Guru gets grumpy about gangstarr



  • BsidesBsides 4,244 Posts
    Can someone please find me a picture of the matrix cover? it seems so lost these days and I need it in my life again!!!

  • why does premier get a brooklyn pass, being from texas, but guru dosen't?

    I always thought he did have a Brooklyn pass.

  • SIRUSSIRUS 2,554 Posts
    why does premier get a brooklyn pass, being from texas, but guru dosen't?

    I always thought he did have a Brooklyn pass.
    dude has made numerous mentions in music/ interviews about dudes asking him why he repped nyc instead of boston. unless, these were all boston dudes asking him that.

  • Ha. true. I guess the thing with Primo was, a) it's Texas, who *doesn't* want to leave? and b) Primo is kind of a rugged cat. Maybe dudes were just shook to ask.

  • El PrezEl Prez NE Ohio 1,141 Posts
    Ha. true. I guess the thing with Primo was, a) it's Texas, who *doesn't* want to leave? and b) Primo is kind of a rugged cat. Maybe dudes were just shook to ask.

    Yep I also think that since Primos beats were so hard people were more than willing to accept him as their own. Not taking away from what Guru did but Primos beats were considered the sound of the streets NY...

  • just so my Texans know, I was joking on the "who doesn't want to leave" thing.

  • The_NonThe_Non 5,691 Posts
    just so my Texans know, I was joking on the "who doesn't want to leave" thing.

    For those of you who like to call out dance moves, this one's the "NYC Backstrut"

    Look, Guru could've done two things:
    1) He coulda manned up and said it was great and given Premier his proper respect or
    2) He coulda sounded like a salty old bitter biznatch and called Primo his "ex-DJ"

    He chose #2. Answer a question politely to all parties and keep it moving onto what you wanna talk about. And him saying he didn't hang out with Premier is a lie btw. Maybe he's mad cuz he's hella short.

  • tecatetecate 73 Posts
    I met Guru twice and can honestly say he was a total asshole. He is bitter because when Premier was getting spots on all the biggest artists albums (Jay-Z, Nas, Big etc), he was never invited as a guest MC.

    I do think/agree that Gangstarr made 4 unfuckwidable albums, album #2 to #5

    But for him to say "we were never that close" in that interview is crazy. They lived in BK together for years and at one point they both lived at Branford Marsalis' house when he was a mentor of sorts.

    I dunno, dude is tripping.

  • Money was scared so he panicked
    Took off his link and his rings and ran frantic

    that's a forced example of forcing a rhyme.

    Making up words is great when it works. Look at Monch-"Some might even say this song is sexicist cos I ask the girls to rub on they breastices" That is funny and it works and it's awesome.

    Frantic is supposed to be frantically and everybody knows it, and Guru just does it wrong to make it rhyme. Could he not take 5 minutes to think about it and revise so that it works properly? In fact, a lot of his raps come across like he doesn't revise very much. A lot of great stuff comes out of his pen, but there's a lot of forced stuff that would do better if he just spent some more time going over it.

    Yo revise that shit holmes. lol. Rappin is all about revising huh? Take that shit to English class.

  • It's not a grammatical correction. Guru's not making a grammatical mistake. He's contriving the grammar to make things rhyme. It comes across contrived. Doye.

    Quite contriving that grammar son. GTFOOHWTBS

  • ScottScott 420 Posts
    I met Guru twice and can honestly say he was a total asshole. He is bitter because when Premier was getting spots on all the biggest artists albums (Jay-Z, Nas, Big etc), he was never invited as a guest MC.

    That always confused me, too. People mentioned earlier that Guru was considered one of the best MC's of his era. But he never had one solid cameo, never popped up on any other memorable mid/early 90's releases. Either every other rapper hated him, or he was spending all his extra time perfecting those Jazzmatazz LPs.

  • But... but... he was on Blowout Comb!

  • I met Guru twice and can honestly say he was a total asshole. He is bitter because when Premier was getting spots on all the biggest artists albums (Jay-Z, Nas, Big etc), he was never invited as a guest MC.

    That always confused me, too. People mentioned earlier that Guru was considered one of the best MC's of his era. But he never had one solid cameo, never popped up on any other memorable mid/early 90's releases. Either every other rapper hated him, or he was spending all his extra time perfecting those Jazzmatazz LPs.

    corn fields for days on soulstrut.

    some real clown ass posts in this thread..... you know how many rappers make up words ?
    never mind rap music.... just music in general, artists have always done this kind of thing.

    how do you think words/slang "ebonics" get made up ?

    solid full lengths mean nothing ?

    for the record..
    rakims favorite mc: guru

  • That is actually an interesting point - Rakim rarely, if ever, did cameos.

  • El PrezEl Prez NE Ohio 1,141 Posts
    Super Producer Solar....MC Solaar hmmmmm Guru...Young Guru...nevermind.... I am going to play Dwyck I can count that as a cameo can't I??

  • I honestly thought MC Solaar must be making beats.

  • El PrezEl Prez NE Ohio 1,141 Posts
    I honestly thought MC Solaar must be making beats.

    from what I heard from Super Producer Solar....I would rather listen to that Jazzmatazz shit.

  • sticky_dojahsticky_dojah New York City. 2,138 Posts
    Well I'd be interested to hear it from some Boston heads, I mean Guru has always mentioned being from there but obviously spent a lot more time bigging up Brooklyn. Does the LBE (Local Boston Experience!) feel like he deserves a "hero's welcome"?

    I'm not from Boston, but I always thought that "The Planet" summed up his move from B to Br pretty nicely. I even understand it as a song about leaving for good and doin your thing in unknown or rather unfriendly territories. But that is just my local European Rap experience. I always liked Guru as an MC, but can't stand his new music. GS is just unfuckwithable. My first Rap show in 91.

  • faux_rillzfaux_rillz 14,343 Posts
    That is actually an interesting point - Rakim rarely, if ever, did cameos.

    Yeah, is this the new yardstick of greatness?

    Rakim's career reduced to his cameo on Jody Watley's "Friends"?

  • faux_rillzfaux_rillz 14,343 Posts
    I feel that. As an mc def. not top ten of all time.

    But we can agree that dude has classics, more so than many of the g.o.a.t. Mc's - right?

    Absolutely. Put it this way: as a rapper, he's def. playing in the NBA--but is he in NYC's starting lineup? And he's never been the MVP.

    NYC's starting line up = nate robinson, wilson chandler, chris duhon, larry hughes...

  • Aren't they trying to trade for the 13 year old from Spain too

  • Even if he wants to, he cannot avoid speaking on Gangstarr in interviews so he better deal with it.

    Did Primo speak on thier current relationship?...and why he is his ex-dj?

  • DB_CooperDB_Cooper Manhatin' 7,823 Posts
    Well I'd be interested to hear it from some Boston heads, I mean Guru has always mentioned being from there but obviously spent a lot more time bigging up Brooklyn. Does the LBE (Local Boston Experience!) feel like he deserves a "hero's welcome"?

    No. If Boston dudes are talking about Boston hip hop (which rarely comes up because there's really not much to talk about), it's usually "Edo G was dope. That dude had some bangers. Then there was [insert private mind garden lesser-known dudes]...." And at the end somewhere, someone will mention that Guru grew up in Dorchester, and someone else will say, "Yeah, but dude always repped Brooklyn." And that's the end of that. He's not considered a Boston hip hop dude at all.

  • The_NonThe_Non 5,691 Posts


    what list is this supposed to be ?

  • batmonbatmon 27,574 Posts

  • TDS Mob
    Top Choice Clique

  • verb606verb606 2,518 Posts
    No love for Krumb Snatcha? Premier was his "ex-DJ" too, IIRC.

  • haze25haze25 759 Posts
    That is actually an interesting point - Rakim rarely, if ever, did cameos.

    I'm sure Rakim has turned down more guest appearance requests than guru would receive in a hundred lifetimes.

    i love the gangstarr releases, just like i love the Group Home's debut and the Jeru albums.......... but w/o the primo beats there's no way you would check for anyone in the gangstarr foundation.


  • batmonbatmon 27,574 Posts
    .......... but w/o the primo beats there's no way you would check for anyone in the gangstarr foundation.

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