The Obama Deception



  • Birdman9Birdman9 5,417 Posts
    A politician? LIE?!?

    People can do that? SERIOUSLY? At least Harvey has never told a live one or polished a turd to do a little upselling. My faith in mankind is still intact.

  • A politician? LIE?!?

    Maybe it's expected or whatever, but it's still troublesome every single time it happens.

    When a campaign of hope so quickly turns into a campaign of excuses, it should raise eyebrows.

    In other news, Kirb is back in Austin again. Gonna pick him up after work.

    I disagree that he's "lied" in the sense you're asserting. I do think he probably got into office, realized a lot of what he was talking about on the trail was not going to happen, and is doing what he has to do.

    We disagree on the economy, obviously.

    But moreover, I don't think the "campaign of hope" is particularly tarnished. I am still very hopeful. Precisely because I think we have the best man for the job in office. He may let me down, and I disagree with him on certain things. But I'm hopeful he'll do what's right, and that doesn't necessarily mean letting AIG burn or hanging a banker out to dry publicly. I don't pretend to know what needs to happen or what the inner-workings of this schitt are. I have confidence, though.

    Tell Kirby I said hello. Blow one! I'm sure A.C.'s around somewhere as well...

  • HarveyCanalHarveyCanal "a distraction from my main thesis." 13,234 Posts
    A politician? LIE?!?

    Maybe it's expected or whatever, but it's still troublesome every single time it happens.

    When a campaign of hope so quickly turns into a campaign of excuses, it should raise eyebrows.

    In other news, Kirb is back in Austin again. Gonna pick him up after work.

    I disagree that he's "lied" in the sense you're asserting. I do think he probably got into office, realized a lot of what he was talking about on the trail was not going to happen, and is doing what he has to do.

    We disagree on the economy, obviously.

    But moreover, I don't think the "campaign of hope" is particularly tarnished. I am still very hopeful. Precisely because I think we have the best man for the job in office. He may let me down, and I disagree with him on certain things. But I'm hopeful he'll do what's right, and that doesn't necessarily mean letting AIG burn or hanging a banker out to dry publicly. I don't pretend to know what needs to happen or what the inner-workings of this schitt are. I have confidence, though.

    Well, here's to your vision being met. I'll leave it at that for now.

  • LaserWolfLaserWolf Portland Oregon 11,517 Posts
    100 days or so into his term let's take stock.

    His plan for Iraq is now exactly the same as Bush and McCains. Not one soldier will come home one day sooner because Obama is president, and 50,000 are staying.

    The Bush tax cuts he railed against? Now he's keepin' em. Those big taxes he was going to impose on corporations? Ain't happening. And yes, he knew Dodd let those AIG bonuses slip through.

    The White House a "lobbyist free" zone? Not any more. they're all back in, having been given "special exceptions".

    Wall street is playing him like a fiddle and getting all the $$$ they ask for.

    Big change.

    Our enemies he was going to talk to? They don't want to talk to him unless he meets THEIR conditions.

    I voted for him, wanted to like him, but he's got no cojones. If he doesn't sprout some soon we're in major trouble.

    Will this save me come the Harvey Apocalypse?

    I am not massively disappointed.

    Perhaps I listen better than some.

    The simple fact that he has changed our torture policy.
    He has said waterboarding is torture and illegal.
    That means a lot to me.

    I seem to recall hearing McCain saying 100 years.
    There is no evidence that any one else would have removed so many troops so quickly.
    Of course we have not seen the test yet. When violence increases and things fall apart what will he do? I don't know.

    His appointments are far cleaner and more competent than past appointments.
    That there has been a lot of news of taxes and connections to lobbyists is the result of those things which were not looked at before being looked at now.
    That said, I don't like Geitner and Summers any better than I liked Paulson.

    He has said he wants the Bush tax cuts to expire next year, which is in line with his campaign promises. He is still on track for the middle class tax cut and campaigned on.
    I would like to hear him talk about a new tax bracket, perhaps over 2mil, that is heavily taxed. But since he never mentioned anything like that before it would be foolish to expect it now.

    As for Wall Street playing him, no surprise, he never mentioned any anti-Wall Street policies when he was running.

    Clinton has already proved herself to be a more proactive Sec o' State than the previous 2. He never promised that people would want to talk to him.

    If anyone knows of actual lies I'd like to hear them.

    So far is all I have heard is a bunch of whiners who thought he was anti-war and anti-bigbusiness because they only heard what they wanted and not what he said.
    These are same people who don't understand the roles of 3 branches of government.

  • LaserWolfLaserWolf Portland Oregon 11,517 Posts

    And to all of you looney tunes who fancy yourselves as "Progressive Liberals" you will never be happy with Obama.....quite simply because no politician in their right mind is going to promote your extreme fringe ideology.

    I could have supported a politician who promoted my fringe ideology.
    But I didn't because Kucinich is a looney tune.
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