The Obama Deception



  • HarveyCanalHarveyCanal "a distraction from my main thesis." 13,234 Posts
    Why is it that almost everyone I know who could be considered a "Conspiracy Theory Nut" has a hard time holding jobs and relationships.

    You'd think that if they were smart enough to figure out all the workings of the world that they could keep the very basic things in their life under control?

    Yeah, the divorce rate is like 70% now or some other crazy number...but yeah, it's just people who believe in "conspiracy theories" who have relationship problems.

    My "conspiracy theory nut" ex-wife and I lasted almost 15 years.

    You are simply projecting.

  • RockadelicRockadelic Out Digging 13,993 Posts
    Why is it that almost everyone I know who could be considered a "Conspiracy Theory Nut" has a hard time holding jobs and relationships.

    You'd think that if they were smart enough to figure out all the workings of the world that they could keep the very basic things in their life under control?

    Yeah, the divorce rate is like 70% now or some other crazy number...but yeah, it's just people who believe in "conspiracy theories" who have relationship problems.

    My "conspiracy theory nut" ex-wife and I lasted almost 15 years.

    You are simply projecting.

    Seriously???'re ex-wife is a conspiracy theory nut??

    That blows my projecting mind!

  • HarveyCanalHarveyCanal "a distraction from my main thesis." 13,234 Posts
    Why is it that almost everyone I know who could be considered a "Conspiracy Theory Nut" has a hard time holding jobs and relationships.

    You'd think that if they were smart enough to figure out all the workings of the world that they could keep the very basic things in their life under control?

    Yeah, the divorce rate is like 70% now or some other crazy number...but yeah, it's just people who believe in "conspiracy theories" who have relationship problems.

    My "conspiracy theory nut" ex-wife and I lasted almost 15 years.

    You are simply projecting.

    Seriously???'re ex-wife is a conspiracy theory nut??

    That blows my projecting mind!

    That's what you would likely call her. To her, she's just Haitian...i.e. from a country that has been plagued by covert US government-sponsored interference for hundreds of years. Aristide straight up got kidnapped and forced into exile by the CIA. My wife's father's home was bombed back in the late 60's causing him to go into exile. My brother-in-law is currently being detained by Homeland Security for some lame excuse of an immigration issue despite him living here in the States legally the past 40 years. Shit ain't always just peaches and cream...which seems to be the strut perspective that has everyone licking the boots of any leader labeled a Democrat. Obama is a farce, end of story.

  • I'm embarrassed to say I watched almost 2/3s of this steaming pile the other day, wasn't even worth bumping this thread to comment.

    It's a shame that it is put together so poorly -- when I spoke about it being 'convincing', it was really in reference to the last 3rd of the doc... maybe from part 6 or 7 to the end of 11.

    And yes... Jesse Ventura, Joe Rogan -- easy to dismiss, but Gerald Celente -- not so much.

  • You've gotta love the connection between Nazi eugenics, climate science, and the New World Order.

    EDIT: Sometimes I wonder if Alex Jones is being willfully deceptive, or if he really doesn't understand some of the things he's talking about. Some of the stuff in the video is on point, as pointed out by the poster above me, but a lot of it is just wrong.

  • ReynaldoReynaldo 6,054 Posts
    Watched it today on YouTube. Good but not groundbreaking.

    I liked Kymatica:

  • phatmoneysackphatmoneysack Melbourne 1,124 Posts
    What I don't get, is why aren't conspiracy theorists questioning the motives of Alex Jones.

    He could easily be a decoy, a distraction from what is really going on. If he was such a danger to the government that he says he is, why haven't they capped him yet?

  • twoplytwoply Only Built 4 Manzanita Links 2,918 Posts
    Alex Jones isn't an idiot any more than any other media sensationalist, he just works within the niche market of conspiracy theories. He is generally full of shit, though.

    Has anyone ever seen his Bohemian Grove documentary? He talks the event up as the most clandestine meeting for U.S. politicians where nefarious policies are drawn up in secret while ancient satanic rituals are performed (including, he claims, the mock-sacrifice of a human child). He spends an entire DVD building this event up and then when he finally shows the footage, it's nothing more than a glorified Disney production for a bunch of businessmen.

    Turning the mundane into the sensational is this guy's calling card and all of you who are considering taking him seriously need a reality check.

  • He's almost as good at sensationalism and twisting facts to support his ideas as Michael Moore.

  • HarveyCanalHarveyCanal "a distraction from my main thesis." 13,234 Posts
    Alex Jones isn't an idiot any more than any other media sensationalist, he just works within the niche market of conspiracy theories. He is generally full of shit, though.

    Has anyone ever seen his Bohemian Grove documentary? He talks the event up as the most clandestine meeting for U.S. politicians where nefarious policies are drawn up in secret while ancient satanic rituals are performed (including, he claims, the mock-sacrifice of a human child). He spends an entire DVD building this event up and then when he finally shows the footage, it's nothing more than a glorified Disney production for a bunch of businessmen.

    Turning the mundane into the sensational is this guy's calling card and all of you who are considering taking him seriously need a reality check.

    Alex Jones isn't an idiot any more than any other media sensationalist, he just works within the niche market of conspiracy theories. He is generally full of shit, though.

    Has anyone ever seen his Bohemian Grove documentary? He talks the event up as the most clandestine meeting for U.S. politicians where nefarious policies are drawn up in secret while ancient satanic rituals are performed (including, he claims, the mock-sacrifice of a human child). He spends an entire DVD building this event up and then when he finally shows the footage, it's nothing more than a glorified Disney production for a bunch of businessmen.

    Turning the mundane into the sensational is this guy's calling card and all of you who are considering taking him seriously need a reality check.

    You know what...F*ck YOU WITH THE QUICKNESS. The thing is that Alex Jones is sitting on information that you are merely fifteen degree short of accepting. He wants to tell you how the financial collapse has been deliberate...which is basic f*cking fact that you can barely entertain. But he'd also like to tell you how the leaders who do such things as collapse a national economy also engage in some shady ass esoteric rituals...that in the case of Bohemian Grove are symbolic, but in the case of far too many missing children that get swept under the rug are as literal as it gets...but being stuck in your consumer comforts, you simply aren't going to accept anything like that ever. Dude cares way more about you than an Obama ever could...but you've been trained to clown him instead of dealing with the realities that he presents. Obama ain't about to close Gitmo, but you believe that bullshit. But Alex Jones telling you to invest in gold instead of anything fiat related is too crazy for blockhead stuck-in-the-system you. Muthafuckas go into the shit on some how-am-I-going-to-fashion-my-reactionary-joke mode. Who cares if my 401K is now non-existant? There are conspiracy jokes to be told on the internet and that's far more important. Seriously, you quacks need to put us out our misery once and for all. F*ck YOU BITCH ASS HALF BOOTIED SOCIETY PUNKS WHO SPEND YOUR HALF WITTED DAYS GETTING TAKEN BY DUPES WHO WOULD RATHER F*ck YOU DRY THAN GIVE YOU THE TIME OF DAY. For instance, I personally met Bill Clinton back inm 92 back when his campaign was straight bullshitting about ending the war in Iraq. And I met Clinton's ace in the hole right along with him, Ron Brown. Now, where the F*ck is Ron Brown? Dead with a bullet through his skull, you bitches, that's where. You go and f*cking repair some damaged roads for less than minimum wage, you dipshit hop-along-cassidy's you. I WOULD CRACK YOUR f*ckin PAPERTHIN SKULLS RIGHT NOW IF I COULD. Some of you I just wish were here for SXSW with me being as drunk and surly as I am right now. I would still be beating you pasty chump asses after 15 cop tazes and a horse duly pounding my head into the concrete. They'd have me in the patty wagon with blood streaming from my face and I'd still land a nasty loogie right squae on the bridge of your nose. Keep hiding behind your internet, complicit muthafuckas because it's now hunting season on you. That's right, it won't be long before someone just like me shows up to your door to smash your f*cking grill in once and for all. No more gourmet meals and fancy scotches to the tune of uber-rare grooves. That's just you getting over on the rest of us who in the end you'd rather make fun of than give even two shits about. YOUR TIME IS UP, PORTLY BITCHES. Watch your whole shit get washed to sea. You won't even know what hit you...since you have your heads up so far up your asses that you hear through your ever-pubescently hard nipples. You can't handle being off the grid. You will crumble just like you do when you crack yourselves up with your clueless internet jokes. Join together even and you will fall that much quicker. You are the muthafuckas that the rest of the world hates. And they are right, you are the worst in the history of the world. Millions upon millions of years of assholes and you wind up taking the cake. You make even the wind sick with your pompous arrogance. DIE SLOW WALKING PIG FAT, DIE SLOW!

  • nzshadownzshadow 5,526 Posts

    You know what...F*ck YOU WITH THE QUICKNESS. The thing is that Alex Jones is sitting on information that you are merely fifteen degree short of accepting. He wants to tell you how the financial collapse has been deliberate...which is basic f*cking fact that you can barely entertain. But he'd also like to tell you how the leaders who do such things as collapse a national economy also engage in some shady ass esoteric rituals...that in the case of Bohemian Grove are symbolic, but in the case of far too many missing children that get swept under the rug are as literal as it gets...but being stuck in your consumer comforts, you simply aren't going to accept anything like that ever. Dude cares way more about you than an Obama ever could...but you've been trained to clown him instead of dealing with the realities that he presents. Obama ain't about to close Gitmo, but you believe that bullshit. But Alex Jones telling you to invest in gold instead of anything fiat related is too crazy for blockhead stuck-in-the-system you. Muthafuckas go into the shit on some how-am-I-going-to-fashion-my-reactionary-joke mode. Who cares if my 401K is now non-existant? There are conspiracy jokes to be told on the internet and that's far more important. Seriously, you quacks need to put us out our misery once and for all. F*ck YOU BITCH ASS HALF BOOTIED SOCIETY PUNKS WHO SPEND YOUR HALF WITTED DAYS GETTING TAKEN BY DUPES WHO WOULD RATHER F*ck YOU DRY THAN GIVE YOU THE TIME OF DAY. For instance, I personally met Bill Clinton back inm 92 back when his campaign was straight bullshitting about ending the war in Iraq. And I met Clinton's ace in the hole right along with him, Ron Brown. Now, where the F*ck is Ron Brown? Dead with a bullet through his skull, you bitches, that's where. You go and f*cking repair some damaged roads for less than minimum wage, you dipshit hop-along-cassidy's you. I WOULD CRACK YOUR f*ckin PAPERTHIN SKULLS RIGHT NOW IF I COULD. Some of you I just wish were here for SXSW with me being as drunk and surly as I am right now. I would still be beating you pasty chump asses after 15 cop tazes and a horse duly pounding my head into the concrete. They'd have me in the patty wagon with blood streaming from my face and I'd still land a nasty loogie right squae on the bridge of your nose. Keep hiding behind your internet, complicit muthafuckas because it's now hunting season on you. That's right, it won't be long before someone just like me shows up to your door to smash your f*cking grill in once and for all. No more gourmet meals and fancy scotches to the tune of uber-rare grooves. That's just you getting over on the rest of us who in the end you'd rather make fun of than give even two shits about. YOUR TIME IS UP, PORTLY BITCHES. Watch your whole shit get washed to sea. You won't even know what hit you...since you have your heads up so far up your asses that you hear through your ever-pubescently hard nipples. You can't handle being off the grid. You will crumble just like you do when you crack yourselves up with your clueless internet jokes. Join together even and you will fall that much quicker. You are the muthafuckas that the rest of the world hates. And they are right, you are the worst in the history of the world. Millions upon millions of years of assholes and you wind up taking the cake. You make even the wind sick with your pompous arrogance. DIE SLOW WALKING PIG FAT, DIE SLOW!

    You know what...F*ck YOU WITH THE QUICKNESS. The thing is that Alex Jones is sitting on information that you are merely fifteen degree short of accepting. He wants to tell you how the financial collapse has been deliberate...which is basic f*cking fact that you can barely entertain. But he'd also like to tell you how the leaders who do such things as collapse a national economy also engage in some shady ass esoteric rituals...that in the case of Bohemian Grove are symbolic, but in the case of far too many missing children that get swept under the rug are as literal as it gets...but being stuck in your consumer comforts, you simply aren't going to accept anything like that ever. Dude cares way more about you than an Obama ever could...but you've been trained to clown him instead of dealing with the realities that he presents. Obama ain't about to close Gitmo, but you believe that bullshit. But Alex Jones telling you to invest in gold instead of anything fiat related is too crazy for blockhead stuck-in-the-system you. Muthafuckas go into the shit on some how-am-I-going-to-fashion-my-reactionary-joke mode. Who cares if my 401K is now non-existant? There are conspiracy jokes to be told on the internet and that's far more important. Seriously, you quacks need to put us out our misery once and for all. F*ck YOU BITCH ASS HALF BOOTIED SOCIETY PUNKS WHO SPEND YOUR HALF WITTED DAYS GETTING TAKEN BY DUPES WHO WOULD RATHER F*ck YOU DRY THAN GIVE YOU THE TIME OF DAY. For instance, I personally met Bill Clinton back inm 92 back when his campaign was straight bullshitting about ending the war in Iraq. And I met Clinton's ace in the hole right along with him, Ron Brown. Now, where the F*ck is Ron Brown? Dead with a bullet through his skull, you bitches, that's where. You go and f*cking repair some damaged roads for less than minimum wage, you dipshit hop-along-cassidy's you. I WOULD CRACK YOUR f*ckin PAPERTHIN SKULLS RIGHT NOW IF I COULD. Some of you I just wish were here for SXSW with me being as drunk and surly as I am right now. I would still be beating you pasty chump asses after 15 cop tazes and a horse duly pounding my head into the concrete. They'd have me in the patty wagon with blood streaming from my face and I'd still land a nasty loogie right squae on the bridge of your nose. Keep hiding behind your internet, complicit muthafuckas because it's now hunting season on you. That's right, it won't be long before someone just like me shows up to your door to smash your f*cking grill in once and for all. No more gourmet meals and fancy scotches to the tune of uber-rare grooves. That's just you getting over on the rest of us who in the end you'd rather make fun of than give even two shits about. YOUR TIME IS UP, PORTLY BITCHES. Watch your whole shit get washed to sea. You won't even know what hit you...since you have your heads up so far up your asses that you hear through your ever-pubescently hard nipples. You can't handle being off the grid. You will crumble just like you do when you crack yourselves up with your clueless internet jokes. Join together even and you will fall that much quicker. You are the muthafuckas that the rest of the world hates. And they are right, you are the worst in the history of the world. Millions upon millions of years of assholes and you wind up taking the cake. You make even the wind sick with your pompous arrogance. DIE SLOW WALKING PIG FAT, DIE SLOW!

    You know what...F*ck YOU WITH THE QUICKNESS. The thing is that Alex Jones is sitting on information that you are merely fifteen degree short of accepting. He wants to tell you how the financial collapse has been deliberate...which is basic f*cking fact that you can barely entertain. But he'd also like to tell you how the leaders who do such things as collapse a national economy also engage in some shady ass esoteric rituals...that in the case of Bohemian Grove are symbolic, but in the case of far too many missing children that get swept under the rug are as literal as it gets...but being stuck in your consumer comforts, you simply aren't going to accept anything like that ever. Dude cares way more about you than an Obama ever could...but you've been trained to clown him instead of dealing with the realities that he presents. Obama ain't about to close Gitmo, but you believe that bullshit. But Alex Jones telling you to invest in gold instead of anything fiat related is too crazy for blockhead stuck-in-the-system you. Muthafuckas go into the shit on some how-am-I-going-to-fashion-my-reactionary-joke mode. Who cares if my 401K is now non-existant? There are con spiracy jokes to be told on the internet and that's far more important. Seriously, you quacks need to put us out our misery once and for all. F*ck YOU BITCH ASS HALF BOOTIED SOCIETY PUNKS WHO SPEND YOUR HALF WITTED DAYS GETTING TAKEN BY DUPES WHO WOULD RATHER F*ck YOU DRY THAN GIVE YOU THE TIME OF DAY. For instance, I personally met Bill Clinton back inm 92 back when his campaign was straight bullshitting about ending the war in Iraq. And I met Clinton's ace in the hole right along with him, Ron Brown. Now, where the F*ck is Ron Brown? Dead with a bullet through his skull, you bitches, that's where. You go and f*cking repair some damaged roads for less than minimum wage, you dipshit hop-along-cassidy's you. I WOULD CRACK YOUR f*ckin PAPERTHIN SKULLS RIGHT NOW IF I COULD. Some of you I just wish were here for SXSW with me being as drunk and surly as I am right now. I would still be beating you pasty chump asses after 15 cop tazes and a horse duly pounding my head into the concrete. They'd have me in the patty wagon with blood streaming from my face and I'd still land a nasty loogie right squae on the bridge of your nose. Keep hiding behind your internet, complicit muthafuckas because it's now hunting season on you. That's right, it won't be long before someone just like me shows up to your door to smash your f*cking grill in once and for all. No more gourmet meals and fancy scotches to the tune of uber-rare grooves. That's just you getting over on the rest of us who in the end you'd rather make fun of than give even two shits about. YOUR TIME IS UP, PORTLY BITCHES. Watch your whole shit get washed to sea. You won't even know what hit you...since you have your heads up so far up your asses that you hear through your ever-pubescently hard nipples. You can't handle being off the grid. You will crumble just like you do when you crack yourselves up with your clueless internet jokes. Join together even and you will fall that much quicker. You are the muthafuckas that the rest of the world hates. And they are right, you are the worst in the history of the world. Millions upon millions of years of assholes and you wind up taking the cake. You make even the wind sick with your pompous arrogance. DIE SLOW WALKING PIG FAT, DIE SLOW!

  • Holy Shit! This is amazing.

  • Holy Shit! This is completely f*cking batshit insane.[/b]

  • HarveyCanal > Soulstrut today!

  • You can take away my fancy meals and maybe even my rare, but don't F*ck with my scotch.

  • RockadelicRockadelic Out Digging 13,993 Posts
    Alex Jones = Rush Limbaugh for the Art Bell crowd

  • RockadelicRockadelic Out Digging 13,993 Posts
    And being the 8th bill on a second tier SXSW Hip-Hop show is pretty much "off the grid"

  • GnatGnat 1,183 Posts
    "You will crumble just like you do when you crack yourselves up with your clueless internet jokes."

    This has a nice ring to it.

    Harvey, you seem like you might have kept this post in your browser and then hit the refresh button for 48 hours straight. I'm not saying you're a reactionary, I just wonder what do you do for the world save b#$ch a lot and consistently describe your somewhat paranoid mind-netherworld?

  • twoplytwoply Only Built 4 Manzanita Links 2,918 Posts
    The best part is that I'm probably next in line after Harvey in terms of not buying the Obama hype. My thoughts on societal issues are often in line with him, too, however I'm more likely to see human-like behavior as a product of being human, rather than being brought on by lizards.

  • HorseleechHorseleech 3,830 Posts
    100 days or so into his term let's take stock.

    His plan for Iraq is now exactly the same as Bush and McCains. Not one soldier will come home one day sooner because Obama is president, and 50,000 are staying.

    The Bush tax cuts he railed against? Now he's keepin' em. Those big taxes he was going to impose on corporations? Ain't happening. And yes, he knew Dodd let those AIG bonuses slip through.

    The White House a "lobbyist free" zone? Not any more. they're all back in, having been given "special exceptions".

    Wall street is playing him like a fiddle and getting all the $$$ they ask for.

    Big change.

    Our enemies he was going to talk to? They don't want to talk to him unless he meets THEIR conditions.

    I voted for him, wanted to like him, but he's got no cojones. If he doesn't sprout some soon we're in major trouble.

    Will this save me come the Harvey Apocalypse?

  • GnatGnat 1,183 Posts
    I am profoundly disappointed by SoulStrut with regards to politics.

    Harvey, and may of you, are more guilty than the worst kind of hipster: the pseudo educated with a Bachelor's that has NEVER applied him/herself towards a job with social consciousness.

    Harvey, your written criticism is about as worthwhile as wholeheartedly believing that you have any sort of definitive answer right now. I admire your courage but think you are sometimes a little retarded.

    Stop writing blogs and man & woman up. It's time that we work together collectively.

    Coffee < Private Mind garden.

  • HorseleechHorseleech 3,830 Posts
    Sorry I'm a profound disappointment.

    Well, actually, I couldn't care less.

    But I am curious - Are you happy with the things I mentioned in my post? Is that what you voted for? Is that
    what you consider change?

    What WOULD it take for you to walk out on the honeymoon?

  • DuderonomyDuderonomy Haut de la Garenne 7,807 Posts
    embed id="VideoPlayback" src="" style="width:400px;height:326px"

  • DB_CooperDB_Cooper Manhatin' 7,823 Posts
    I am profoundly disappointed by SoulStrut with regards to politics.

    Harvey, and may of you, are more guilty than the worst kind of hipster: the pseudo educated with a Bachelor's that has NEVER applied him/herself towards a job with social consciousness.

    I can proudly say this does not apply to me at all.

  • What did you guys really think was going to happen w/regard to Obama?

    Dude was gonna roll into Washington, hire Earth Wind & Fire to play in his living room (wait... he did do that), kick the bums out, pistol whip the heads of congress, snarl like vintage Ice Cube, step out to the podium and say "Oh yeah... it ain't over motherfuckers."?

    He is a politician. A president of the United States. Shit is business. As. Usual.

    I vastly preferred him to the other candidates, so he got my vote. Simple as that. If shit goes bad, and there's someone else that seems like they might be able to fix it, they'll get my vote the next time.

    Dudes are acting like jilted lovers. "But... he said that... he'd change! And now he's back drinking again, lying, and coming home at all hours smelling of some other woman's perfume!"

  • Birdman9Birdman9 5,417 Posts
    What did you guys really think was going to happen w/regard to Obama?

    Dude was gonna roll into Washington, hire Earth Wind & Fire to play in his living room (wait... he did do that), kick the bums out, pistol whip the heads of congress, snarl like vintage Ice Cube, step out to the podium and say "Oh yeah... it ain't over motherfuckers."?

    He is a politician. A president of the United States. Shit is business. As. Usual.

    I vastly preferred him to the other candidates, so he got my vote. Simple as that. If shit goes bad, and there's someone else that seems like they might be able to fix it, they'll get my vote the next time.

    Dudes are acting like jilted lovers. "But... he said that... he'd change! And now he's back drinking again, lying, and coming home at all hours smelling of some other woman's perfume!"

    Thank you for voicing what I was about to post, Paychex. Lots of people out here like to point out what should happen seemingly overnight, knowing that's impossible, but calling everyone else naive/irresponsible/synchophantic. Bullshit. I will never agree with any administration 100% and don't expect to, but you knuckleheads that are so quick with the I-told-you-so's are lumps in the way of any option, it won't matter what, it will always be wrong. As my good friend Harvey says, good luck with that.

  • RockadelicRockadelic Out Digging 13,993 Posts
    What did you guys really think was going to happen w/regard to Obama?

    Dude was gonna roll into Washington, hire Earth Wind & Fire to play in his living room (wait... he did do that), kick the bums out, pistol whip the heads of congress, snarl like vintage Ice Cube, step out to the podium and say "Oh yeah... it ain't over motherfuckers."?

    He is a politician. A president of the United States. Shit is business. As. Usual.

    I vastly preferred him to the other candidates, so he got my vote. Simple as that. If shit goes bad, and there's someone else that seems like they might be able to fix it, they'll get my vote the next time.

    Dudes are acting like jilted lovers. "But... he said that... he'd change! And now he's back drinking again, lying, and coming home at all hours smelling of some other woman's perfume!"


    And to all of you looney tunes who fancy yourselves as "Progressive Liberals" you will never be happy with Obama.....quite simply because no politician in their right mind is going to promote your extreme fringe ideology......and if you believed otherwise you were either duped, ignorant or both. Thankfully very few sane people think a financial crash would be a good thing because it would make people grow their own vegetables.

    Let the waaamulances commence rolling.

  • HarveyCanalHarveyCanal "a distraction from my main thesis." 13,234 Posts
    What did you guys really think was going to happen w/regard to Obama?

    Dude was gonna roll into Washington, hire Earth Wind & Fire to play in his living room (wait... he did do that), kick the bums out, pistol whip the heads of congress, snarl like vintage Ice Cube, step out to the podium and say "Oh yeah... it ain't over motherfuckers."?

    He is a politician. A president of the United States. Shit is business. As. Usual.

    I vastly preferred him to the other candidates, so he got my vote. Simple as that. If shit goes bad, and there's someone else that seems like they might be able to fix it, they'll get my vote the next time.

    Dudes are acting like jilted lovers. "But... he said that... he'd change! And now he's back drinking again, lying, and coming home at all hours smelling of some other woman's perfume!"

    HE LIED.

  • A politician? LIE?!?

  • HarveyCanalHarveyCanal "a distraction from my main thesis." 13,234 Posts
    A politician? LIE?!?

    Maybe it's expected or whatever, but it's still troublesome every single time it happens.

    When a campaign of hope so quickly turns into a campaign of excuses, it should raise eyebrows.

    In other news, Kirb is back in Austin again. Gonna pick him up after work.
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