some skate video with SFKnights as the soundtrack was on the front page of Digg the other day, a lot of the comments showed a lot of love for that song th*s.
As far as moving down there - it has crossed my mind numerous times. Growing up in LA exposed to gangs, drugs and violent crime is cool if you plan on becoming a professional rap man like i did when i was a kid but i don't know if i necessarily want the same future for my own kids. Looking back on my life i have had a whole lot of good luck and people sacrificing on my behalf for me to be where i am. It scares me that in this city wrong place/wrong time ends a whole lot for people.
So, yeah, moving to Perth has crossed my mind alot.
Voterized from S??o Paulo. The guy who manages the hostel I'm at right now lived in Australia for a few years and told me the craziest stories about his time there (in a good way), definately rising on my list of places to travel to.
Perth is okay if you like bogans on meth driving masaratis. Perth housing prices tripled in the three to five years before last October, and now all those mechanics and truck drivers who made $500,000 a year working in the mines are going to be laid off and realise that they maybe shouldn't have blown their dough on Maybachs and meth. There???s gonna be some depression. Pretty city nonetheless.
I personally recommend Melbourne, and the north side of Melbourne at that.
just voted through the entirety of the video, don't know how many that was, at least 50+, but it's still at two. get clicking people. It's all going to come down to a Friday click fest.
Why do I keep thinking I was going to see a "I'm Lovin' It" logo appear? Bootleg Taz and a fatter Cool-Kid acting f*cking real suspect, god I hate L.A. sometimes.
I don't know, but I'd like to get meta and do a video that's "I'm so hipsta" where I rap about how many scarves I got, how limited-edition my fitted is, and how many times a year I fly to Japan just to buy shoes.
Been at #2 for a minute know. I'm waiting on the photo finish... [click-click-click-click]
who is voting for yak ballz???? ive been clicking for the last 5 minutes and puts is still #2. yak ballz must have some serious message board support out there.
thats pretty cool.
i voted a lot btw.
As far as moving down there - it has crossed my mind numerous times. Growing up in LA exposed to gangs, drugs and violent crime is cool if you plan on becoming a professional rap man like i did when i was a kid but i don't know if i necessarily want the same future for my own kids. Looking back on my life i have had a whole lot of good luck and people sacrificing on my behalf for me to be where i am. It scares me that in this city wrong place/wrong time ends a whole lot for people.
So, yeah, moving to Perth has crossed my mind alot.
perth?? say whaaaaa?? the bikies are pretty crazy over hear!
"off into the mainstream they go.....
sad but they'll do what they can to put bucks in they hand."
I personally recommend Melbourne, and the north side of Melbourne at that.
i voted about seven times.
Why do I keep thinking I was going to see a "I'm Lovin' It" logo appear? Bootleg Taz and a fatter Cool-Kid acting f*cking real suspect, god I hate L.A. sometimes.
I don't know, but I'd like to get meta and do a video that's "I'm so hipsta" where I rap about how many scarves I got, how limited-edition my fitted is, and how many times a year I fly to Japan just to buy shoes.
who is voting for yak ballz???? ive been clicking for the last 5 minutes and puts is still #2. yak ballz must have some serious message board support out there.
anyways hope PUTS wins.
I've been running something for you guyz and I'm up to about 1500 votes so far and you haven't moved from #2.