The new LOST thread



  • mannybolonemannybolone Los Angeles, CA 15,025 Posts
    I might be ing on this but have you guys seen this? It's pretty right on.

    Makes way too many huge leaps in assumptions, without which, the theory falls apart. For example - the idea that the Smoke Machine is some kind of "corrective" device to enforce a timeline doesn't bear up to any of the examples of how the time machine has functioned in the show thus far.

  • corsiccorsic oakland, ca 232 Posts
    yeah, not saying it holds all the answers, just thought it's pretty interesting - if only due to the fact that the dude had to sit and think about all of this shit. And, though there are a lot of assumptions they still could be valid, just sayin.

    Also, I'm going with the homage to Charlie, rather than him being Desmond's song - cause that would mean Penny would have to be traveling with Desmond on the timeline.

    Is it Wednesday yet?

  • JuniorJunior 4,853 Posts
    Do they have to play that "Revelation" sound (the reverse siren noise) every single time Faraday's mum comes on screen?

  • I liked the tasteful/simple bright light winced face time changes of past episodes. In the this last episode the time changes turned into comical acid trips.

  • corsiccorsic oakland, ca 232 Posts
    The lady and I have located two major points in which characters minds were blown/heads exploded (beyond normal everyday occurrences of living on a mysterious island that disappears, etc.). The first being when it is revealed to Jack that Claire is his sister. The second being when Rousseau reveals to Jin that it is her, only in 1988(?).

    I want to find out more about what Faraday's deal is, how he was the one that told Charlotte not to come back to the island. And, if that was him, why didn't he do anything about her coming back? I mean, it's obvious he's able to travel through time but there's got to be more than that.

    Also, I want to know what's up with all the ancient ruins on the island, like where the smoke monster lives and stuff, and the giant foot with four toes. Anyway, just thinking out loud, nothing profound to say.

  • I want to find out more about what Faraday's deal is, how he was the one that told Charlotte not to come back to the island. And, if that was him, why didn't he do anything about her coming back? I mean, it's obvious he's able to travel through time but there's got to be more than that.

    there are rules to time travel! Rules! This ain't no Marty McFly shit. There are rules!

    At first it seemed like Charlotte was saying that Faraday was a mean man who told her never to come back, but maybe it's really Faraday knowing that she will die if she returns to the island (because he saw her die in the future) and he was just trying to prevent her from coming back and the only way to do it was to be mean. I can't imagine a grown up telling a kid not to come back to this island because they will die and the kid not seeing him as a mean old man. Maybe Faraday is on some evil shit, but it might also just be that he was truly trying to warn her and the only effective way was to be creepy. Who knows.

    The wobbly wheel was kind of lame.

    It was interesting that the smoke monster turns people evil. Could this also play into the existence of the others and Rouseau's aversion to them? Have they all been affected by the smoke monsters and she knows that they are evil because of it. And how are they going to explain the smoke monster? I want some answers on what it is and how it came to be.

    and will we learn how Ben took on Alex as his daughter?

  • ketanketan Warmly booming riffs 3,129 Posts
    RE: Faraday and Charlotte

    that was such a corny death bed scene, but the Charlotte actress does the stunned agony thing really well and the revelations were good.

    it sounds like, in some future episode, Faraday will end up in the past, see the young Charlotte, and tell her that once she leaves the island to never come back, else she will die. which is strange, because as far as I understand time travel in fiction (ha!) you're not supposed to try to change anyone's destiny in case it leads to radically different future outcomes, including your own sudden non-existence (?!), etc...but maybe that's just a reflection of how much he loves her, doggonnit!

    this theory has me interested:

    to the point that i've actually started reading this casually:,M1

    (i am not a nerd.)

  • Anybody else think last night's show was a waste of an episode?

  • I think the plane ride at the end and Jin showing up in his Dharma Initiative get up made up for it.

    "Where not going to Guam are we?"

  • corsiccorsic oakland, ca 232 Posts
    I wouldn't say it was a waste of time, but I felt like they got to the island too easily. Just seemed like it should be harder - or at least something more gnarly should have happened. I was expecting them to at least spend another episode trying to get people together for the plane ride.

    Hopefully this means that this was just a set up episode and they got a lot of shit to address now that they're on the island.

    My biq questions are:

    what the F*ck happened to Ben? Lookin all beat up and shit. Did he kill Penny, like he "promised" Charles Widmore. Cause if he did, then you know Desmond's coming back to the island.

    and where did Sun, Sayid, and Ben end up when they "landed" on the island?

    and, is Locke now going to take the place of Jack's dad on the island since he was in the place of him on the plane?

    Hopefully next week delivers more.

  • Lots and lots of questions. That's why I'm not mad.


    What did Sayid do?

    How did Hurley get there? Last time we saw him he was surrendering to the cops.

    What made Kate change her mind?

    How did the pilot end up piloting THAT plane?

    And, who was that dude who said "my condolences" to Jack? Holmes is up to something.

    I thought getting back to the island would be easier. Wasn't Ben able to get off and on the island before? He didn't have to jump on a plane and have it crash every time he got on the island did he? Remember the submarine that Locke blew up?

  • mannybolonemannybolone Los Angeles, CA 15,025 Posts
    This week was, by far, the worst episode this season (in an otherwise pretty strong season).

    Less Jack and Kate. More Miles and Farady.

  • mylatencymylatency 10,475 Posts
    This week was, by far, the worst episode this season (in an otherwise pretty strong season).

    Less Jack and Kate. More Miles and Farady.

    so you're a "SKater" O, not a "Jater?" lulz

    I was feelin the episode, it was feelgood as fuk but that was kinda dope
    more Eloise Hawking voodoo time travel magic should have went down
    with all that Dharma computational gear and massive pendulum....

    it was dope, the ending made it worth it, nice to see Jack wake up the way Season 1 started...dope!!!!

    can't wait till next Wednesday
    LOST haters, step off!!!! Schitt is epic as fuk.

  • Ben's wounds didn't look like they were inflicted by a human. Kinda curious to find out who/what he tangled with. Weak episode? Uh, yeah, this whole damn shown has gotten pretty weak after the first two seasons in my opinion but for some reason I keep watching.

  • mannybolonemannybolone Los Angeles, CA 15,025 Posts
    Ben's wounds didn't look like they were inflicted by a human. Kinda curious to find out who/what he tangled with. Weak episode? Uh, yeah, this whole damn shown has gotten pretty weak after the first two seasons in my opinion but for some reason I keep watching.

    Naw man, I'm pretty sure Desmond fucked up Ben's shit for trying to kill Penny.

    And last season and this season have been very strong in my opinion but that's relative to how unbearably painful Season 3 was. That said, I think it's been really good this season but last night was just too much to take.

    No more talk of "electromagnetic fields." Next thing you know, there'll be doo-doo talk of "midichlorians."

  • Ben's wounds didn't look like they were inflicted by a human. Kinda curious to find out who/what he tangled with. Weak episode? Uh, yeah, this whole damn shown has gotten pretty weak after the first two seasons in my opinion but for some reason I keep watching.

    Naw man, I'm pretty sure Desmond fucked up Ben's shit for trying to kill Penny.

    He probably tried to F*ck with Walt's dog. Either that or a polar bear.

  • It took an hour to learn:
    1.At least 3 of them are back on the island.
    2. Ben got beaten about the face (maybe?).
    3. I have a s**tload more questions.

  • SoulhawkSoulhawk 3,197 Posts
    that episode was terrible

    I hope we see frank again tho

  • bull_oxbull_ox 5,056 Posts
    I'm still hooked for sure, but they've been losing me a little bit this season. This episode in particular had more cornball parts/explanations than any other IMO.

    The part where all of a sudden they just threw in Jack's grandfather out of nowhere was cool though - a nice touch that reminded me of the older eps.

    One of my main issues is that I don't feel like they're doing a very good job at selling me the 'scientific' reasoning behind the mysteries... ever since The Constant, that whole side of its been pretty hokey to me. And the non-scientific element of WE HAVE TO MAKE THE PLANE RIDE THE SAME was just ridiculous...

    I'm still waiting to see Abbadon again though.

  • faux_rillzfaux_rillz 14,343 Posts
    Everybody in this thread is in serious need of some swag.

    What is wrong with you people?

  • bull_oxbull_ox 5,056 Posts

  • dollar_bindollar_bin I heartily endorse this product and/or event 2,326 Posts
    Everybody in this thread is in serious need of some swag.

    What is wrong with you people?

    Lighten up Maury, It's just a TV show.

  • Everybody in this thread is in serious need of some swag.

    What is wrong with you people?

    says the guy who clicked on this thread and took the time to post in it.

  • JuniorJunior 4,853 Posts
    I think this was one of the worst episodes of any season. The whole time they were in the special electromagnetic room with Hawkins (the subtle references blow me away!) I just had the image of the Fonz on waterskis running over and over in my mind.

    It's pretty hard for Lost to test my patience due to the suspension of disbelief it requires from the outset but I was on the point of turning it off during the St Thomas lecture.

    having said that, I'll be tuning in next week in the hope that now they've scuffed over getting back to the island things will pick up again.

  • did they ever explain why the others took Walt back in the earlier seasons and what they did to him?

  • dollar_bindollar_bin I heartily endorse this product and/or event 2,326 Posts

    It's pretty hard for Lost to test my patience due to the suspension of disbelief it requires from the outset but I was on the point of turning it off during the St Thomas lecture.

    It's frustrating how incurious the characters can be sometimes. If somebody hands me an envelope with my name on it, I'm going to open it right away, not wait for 50 minutes of dramatic tension to build. It's the narrative style of the show to build up to shocking revelations, but sometimes it's just silly.

  • If somebody hands me an envelope with my name on it, I'm going to open it right away, not wait for 50 minutes of dramatic tension to build.

    serious. that note could have said "Jack, do not come back! Some fucked up shit going down. I'm talking anal torture, son. Anal torture! The others have sewn my asshole shut and they keep feeding me and feeding me. Sawyer just got his balls hit with a spike bat, son. A spike f*cking bat! Do not come back to the island."

  • corsiccorsic oakland, ca 232 Posts
    If somebody hands me an envelope with my name on it, I'm going to open it right away, not wait for 50 minutes of dramatic tension to build.

    serious. that note could have said "Jack, do not come back! Some fucked up shit going down. I'm talking anal torture, son. Anal torture! The others have sewn my asshole shut and they keep feeding me and feeding me. Sawyer just got his balls hit with a spike bat, son. A spike f*cking bat! Do not come back to the island."
    I think that's just an example of how Jack doesn't give a shit about anything else except going back to the island. No matter what John said in that note it didn't matter; he would let a hanger sit on the stove for, like, a half hour and get it stuck in his ass slow, so long as it was on the island - also, cause I'm sure he knew whatever it said would make him feel guilty.

    Anyway, enough hating, Lost is still the best show on TV, IMO. It definitely has it's good and bad moments like any show but the good outweigh the bad (excluding that episode with the two "new" characters that get killed in the end). Plus, you know you will all be watching it next week so don't act like you won't.

  • JuniorJunior 4,853 Posts
    Yeah I'll still be tuning in but the rushed feeling of the episode really did damage my desire to roll along with the suspension of disbelief. Any show where the main characters are forced to repeat how unbelievable something is every five minutes is always in danger of tipping over the edge.

    All that said we;ll see where it goes from here. Oh yeah, Hurley carrying the guitar and his change of heart made me wonder if Charlie is going to be resurrected when they get back. If that little shit returns it may be my bobby ewing moment...

  • mannybolonemannybolone Los Angeles, CA 15,025 Posts
    image of the Fonz on waterskis

    Ha, my friend said the same thing after this week's episode. I can't say the episode - crappy as it was - was indicative of a total series jump (considering that they had an entire sucky season).
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