Does anybody here NOT curse?

I'm trying to give it up 'cause it's not sexy to me (well, it CAN be in certain situations, but not in everyday conversation), but I kinda sound like a fool to myself. The substitution words are so tame and even when I edit myself via type (inserting asterisks, spelling it different, etc), everybody knows what I mean so it's like I might as well curse. I found myself using curse words as mere filler which I feel is kinda stupid.I probably won't be able to give it up for good 'cause I DO get angry and those words spill out freely then, I'm just trying to ease up when it's unnecessary.
On the other hand, I can't stand when people say "freaking" or "frikking." Dude, you're not actually cursing but those words are just terrible substitutes for the f-bomb.
Substitute curse words are like tofu bacon.
Work on being more articulate instead.
or if i like, slam my finger in a door.
I use these all the time, mostly under my breath though, not out loud
Since my kids were born I make a real effort to not curse in my day to day language, I still do from time to time, but just for emphasis when I really mean it. There are usually better ways to make a point (but not always).
Yo, how bout fuggin? Really accentuate the g.
peace, stein. . .
I say "fricken", which came from my parents. I never knew for years that "freaking" and "fricken" were somehow connected, I moved to the mainland and thought "why is everyone saying freaking? What the hell is freaking?" It's a part of me, I still say it from time to time, most likely in traffic.
I do my best to avoid curse words (and substitutions) all together.
Most people just sound ignorant when they curse.
I do think curse words can be used creatively and can be appropriate,
but I think for the most part people should...
it isnt going to well yet
that's moist
How does anything matter to anybody in any given year?
I just think it's unattractive, unnecessary and pretty much a cop out in everyday conversation and lately I wish I could keep myself from using them 'cause I'm too lazy to find a more appropriate word. Now when emotions are running high (anger, frustration, love, etc), well....that's different. At that point it's sometimes necessary and sometimes uncontrollable. I mean, it's just tradition really. It's on its' way to becoming socially acceptable but it's not even like there have been new words invented to replace the classics (not to my knowledge). And I am well aware that the more common they become, the less impact they will have. Eventually. But still, to me, an F-bomb will always be an F-bomb and I intend to smack the mouth of any child I may have when I catch him saying it.
Keep in mind, I'm not on some Stop The Insanity campaign. I just want some pointers from folks who know where I'm coming from. If you have to ask "how does this matter in 09?" then it's obvious you don't and there's nothing wrong with that whatsoever.
When you DON'T curse, you just sound more intelligent, classier, and there's an undeniable element of integrity when you speak--especially when you carry an even temper. I slip curses unneccessarily at times, but I aspire to be 'curse free'.
People who swear up and down just sound like teenagers, or uneducated oafs.
I curse like a sailor. I do this with my degree in one hand and my published shit in my other hand.
I prefer cursing. I curse about everything - privately. That being said, I generally don't do it in public unless it's a private and non-broadcasted conversation.
A theory I have is that due to my constant cursing the words will have no particular impact or interest to my children. I'll see how that pans out.
I also trained myself to swear in Spanish when around work type situations, which avoids many problems...
F*ck and shit without any additive are so overused that they sound weak and inflational in common usage but they still slip my tounge every so often.
The constant fear of accidental cursewords was one of the main reasons for me to give up my radio show. I was moslty just genuinly afraid of the station having to pay fines and getting into a whole lot of trouble but I also hate nothing more than any form of censorship and it felt very wrong having to watch my tounge all the time.