The Obama Deception

Has anyone watched this yet? I don't particularly care for Alex Jones nor am I interested in his agenda, but damn does he come off as convincing.Thoughts?
<---Not willing to participate in the mumbo jumbo that accompanies this ultra-dramatic film score!
I have no idea who Alex Jones is but this is from the doc's description:
"...even if Barack Obama had the best intentions in the world, they would not come to pass because he is firmly rooted within a perennial and clandestine power structure that spans beyond presidents, borders and economies.
...Those who supported Obama???s election will undoubtedly reassess their reasoning when they see how he continues to expand the machinery of warfare, how he has purposefully and meticulously left in place the framework of torture & renditions, how he has personally pushed through banker-bailouts, advanced the elitist North American Union agenda and much more."
And frankly, this is hardly a radical sentiment. I hear it from those on the left who feel like Obama is too center or center-right.
One entry found.
Main Entry: cred??u??lous
Pronunciation: ˈkre-jə-ləs
Function: adjective
Etymology: Latin credulus, from credere
Date: 1576
1 : ready to believe especially on slight or uncertain evidence
2 : proceeding from credulity
??? cred??u??lous??ly adverb
??? cred??u??lous??ness noun
Even Professor Griff and KRS-ONE aren't falling for the deception.
So the next Pesident should be an "Off The Grid" dude?
The "captains of the new world order" and the "international banks" and the "oligarchs" are so smart, they knew that Americans would only support a candidate that was Black, from Hawaii, grew up in Indonesia, had an African father and was named Barack Obama.
That is why they recruited him when he was still a child.
They are very devious.
b/w Rich Lowery's editorial this week says the same thing.
Hmmm.. That's almost location worthy.
Just kidding, I'm just not going to watch.
yes. that is why you just found out the fed is a private bank.
Gary, no Ron Paul, but it does have the same made-up Jefferson quote somebody got called on here, presented as "proof" of Obama's nefarious puppeteers. It also has some dude panicking alone in a hotel room for 5 mins, squealing about how the masons or someone is setting him up. Quality stuff, "damn convincing" for sure..
^Sees right through your "quotation marks" and tricknology...
I mean, how low does the economy need to sink for you numbskuls to start rethinking things?
Oh yeah, noone has taken your records away from you yet.
I wasnt aware that the economy didnt take a nosedive until Jan 21st, 2009
The people being screwed is not a new concept.
I watch this stuff just to see if there are any gems but usually it's a lot of things most people who dig an inch below the surface already know. Although KRS ONE's Burger King breakdown was enjoyable.
I call bullshit. Calling Obama the manager of Burger King is NAGL. Saying that there's no possible way Obama could've made it without the help of rich oligarchs is offensive. Maybe I missed it, but I don't remember people saying Clinton "had to have had help" in order to have risen to power.
Maybe the lizard people have just erased that part of my memory tho...
I like the idea of Joe Rogan as an expert witness on puppet governments... right after Jesse Ventura in Willie Nelson's tour van (you know what goes on in Willie's van, right?).
He was blowing Willie?
Gee! Guess whose picture is at the top of the story?? Congressman Crazypants!
"... and this fall I'll be introducing my new line of tin foil hats for men and women, and even children!"
You'd think that if they were smart enough to figure out all the workings of the world that they could keep the very basic things in their life under control?