djsheepdjsheep 3,620 Posts
edited April 2010 in Strut Central
ok. back to the music. fuck that other thread everyones looking at.I have always loved Bitches Brew. It's my joint for real. Anyhows, just wanted to share this completed drawing my homegirl finished for me for my birthday last year. Shit came out real nice, and if you're feelin' it, please give some props cuz I'll show her this post....Who rides for this album?b/w


  • I was 19 with a head full of shrooms when I first heard it...needless to say I ride

  • been meaning to break this out for a listen... will do tonight. thanks for the reminder.

  • gravelheadwrapgravelheadwrap corn 948 Posts
    I'm kind of in a Miles phase right now, especially his "electric" period work have had had this one on repeat.

  • Just listened to this last week. Classic.

  • faux_rillzfaux_rillz 14,343 Posts

    Who rides for this album?

    Not I

    It's junk

  • posted this in the weekend finds thread last night but....

    i found a perfect copy of this at a thrift yesterday for $.50 and put it on right when i got home. really love this album. it had been awhile since I'd listened to any Miles (or any jazz for that matter). today I'm going to be revisiting Live Evil and On the Corner(favorite).

  • white_teawhite_tea 3,262 Posts
    The bass clarinet shit at the start of "Pharaoh's Dance" is some of the moodiest, spookiest music these ears have ever heard and it no doubt sets the stage perfectly for what's to come next. That first tune is still my favorite part of the record.

  • FatbackFatback 6,746 Posts

    Who rides for this album?

    Not I

    It's junk

    What about any other electric Miles?

  • Nice, I gotta re-visit BB. its been a while. This one deserves to be heard on cd imo. The re-mixed/mastered/whatevered version that came out in like '02. The mix is a big improvement on the original. I wish they could do the same thing to On the Corner.

    Teo Macero's edits are a big part of what makes this record. The beginning of Bitches Brew is a loop if you listen closely. Joe Zawinul said that when he first heard the final mix, he didn't even recognize himself playing on it.

  • asstroasstro 1,754 Posts
    IMO it is overrated. I love Miles' electric records but I'd much rather listen to Jack Johnson or Agharta.

  • djsheepdjsheep 3,620 Posts
    Dark Magus... that's that schitt too...

  • batmonbatmon 27,574 Posts
    The mix is a big improvement on the original. I wish they could do the same thing to On the Corner.

    The deluxe ON The Corner Box wasnt re-mastered?

  • faux_rillzfaux_rillz 14,343 Posts

    Who rides for this album?

    Not I

    It's junk

    What about any other electric Miles?

    In a Silent Way is cool

  • HarveyCanalHarveyCanal "a distraction from my main thesis." 13,234 Posts
    All Miles had to do was say he hated white people to then have white people overrate anything he ever did.

  • snosno 332 Posts
    Personally I think In a Silent Way is a better experience than BB. The whole jazz/rock/funk thing did not blossom into something huge until later efforts.
    That said, I ride for "Get Up On It". He Loves Him Madly is a beautiful piece of music.

  • pickwick33pickwick33 8,946 Posts

    Who rides for this album?

    Not I

    It's junk

    What about any other electric Miles?

    Never heard an electric Miles I didn't like. (We're talking 1970-76, right?)

    If I had to go with one, it'd be Jack Johnson, but I wouldn't advise against the rest. The ones I've heard, anyway.

  • Dark Magus... that's that schitt too...

    bitches brew is nice......but....dark magus!!!

    that's my favourite Miles Davis album. i get chills only by thinking about this album!

  • batmonbatmon 27,574 Posts
    I never heard Dark Magus. It alwayed look bootleggish whenever i saw the CD.

  • djsheepdjsheep 3,620 Posts
    Japan only LP RAER. Pick it up at a boutique near you.

  • I always dug Spanish Key the most for some reason.


    Who are those titties licensed to?

  • djsheepdjsheep 3,620 Posts
    I always dug Spanish Key the most for some reason.


    Who are those titties licensed to?


  • djsheepdjsheep 3,620 Posts
    Breast Boutique of Europe

  • Colonialist bastards.

  • djsheepdjsheep 3,620 Posts


  • BreezBreez 1,706 Posts
    I remember when I first discoverd "The Brew". In '91 I found a banged up copy at a flea market at a high school near my house, along with my first copy of Trouble Man. It totally blew me away!! And when I heard the bass line, yall know I'm talking about, I felt like KING DIGGER. Well, needless to say, I was at my buddies house a few weeks later and his dad told me I could go through his records and take whatever I wanted. After passing the usuall Slave, Gap Band & Evelyn King records there it was, a mint copy of Bitches Brew. Well, about ten copies and 20 yrs later it's still in my regular rotation. CLASSIC!!

    BTW, Sheep, that pic is the TRUTH. Your girl is an unbelievable artist. If yall ever do any prints of this, hint hint, please let me know!!

  • PrimeCutsLtdPrimeCutsLtd jersey fresh 2,632 Posts
    Dig his cover of guinevere by CSN on the complete bitches brew sessions.

  • who runs the voodoo down? miles runs the voodoo down!

    may have to revisit my miles collection, it's been awhile

    really like Sivad on Live Evil

  • pcmrpcmr 5,591 Posts
    the pic is amazing
    my favorite cover of all time
    just picked up a cleaner copy this weekend
    cueing it up and roling a spliff as we speak

  • that album was a revelation to me and my friends but over the years i have grown to sort of not love it that much. i find the edits distracting and that there is a certain choppiness to the performances that i don't think was intentional.

    best artwork ever though.

    i find "in a silent way" and "jack johnson" the most enjoyable of his electric albums (even though these were also edited together)

  • BreezBreez 1,706 Posts
    cueing it up and roling a spliff as we speak

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