common records you don't see

Name a completely obvious, commonass record that you just don't see in real life for whatever reason. For me, I figured after moving to Ann Arbor that I'd find Billy Squire - Tale of the Tape (Big Beat) in every rock/dollar bin around, but I've yet to see it. Obviously it's not too pressing a situation, but I just don't get it.
Not trying to be a smartass, but if you don't see it in the field ever, then it is not common. Got to be seen regularly to be common in the first place.
maybe a better theme is: records you would had assumed were common (big labels, artists etc), but never seem to turn up (poor distribution + sales etc).
maybe a good example is kendricks' 'people hold on'? or is that just uncommon in good shape...? for being so well known, ive found it less than 5 times in 10 years.
The Isley Brothers, "Get Into Something" LP
The Ardent LP's by the Hot Dogs and Brian Alexander Robinson turn up all the time, and those records don't even have the benefit of a cult following! Yet Big Star does, and the OG's are mighty scarce. Do people buy the Hot Dogs' Say What You Mean thinking it sounds like Big Star? And then sell it back when they realize that it is just another wretched 1970's rock LP?
i believe ardent was briefly touched on in the stax history book (title escapes me), and it was definitely not managed well. no surprise their best stuff was apparently pressed in short supply and not distributed well. i wonder how many thousands of copies were avail as $1.98 cut outs in the mid to late 70s? oof.
actually ive never even heard of or seen the Hot Dogs and Brian Alexander Robinson lps in my life before you just mentioned them now. so i guess in my case, all Ardent is scarce.
You could also do spin-off thread: Supposedly "rare" records that you see all the time
It took me 3 years to find this in the field, refusing to buy an Isley Bros[/b] LP on eBay.
Def cosign on this one. Which makes me wonder how many copies were pressed of this.
Let me rephrase: Name a record that, though a large quantity was pressed and it seems others see it quite often, isn't as readily available to you due to location, timing, bad luck, or any other situational variables.
I have found several of the Kendricks in dollar bins recently, but generally trashed.
I'm sure it had a good-sized run, especially since "Girl, You Need A Change Of Mind" was an early disco favorite (and Motown reissued it in the eighties). I could see it being deleted, but never figured it would be hopelessly rare.
really, I live in Providence and i have found at least four copies of Layers and Talk to the people in the last five years
I guess the reason for this is that it hasn't been such a big seller in Germany...
Agreed. It's a rare one - but it's on a common label and by a well known artist whose others LPs on the same label are very common. ToeFunk acknowledged that "common records you don't see" is a bit of an oxymoron, adding, "records you would had assumed were common (big labels, artists etc), but never seem to turn up."
The album or the 45?
I don't know about the album - it just shows up when it shows up - but the single was a Top 40 hit, which would automatically put it in wider circulation...I haven't been actively looking for it, but the few times I've seen it, it was cheap. I know I didn't pay much for mine.
Now, I NEVER see Ardent singles at all. I found two 45's by Cargoe (and one of those was warped, so that doesn't even count), but those were one-offs, it's not like they show up as often as "Mr. Big Stuff" or "Who's Making Love."
The album. I should just grip the 45 but I also like the cuts For Those That Cry, Sleep Walk, Still, and The Spook