MODERN ROCK... school me.



  • bull_oxbull_ox 5,056 Posts
    you guys are snobs

    nah, like I said... I try listening to new bands... I WANT them to be good...

    all I ask is for them to not be completely shitty, and so very few make it past that cut to ones that I consider being 'good'

    bottom line: if you're familiar with the best rock of the 50s-90s then about 1 in 80000 bands today is maybe worth a damn

  • The latest JAPANTHER record is fucking great... there's even a hip hop track that samples Aceyalone...

  • BrianBrian 7,618 Posts
    you guys are snobs
    If I'm a snob for not liking whiny emo shit, then so be it.

  • is Kings of Leon that video with the people in the background pausing, pretending to be frozen and shit?

  • parsecparsec 5,087 Posts
    Kings of Leon sound like the Strokes but with Eddie Vedder/Creed type vocals, really awful if you ask me.

  • Jonny_PaycheckJonny_Paycheck 17,825 Posts
    you guys are snobs
    If I'm a snob for not liking whiny emo shit, then so be it.

    Remember who you are talking to....

  • alieNDNalieNDN 2,181 Posts
    how come noone ever talks about the manic street preachers besides uk drunkards? they are a great band with an insane amount of good songs and intriguing lyrics. its not like they're underground either, so what gives?

  • BrianBrian 7,618 Posts
    I like some of their stuff but haven't listened to them in years. I honestly can't even come up with any titles or anything, but they had some good tracks.

  • DocMcCoyDocMcCoy "Go and laugh in your own country!" 5,917 Posts
    US: Queens Of The Stone Age - unfuckwittable.
    UK: Nine Black Alps - some people pin these cats as grunge revivalists, but most of that shit passed me by, so I could care less. A lot of the time they sound like an amped-up Elliott Smith to me.

    Kings Of Leon are a little hit-and-miss on record, but they're a good live act.

  • DocMcCoyDocMcCoy "Go and laugh in your own country!" 5,917 Posts
    Who's going to be the first one to sample that White Stripes "My Doorbell" braek? Are my ears fooling me or does that new Gorillaz song use the bass from Cake's "Never There"? Velvet Revolver is pretty good

    Better still, loop that Five Staristeps break under it. It'd be a big improvement on Meg White's "recovering stroke patient wearing handcuffs and boxing gloves" style of drumming.

  • BrianBrian 7,618 Posts
    you guys are snobs
    If I'm a snob for not liking whiny emo shit, then so be it.

    Remember who you are talking to....
    I honestly cannot find any merit in this new "emo" music. You have (here we go with generalizations!) little white kids from the suburbs who listen to that shit because it's "OMG SOMEONE REALLY UNDERSTANDS MY PROBLEMS" when the only problem they've had in their lives is mommy and daddy not buying them a new car or Suzy dumping them because she was sick of dating a whiny shithead.

    I'm going to go off on a Guzzo-like tanget here, but I think that with the popularity of this kind of music, along with online journals, will create a new generation of youth that is completely self-centered, selfish, and basically on some "woe is me" shit. Kids listen to this shit and go "omg they so know my problems", post on their online journal that their "e-friends" read, and basically just dwell on their ever so important problems that would be a fucking paradise for someone in a third world country. Yeah, there's that whole teenage angst thing, but shit like this reinforces things and doesn't really let people grow out of it.

    sorry for the rant, kinda bored at work.

  • mandrewmandrew 2,720 Posts
    you guys are snobs
    If I'm a snob for not liking whiny emo shit, then so be it.

    Remember who you are talking to....
    I honestly cannot find any merit in this new "emo" music. You have (here we go with generalizations!) little white kids from the suburbs who listen to that shit because it's "OMG SOMEONE REALLY UNDERSTANDS MY PROBLEMS" when the only problem they've had in their lives is mommy and daddy not buying them a new car or Suzy dumping them because she was sick of dating a whiny shithead.

    I'm going to go off on a Guzzo-like tanget here, but I think that with the popularity of this kind of music, along with online journals, will create a new generation of youth that is completely self-centered, selfish, and basically on some "woe is me" shit. Kids listen to this shit and go "omg they so know my problems", post on their online journal that their "e-friends" read, and basically just dwell on their ever so important problems that would be a fucking paradise for someone in a third world country. Yeah, there's that whole teenage angst thing, but shit like this reinforces things and doesn't really let people grow out of it.

    sorry for the rant, kinda bored at work.

    this is the stupidest shit i've ever heard.

  • BrianBrian 7,618 Posts

  • alieNDNalieNDN 2,181 Posts
    you guys are snobs
    If I'm a snob for not liking whiny emo shit, then so be it.

    Remember who you are talking to....
    I honestly cannot find any merit in this new "emo" music. You have (here we go with generalizations!) little white kids from the suburbs who listen to that shit because it's "OMG SOMEONE REALLY UNDERSTANDS MY PROBLEMS" when the only problem they've had in their lives is mommy and daddy not buying them a new car or Suzy dumping them because she was sick of dating a whiny shithead.

    I'm going to go off on a Guzzo-like tanget here, but I think that with the popularity of this kind of music, along with online journals, will create a new generation of youth that is completely self-centered, selfish, and basically on some "woe is me" shit. Kids listen to this shit and go "omg they so know my problems", post on their online journal that their "e-friends" read, and basically just dwell on their ever so important problems that would be a fucking paradise for someone in a third world country. Yeah, there's that whole teenage angst thing, but shit like this reinforces things and doesn't really let people grow out of it.

    sorry for the rant, kinda bored at work.

    you can't really base a musical genre on its lyrics...if that was the case, i wouldnt be listening to 96.75% of the music i listen to right now. but besides weezer, emo sucks

  • ElectrodeElectrode Los Angeles 3,091 Posts
    It'd be a big improvement on Meg White's "recovering stroke patient wearing handcuffs and boxing gloves" style of drumming.

    I saw her playing on Conan Obrien several months back and I noticed he exact same thing. Not that I have the ability to outdo her or anything, but she comes off as very stiff.

  • p_gunnp_gunn 2,284 Posts
    but besides weezer, emo sucks

  • DocMcCoyDocMcCoy "Go and laugh in your own country!" 5,917 Posts
    It'd be a big improvement on Meg White's "recovering stroke patient wearing handcuffs and boxing gloves" style of drumming.

    I saw her playing on Conan Obrien several months back and I noticed he exact same thing. Not that I have the ability to outdo her or anything, but she comes off as very stiff.

    Bottom line is she can't keep time. Jack White can argue all he likes about how her drumming is all part of the "concept", and the critics can argue all they like about how it represents the raw, primal power of rock & roll or whatever. All I know is that her playing makes me wince.

  • god damn you guys are some hatters....kings of leon arent bad at all....not the tits or anything but they have some tracks i for sounding like "creed/pearl jam", i dont think thats a valid comparison at all...sometimes the singer sounds semi-jamaican or something to me...definitely not wailing on the level of creed/vedder..if you are bored with hip-hop and have an open mind, sit down and absorb some modern rock offerings...alot of these albums i had to spend some time with before i was able to enjoy them at all..getting used to loud/screamy/whiney rock singers after listening to anything much more mellow can be an obstacle..but still..

    i liked all of these alot in the past year/few--

    air-talkie walkie

    bloc party-silent alarm

    blonde redhead-misery is a butterfly + in an expression of the inexpressible

    broken social scene-you forgot it in people

    manitoba/caribou-"up in flames" and "the milk of human kindness"

    dungen-ta det lungt (i really think so many people on this board would be into this)

    interpol-turn on the bright lights...the 2nd album did nothing for me though

    lcd soundsystem-s/t

    maximo park- a certain trigger

    the strokes-both albums, regardless of who they jocked or who their fans are, these are solid albums through and through...

  • SPlDEYSPlDEY Vegas 3,375 Posts
    Wow.. for a board with SO much musical knowledge. I thought I'd get schooled in this department, but you guys barely touched the surface. There's better stuff then Emo and Indie around.

    My favorite bands of right now are:

    The Giallos Flame - Fucking hot Italian 70's vibe. Influences, Can, Simonetti, Goblin, Fabio Frizzi.

    The Mars Volta - I followed this band since Tremulant. Jon Theodore is an incredible drummer. They can get a bit pretentious and proggy, but when they're hot it's incredible. Deloused in the comatorium is perfect to me start to finish even with the polishy Rick Rubin production. They also put out a good live show with DJ NOBODY spinning before and after sometimes.

    Acid Mothers Temple - Completely ignored Psych Madness. 10 years worth.

    Blonde Redhead - They have some damn good songs under there belt. For a taste of the bands diversity check out there cover of Serge Gainsbourgs, "Le Chanson de slogan."

    Broken Social Scene - My favorite indie rock comes out of Canada. Can't wait to hear the new album.

    DUNGEN/Paatos - Some swedish prog nastiness. Might not want to bump this around your gullier friends. Check out the track Reality from Killocain. And the whole Ta det Lungen album.

    Behold the arctopus - Less Musical. More Noise, but if you're into Slayer and Hella style devil worshipping sessions. Maybe it's worth a listen. Even the hardcore fans don't know much about this.

    Tom Waits - Thats right the new album starts off with Tom waits beatboxing. He's a living legend in my book. Check out the second track with fuzzed out spanish guitar courtesy of Marc Ribot.

    Jaga Jazzist - Well composed Guitar led jazz/rock band. Definitely interesting Headphone stuff.

    Les savy fav - Too bad they're on hiatus. Definitely the most fun I've had at a live show. I saw em a year ago and they covered A-ha's Take on me and Outkast's Hey Ya. Definitely the best Dance rock band.

    there's more, but i'm lazy..

    - spidey

  • SPlDEYSPlDEY Vegas 3,375 Posts
    god damn you guys are some hatters....

    You must've typed this while I was typing mine.


    Isn't really rock.

    - spidey

  • mordecaimordecai 2,204 Posts
    The Evens may fall into the pop category, but they are pretty good in my book.

    my friend gave me a chino horde record and its alright.

    feel me?

  • ShingalingShingaling 877 Posts
    Best modern rock band IMO is the Reigning Sound.

    All these new garage revival bands give it up to these guys. They were a Memphis band until the front man moved to Ashville,NC and did a line-up change.
    Ask Jack White...Greg Cartwright from the Reigning Sound or the historical Oblivians was doing what Jack is doing now in the 80's. Hell, the Hives were asked who they wanted to tour with and you guessed it, it was these guys.

    Lefty Greg at work!
    Greg's former band mate and my neighbor Jack Oblivian sold Jack White that red Jaguar guitar you see in all the videos.
    Also, I might add that being a great new band would mainly come from what older music you listen to. Greg's knowledge/collection of records is the most impressive I've yet to incounter. Dude use to have a record store here...I miss those days...most of my heat came from there.
    (NOTE)This band does not suck like most modern garage bands. They even do Stax Covers!

    My 2 cents.

  • SPlDEYSPlDEY Vegas 3,375 Posts
    Your next door neighbor is fucking Jack Oblivian from the Oblivions? Wow.

    - spidey

  • SwayzeSwayze 14,705 Posts
    I like some stuff that's been mentioned.

    Blonde Redhead, Dungen, etc...

    Mogwai is getting old i guess but i still love a lot of their stuff. Last two albums were kind meh tho...

    I like Sigur R??s as well.

    And i like this one tune too,

    Dwayne Sodahberk - Bird

    Love those drums...

    On a maybe more "hardcore" tip i like Converge, Dillinger Escape Plan, Sunn o))) and a few others...

    All these Strokes, Hives, blah blah bullshit bands wear me out tho. (no ayo)

  • manitoba/caribou

    Isn't really rock.

    hrmm the early manitoba stuff was definitely blazing downtempo/glitch shit but "up in flames" and "the milk of human kindness" are definitely psych/pop/rock albums with the prior stylings thrown in here and there. do you disagree?

  • p_gunnp_gunn 2,284 Posts


    don't make me say it 3 times...

  • imho, the strokes do not belong in that lumped category that houses the hives/vines/white stripes, etc. i don't think they really sound anything like those bands. i think they are much more refined, less punky, and generally just write rock solid pop tunes. i've also listened to both albums a few hundred times, so i'm partial or something. i can also see how they may appeal to doods in their 20's moreso than the grown/sexy/matured/settled crowd.

  • some of y'all have seriously fucking suspect taste but that doesn't make people haters

    i thought 'modern rock' was a mid 90s radio station designation to describe bands like live and seven mary three and shit to make it ok for men in sweatshorts who live in condominiums and use a stairmaster.

    'i only listen to hip-hop what are some good bands who play music'

  • ElectrodeElectrode Los Angeles 3,091 Posts
    Will you get rid of that avatar already?

  • SPlDEYSPlDEY Vegas 3,375 Posts
    hrmm the early manitoba stuff was definitely blazing downtempo/glitch shit but "up in flames" and "the milk of human kindness" are definitely psych/pop/rock albums with the prior stylings thrown in here and there. do you disagree?

    Go check out the live show, and Count the guitar players. I'm sorry I just hear really creative downtempo.

    - spidey
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