Whut? SS Hate Mail Related.
tenacious local 7,782 Posts
This is the second one of these I've received in the past month. I figured this is what he/she wants me to do (make a big stink about it on the board)... but I am puzzled as to what it means. Is it a ransom note?
It's is addressed from Coldrerio... which I googled and it's an area of Switzerland. Didn't now I had some stalker son of sam dude hiding out in the land of the neutral.
Please to make your own interpretations.
It's is addressed from Coldrerio... which I googled and it's an area of Switzerland. Didn't now I had some stalker son of sam dude hiding out in the land of the neutral.
Please to make your own interpretations.
write him back and request chocolates next time though.
I can't read the writing. What does it say?
I have to say that half-a-beard jive doesn't make it, even in Switzerland...
someone trying to mess with your head fo sho
They have Blockbuster in Switzerland?
That's weird.
then underneath: "your pair?"
That dudes cool.
He's mad about all the clonnin'
I think he has a right to, yall hatt pretty hard on him.
We should all adopt this as an avatar. A silent protest of sorts.
leave me out of this!
Ha. Makes sense!
He was German wasn't he?
It is Marco!!!
That's Marco for sure. He's got a place in both country's and probably just to get records *NOT from the Italiian postal service. I'll see if I can find the Swiss address I have...