anyone here have annoying health problems?
2,189 Posts
i don't want to poke and prod but sometimes i cant stand the human body.2 things that have been affecting me for god knows how long are acid reflux and post nasal drip. after some research i have figured out one usually exists because of the is annoying. constant indigestion and phlegm that feel like its wedged in between my throat and nose in a inconvenient location where it is impossible to expel besides for swallowing it...anyone have leg pain? allergies? post nasal drip?non life threatening bullshit medical strut
Now I'm having prostate problems. That's kinda scary for a thirty something. I'm waiting to get a prostate cancer test.
Other than that I'm good.
My left knee is officially starting to suffer from being old. I ran full court 5 on 5 bball last week for the first time in a few years, with a bunch of college kids even. I work out reasonably often, so I didn't have much trouble keeping up with them, and took those little punks to the hole a few times too. But for about 3 days after my left knee was killing me. Felt like it could give out. I think it was all the lateral movement (and my ankle breaking crossover) that my knees are just not used to lately. It really sucks, because it was incredibly fun and I want to play more often now. Would a knee brace help? I know I need to step up my leg weight-lifting routine. Anybody else with knee problems?
Being into snow sports and bike riding I know some people with knee problems and knee replacements, all I could suggest is to work out your legs like crazy, all sorts of different sports (bike riding, walking, telemarking, squats with weights) especially changing up your activities to hit each set of muscles.
And swimming is good too.
do you eat a lot of wheat products? in some people, that causes the problems you've mentioned.
Dairy products are also a major cause of these things.
Different things work for different people - I've noticed drinking a glass of cranberry juice or a glass/bottle of beer helps to reduce phlegm. The cranberry juice doesn't have any added sucrose and I usually try to drink organic beer and keep it to only one bottle
My biggest problem now is my right foot. I rocked the same pair of sneakers for a long ass time till they were real jacked. I went out and got some cross trainers to work out with and I think being in the same beat up sneakers for so long my bones in my foot sort of settled into that. Now my foot hurts constantly even when I wear different shoes. If i do a lot of running around the next day I can hardly walk. Its terrible. I also just moved to NY and am working in Manhattan so shit is killing me all the time. I eat a shit load of ibuprofen during the day just so I can do my job and get around without limping. I just currently dont have any health insurance so Im really not trying to see a podiatrist and get xrays and all that expensive business. Other then that Im aight.
OK, coach.