock with the proceeds

    3.) Wait for Waxpoetics to drop their iPad app with complete digitized back issues.

    4.) Sell enough of the stock to buy the 2nd generation iPad + all the digitized back issues


  • ReynaldoReynaldo 6,054 Posts
    Scan 'em all, sell the PDFs. Buy iPad.

  • mrmatthewmrmatthew 1,575 Posts
    When will all of my old Straight No Chaser back-issues be worth anything?

  • Special_EdSpecial_Ed 315 Posts
    When will all of my old Straight No Chaser back-issues be worth anything?

    I'm interested in picking some of those SNC's up....

    LOL @

    New plan.

    1.) Sell the issues

    2.) Buy Apple stock with the proceeds

    3.) Wait for Waxpoetics to drop their iPad app with complete digitized back issues.

    4.) Sell enough of the stock to buy the 2nd generation iPad + all the digitized back issues


  • JRootJRoot 861 Posts
    I will never sell anything hahahah!

    Numbers 1 through 40 going strong.

    The magazine stopped being useful to me as a reference at about issue 15 (and I almost quit it altogether when they put Coltrane on the cover of the Jazz issue and then had NO CONTENT ABOUT COLTRANE -- that was a cheesy foul), but I still read it cover to cover -- usually on the can or just before bed. Don't learn much from it anymore, but the content is still interesting -- if a bit more commercially oriented than it was originally (i.e. editorial content devoted to praising current releases and current reissues).

    In the current issue (#40), I swear I read that Joe Cuba interview someplace else like a year or two ago. The line where he was really pissed off about being forced into being Joe Cuba sticks in my mind. Anyone know if this is possible or where it could have been?

  • RAJRAJ tenacious local 7,783 Posts
    It's amazing to me these guys have kept it going 40 issues! especially in this economy. Kudos.

    PS. I stopped following WP after the big feature spread on John "Fresh Feathers" Klemmer (sp?) oh and the Mingering Mike snub.

  • JRootJRoot 861 Posts
    oh and the Mingering Mike snub.

    Another very cheesy foul.

  • gloomgloom 2,765 Posts
    has the "will they increase in value?" been theorized yet? I have 1-5, then randomness forward. should I get in while the getting's hot?

  • highschemehighscheme 785 Posts
    1 & 2 are the only "rare" ones anyway

    the first 12 or whenever they switched to the new flimsier cover tend to fall apart in my experience

    the bindings arent done well, so maybe if you have a super minty unused one of those it could increase the value

    I was joking about the iPad idea (kind of), but honestly, I can't see why any magazine in the game wouldn't be selling digital copies of their entire collection of back issues, or figuring out how to.

  • FatbackFatback 6,746 Posts
    I tossed mine in recycle bin the other day with my wife's stack of Cookie Mags. Didn't know there were worth shit. I did look over them first. The writing is seriously embarrassing.

  • hogginthefogghogginthefogg 6,098 Posts
    I sold #2 about 5 years ago for $96 to someone in France.

  • 1-20 will probably sell best but it might go up since they're not reprinting and seems lots of folks want it, even for just the covers. At least, I was able to sell abroad as well. Money is tight so I'd scan them but keep the scans if I really want to make money. I doubt you'll score any money by selling pdfs even if someone has an Ipad.

  • JoeMojoJoeMojo 720 Posts
    Huh, I've got 1-20 in a box somewhere. Sell as a lot or piece them out?

  • BreezBreez 1,706 Posts
    Sell'em one by one. You'd never get their worth in one lot.

    Or, sell the main ones by themselves. Group the odd one together. That might work best.

  • ReynaldoReynaldo 6,054 Posts
    I'll pay $50 for comprehensive scans.
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