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This is an intro to a game. Holy F*ck.
clay davis and punchout
* The intro shot of Liverpool, where the buildings are cut-up in the same way as shown in YELLOW SUBMARINE before "Eleanor Rigby" is heard
* The concert posters at the beginning, including the full Mr. Kite benefit, The Semolina Pilchards, The Blackbirds, Jeremy (as in Hilary Boob), Maggie Mae & The Word, The Revolution, The Meanie Blues, The St. Peters Parish Church, said to be the first place where John & Paul first met.
* Maxwell's Silver Sundries
* Honey Pie, Savoy Truffle on the menu at the restaurant, that has a special offer where "1 and 1 is 2!"
* The smirk on John's face as they fly from Liverpool to the country that is "left of Greenland"
* The various planets and everything on it could be a reference to what is "Across The Universe"
* the damaged stand-up piano in the garden, as seen in "Strawberry Fields Forever"
* the Helter Skelter on one of the moons
* John's psychedelic limo
* four goldfish, obviously to go with the finger pie
* the "elementary penguins"
* the band dressed as they are in "I Am The Walrus"
* the sight of "Blue Meanies"
* how everyone in the "circus" is slowly walking over the edge, when a lot of fans and critics were saying that's exactly what The Beatles were doing