Listen all y'all it's a sabotage



  • grandpa_shiggrandpa_shig 5,799 Posts

    He is just a dude who has no business DJ-ing.
    And it's got nothing to do with PC either.
    If you can't handle yourself around people who aren't exactly like you then that's your problem and your loss. Analyze if you want but at the end of the day he just sounds ignorant and narrow minded.

    okay so gay dudes have the right to bumrush a club but the guy who normally plays at the club, who does the night and who had planned an event around his tastes and friends can't be upset that a bunch of dudes who have different lifestyle/taste/intention (not sexual, im talking about the community empowerment thing) are taking over HIS space?

    Whether some of the comments are NAGL, un-PC or ignorant is besides the point. The issue here is that these dudes (over 200) took over a space that other people use and had ownership of at that point in time. And the fact that the gay dudes didnt dance to the reggae,isnt that racist/discriminating?

    So you and 200 mates take over someone elses night, exersising your lifestyle choice, but not accomodating anyone elses choices? What if some of the regular patrons couldn't get into the club cus it was full of the gay crowd? What if 200 hip hop heads bumrushed a gay venue and brought some female strippers and proceeded to tear up the club doing what they do? Would that be acceptable?

    Most of the gay dudes Ive known dont want to be known a 'gay male', but just another male who happens to be attracted to guys, sexuality should be a non issue but Takeover type events and miltant gay activists create an Us or Them situation IMO. Unless the club itself had refused entry to gay patrons in the past due to being gay, then I dont see any justification for invading someone elses space/night with your own personal politics.

    I just think its double standard, and if ppl dont want to be judged by their sexual preferences they should stop compartmenting themselves and creating these demarcation of groups....

    personally i think you have made some very valid points. now you prolly have an inkling of an idea of what its like to be gay on a daily basis. but i agree, i do think its rude. i went with my friend to one. he was feeling kinda down about his prospects out here so i sucked it up and went with him cuz hes my dude. i dont know what the "north cack" scene is like but in la everyone was cool. i mean, i was a lil out of place but hell ive been to way more uncomfortable things with my ladyfriends. like dance recitals. and mall shopping. but i digress. the point is the picture you paint is of some sort of extreme flaming cock sammich leather ballnuts gay and i can say that wasnt the message the la "takeover" (aka guerilla gay bar) was trying to get across. folks were just hanging out. en masse. and if dude played his dj thing and everyone left i mean where was all your fans from the start? all scurrrrd to show up cuz there was all kinds of homos up in your butt? that is exactly the point these takeovers are trying to make. lets all fucken hang out you pussies.

  • Hotsauce84Hotsauce84 8,450 Posts
    I've been to a local lesbian club a couple times and I've seen more fights break out there then I have at any of my other Hip Hop nights (and I've seen some sh*t go DOWN at my other spots).

    A friend of mine tends bar there now. She's talked to me about doing a night there but I'm pretty much done with weekday gigs. Some of the ladies that hang out there are reeeediculously banging though. My oh my.

  • Some of the ladies that hang out there are reeeediculously banging though. My oh my.

    Dudes, at this point, Herm deserves his own graemlin more than THEMACK.

    Talk about "lining up the Pucini!"


  • Hotsauce84Hotsauce84 8,450 Posts
    Some of the ladies that hang out there are reeeediculously banging though. My oh my.

    Dudes, at this point, Herm deserves his own graemlin more than THEMACK.

    Talk about "lining up the Pucini!"


    Ha ha!

    [color:white]Somewhere out in SF a group of lesbianas are using the term "pull a Hermie" thanks to my special-friend-for-a-week-before-she-commits-and-moves-with-her-lady-to-the-Yay'rea *a***. [/color]

  • CosmoCosmo 9,768 Posts

    Its a public space. If dudes want to "takeover" for 6 hours why not let them?

    Why not play up to them? I dont think the "takeover" is some militant steez.

    Where's Cosmo? Dude used to DJ a gay club night bitd.

    I'm right here. What input can I add to this conversation.

    PS - I love playing for gay crowds. It's often times much more fun that DJing for straight crowds.

  • GrafwritahGrafwritah 4,184 Posts
    I've been to a local lesbian club a couple times and I've seen more fights break out there then I have at any of my other Hip Hop nights (and I've seen some sh*t go DOWN at my other spots).

    A friend of mine tends bar there now. She's talked to me about doing a night there but I'm pretty much done with weekday gigs. Some of the ladies that hang out there are reeeediculously banging though. My oh my.

    I believe the fight part.

    But we (I and my significant other... FEMALE who I kiss like I haven't seen in weeks... j/k) know several lesbian couples and individuals.

    And while I like them all as people

    All I have to say is

    Porn has really lied to me.

    Of course in the grand scheme of lesbianism I know an extremely small fraction of them.

  • AKallDayAKallDay 830 Posts
    ugggggghhh this thread. i just read it all.

    what kind of DJ isn't down to play for a gay crowd?
    i have played for crowds in jamaica, the most vehemently homophobic crowds, and also for crowds of gay men in miami and at the hole in nyc and one is no better or worse than the other, it has all been so fun, just in different ways.
    if you play all dub so be it, dub is incredible music.
    but you just sound like you are no fun, you're not having any fun and you aren't making the fun happen either.

    not everyone is open to it i guess. too bad.

  • LokoOneLokoOne 1,823 Posts
    lets all fucken hang out you pussies.
    Shig I dig your vibe...and I aint trying to hate on no one Im just looking at the situation from a different prespective....

    I see your point and thats what I was trying to raise- its about ppl sharing good times togetehr but a certain respect must be shared amongst all parties.

    Obviously none of us where there etc but from the descriptions it sounded like a big group of guys 'taking over' a space that regualrs (however small the crowd) had designated as their space for their event.

    Batmon you got to agree that it would be annoying whether it was a bunch of gay guys or or female beckys or soccer mums or gothic kids, a scene is a scene and when something outside that scene comes into it changes the dynamics.

    Point I was making is, if its your regular night, and your expecting to play to your crowd and friends and you show up and a whole bunch of other people took over the place...thats fucked up IMO Now if you react like a homophobes thats some personal issues, but you still got the right to be a bit vexed that another group of people is f*cking up your plans...

    And if you want to promote gay/straight/whatever interactions, IMHO, then it should be done under a 'non sexualised' banner... Make it about the music, not who you prefer to go home with, and I have worked with gay/lesbian activists in a range of projects, and I most of them dont want to be excluding non gay ppl, or be labbeld as just a gay person, but the more militant fringes tend to do that I found, again my opinion for the purpose of discussion/dialogue....

    and dudes like Brain dont bother commenting if your not going to dialouge, whats the point of repost my shit just to cross it all out? Do you assume that anyone that doesnt wave the pre apporved PC flag is a redneck homophobe?

  • grandpa_shiggrandpa_shig 5,799 Posts

    i dont know if its playing the right song but all that music on that sight is totally gay. and i mean that in the negative way.

  • disco_chedisco_che 1,115 Posts

    i dont know if its playing the right song but all that music on that sight is totally gay. and i mean that in the negative way.

    It should open up playing "Ain't nobody straight in L.A." by The Miracles. Which is an awesome song in a positively gay way.

  • CosmoCosmo 9,768 Posts
    PS _ Nicky Siano uses Microwave hahaha...

  • ReynaldoReynaldo 6,054 Posts
    Did a dude actually grab your ass?

  • grandpa_shiggrandpa_shig 5,799 Posts

    i dont know if its playing the right song but all that music on that sight is totally gay. and i mean that in the negative way.

    It should open up playing "Ain't nobody straight in L.A." by The Miracles. Which is an awesome song in a positively gay way.

    i get "my studients life" by gwladys.

  • LaserWolfLaserWolf Portland Oregon 11,517 Posts

    One of those things I don't understand.

    Exactly. You don't understand.

    It's true, I don't.

  • LaserWolfLaserWolf Portland Oregon 11,517 Posts

    You use epitaphs.

    That's epithets.

    Unless you're talking about graveyards or Bad Religion.

    Thank you, I will work on that.

    Before my browser had spell check I just spelled everything wrong.
    Now I just select the wrong word from the spell check list.

  • djdazedjdaze 3,099 Posts
    I generally try not to immediately jump on the over-the-top PC bandwagon that Soulstrut seems to embrace, but I will say the post was a bit over the top itself.

    how can calling out hatred be "over the top"? wtf

    did you really just try to out-PC the PC guy? hahaha

  • mickalphabetmickalphabet deep inna majestic segue 374 Posts


  • nzshadownzshadow 5,518 Posts

    Before my browser had spell check I just spelled everything wrong.
    Now I just select the wrong word from the spell check list.

    welcome to my world.

  • DustedDonDustedDon 830 Posts
    this is just more proof to ALWAYS keep a clean copy of the "Immaculate Collection" in the crates!!

  • GrandfatherGrandfather 2,303 Posts


  • MjukisMjukis 1,675 Posts
    Too good to be forgotten:

  • bassiebassie 11,710 Posts
    So I'm like I need to thin this place out a bit. ENTER MY DUB REGGAE SET.......clears out within the half hour. lol

    hence the thread title

  • selperfugeselperfuge 1,165 Posts
    ahh fu ck it i didnt want to blow my 1000th post on this nonsense but what the hell.

    - avatar + "THIS IS A GAY TAKEOVER!!"

  • keithvanhornkeithvanhorn 3,855 Posts

    what kind of DJ isn't down to play for a gay crowd?


  • ladydayladyday 623 Posts


    And with that, we've reached classique status. Soulstrut Hall of Fame!

  • white_teawhite_tea 3,262 Posts
    It is ironic that a house DJ would be relucant to try his hand with a gay crowd (pasue). I mean, you know where the music came from, right?

  • selperfugeselperfuge 1,165 Posts

  • FrankFrank 2,370 Posts
    So I had my record release party last night at a club that I've been a monthly resident for a while. I was told early in the week that it would be my last date there because they are changing their format to top 40 / mash ups (ugh). So I'm like oh well I'll do my thing one more time, get all my homies to come and represent and bring out some of my reggae 45s that i never bring out. So I roll up at the club with some people and i notice it's freaking packed waaaaay more than I anticipated. My usual crowd is under 100 for a smaller lounge spot it is. But this place had like 500 people up in it. So me and my homeboys walk in the club trying to make my way to the booth and i notice on the journey that all of these dudes are sweatin me as I made my way. I get to the booth and I ask the early DJ what's the deal? and he filled me in. "This is a Takeover party". A take over party is where the gay male community get together and "takeover" a club for the night. I look up and it hit me. NO WOMEN ANYWHERE.

    I was looking around for Ashton and the camera crew. My crew was like WTF dude.... I'm not a homophobe or anything but it's not my crowd. Luckily my wife showed up and i gave her one of kisses like I hadn't seen her in weeks. So i played some broken beat/house for an hour and a half and the crowd was spilling over into the booth which is ground level and dudes are coming close to bumping the records and shit playing grab ass and whatever. So I'm like I need to thin this place out a bit. ENTER MY DUB REGGAE SET.......clears out within the half hour. lol

    One for the record books but

    How were you able to hold down a residency at a club that has the capacity to hold 500 people with a "usual crowd of under 100"?

    If someone really "played grab ass" with you, I'd be happy about it, because then you have one attractive feature going for yourself.

  • CosmoCosmo 9,768 Posts

    Cause lord knows them gays can't get enough of Babs...
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