
  • batmonbatmon 27,574 Posts
    y'all retarded

  • by your same rationale, is it cool to continually make fun of gay people/acts?

    i have a gay brother and could have easily flipped years ago at shit i've seen on the strut, but I know where my holmeses hearts are at.

    pick and choose your battles.

    i've since deaded the use of "faggot", which is something I would drop hella times and even started thread a while back. And I thought the "pasue" button was more of a joke on me than anything else.

    Dudes trying to prop-up another argument, and not just you Cas, is practically is an admission that there's something wrong with their behaviour and again back peddle[/b].


  • I'm with Phonics on this one.

    this has gremlin potential in my book

    you acting like a shook-ass punk about your car has more potential.

  • soap box

    must be awesome to not give a fuck about anything.

  • batmonbatmon 27,574 Posts
    ...that someone here would inevitably get the knee-jerk impression that this is some sort of slam on the mentally retarded, despite that the guy in the video is obviously fully aware of what he's saying.

    People read too much into stuff.[/b]

  • cascas 1,484 Posts
    not just me?! show me where I back peddled in this or any other thread i've ever took part in.

    all of my points are valid whether you choose to see them that way or not. where do you[/b] draw the line, most? you never laughed at any of the shit i just posted?

    let me remind you this is a place where homies come to chill and hang like bros

  • not just me?! show me where I back peddled in this or any other thread i've ever took part in.

    all of my points are valid whether you choose to see them that way or not. where do you[/b] draw the line, most? you never laughed at any of the shit i just posted?

    let me remind you this is a place where homies come to chill and hang like bros

    I draw the line on shit like this, man.

    What points you talking about ? I never thought "handi-man" was funny and I haven't checked out Stern in years.

    I ain't beefing with you (DUH!) but man...

    I'm done with this thread. Here are some more videos for y'all to have a good time with


  • Envy was trash... Eli bodied that shit... The judges were trash...

    Now, who has the instrumental for that Cam'ron track?

  • ElectrodeElectrode Los Angeles 3,160 Posts
    ...that someone here would inevitably get the knee-jerk impression that this is some sort of slam on the mentally retarded, despite that the guy in the video is obviously fully aware of what he's saying.

    spare me, timmy. This shit was posted on youtube to make fun of dude and now all you herbs are having a good time at his expense. Plain and Frickin' simple. This shit wasn't posted on some "OH WOW! THIS GUY IS DOPE!" it's some "OMG! HEY LOOK AT THE RETARD TRYIN' TO RAP! KICK IT OLD SKOOL MUNGO!".

    and of course, dudes on soulstrut want to get asshurt when their cards get pulled and show some "what's the big deal" type of attitude or in this case some pathetic-ass back peddle.

    Real talk, my girl deals with these exact type of kids day-in and day-out so if you only knew how bad they have it you would give two shits and more imporantly and hopefully, CARE. She deals primarily with a lot of kids from straight-up broken homes in a school district that's a joke and on top of that that kids all STRUGLE with mild to severe emotional and learning problems. Sweet kids who I hear all about and have interacted with.

    And honestly, i'm not exactly too fond of how people of color sometimes get paraded on youtube either.


    little dissapointed my dudes on and off the inna-nets are acting towards this.

    I didn't find the video funny, Mr. Sensitive. I just expected the usual hyper-emotional "I'm so embarassed for SoulStrut right now" moral high ground bullshit before scrolling down the thread. No backpedaling, flame baiting or "asshurt" (OMG! ) here. Anger issues much?

  • ...that someone here would inevitably get the knee-jerk impression that this is some sort of slam on the mentally retarded, despite that the guy in the video is obviously fully aware of what he's saying.

    spare me, timmy. This shit was posted on youtube to make fun of dude and now all you herbs are having a good time at his expense. Plain and Frickin' simple. This shit wasn't posted on some "OH WOW! THIS GUY IS DOPE!" it's some "OMG! HEY LOOK AT THE RETARD TRYIN' TO RAP! KICK IT OLD SKOOL MUNGO!".

    and of course, dudes on soulstrut want to get asshurt when their cards get pulled and show some "what's the big deal" type of attitude or in this case some pathetic-ass back peddle.

    Real talk, my girl deals with these exact type of kids day-in and day-out so if you only knew how bad they have it you would give two shits and more imporantly and hopefully, CARE. She deals primarily with a lot of kids from straight-up broken homes in a school district that's a joke and on top of that that kids all STRUGLE with mild to severe emotional and learning problems. Sweet kids who I hear all about and have interacted with.

    And honestly, i'm not exactly too fond of how people of color sometimes get paraded on youtube either.


    little dissapointed my dudes on and off the inna-nets are acting towards this.

    I didn't find the video funny, Mr. Sensitive. I just expected the usual hyper-emotional "I'm so embarassed for SoulStrut right now" moral high ground bullshit before scrolling down the thread. No backpedaling, flame baiting or "asshurt" (OMG! ) here. Anger issues much?

    this doozy
    He's big, strong and gets hot women. So, yes, it's appropriate. People read too much into stuff.


    you sound white.

  • cascas 1,484 Posts
    no beef, dude. i just don't understand the "i'm on a high horse" stance considering you stay making fun of gay shit (like a ton of your real world friends/myself included). not that i see anything wrong with that, but it is very hypocritical for someone who is screaming bloody murder about a funny rap that the young'n kicked.

    ask anna about "everyday i'm huckaling". i'll let her tell the story. you have to find humor in certain situations or you'll grow up to be an angry old biter dude. it doesn't mean you lack compassion or condone pushing people in wheelchairs down steep hills.

    you swing at every single thing that pisses you off in life, you're going to have some sore ass arms, dude.

  • FYBSFYBS 271 Posts
    Dudes trying to prop-up another argument, and not just you Cas, is practically is an admission that there's something wrong with their behaviour and again back peddle[/b].


    How am I back peddling? I never said you were wrong, just that it wasn't meant in the very personal and malicious way you decided to take it. I'm not an evil person who laughs at others misfortunes to make myself feel better, I'm someone who finds humor in humorous situations.

    You're obviously sensitive about this in the first place, but show me where exactly I was making fun of his disabilities and not the video. I think you'd rather argue with people to make a point.

    It'd be like me making fun of you personally and calling you stupid for typing TO instead of TOO instead of just making a joke about how the english language is fucked up. Kinda.

  • no beef, dude. i just don't understand the "i'm on a high horse" stance considering you stay making fun of gay shit (like a ton of your real world friends/myself included). not that i see anything wrong with that, but it is very hypocritical for someone who is screaming bloody murder about a funny rap that the young'n kicked.

    ask anna about "everyday i'm huckaling". i'll let her tell the story. you have to find humor in certain situations or you'll grow up to be an angry old biter dude. it doesn't mean you lack compassion or condone pushing people in wheelchairs down steep hills.

    you swing at every single thing that pisses you off in life, you're going to have some sore ass arms, dude.

    how am i on a high horse? In the past and right now I've laughed at shit that's cruel, I've never claimed i'm guilt-fee because that would be some self-righteouness. But this whole "high horse" arguement is b.s., it basically implies "you can't feel some or stand-up for some people". And this isn't at you cas, but when you don't give a shit about too much or don't have to deal similar things it's easy to think what i'm typing about is "sensitive".

    f'really. i'm out. I got books to crack.

  • ...that someone here would inevitably get the knee-jerk impression that this is some sort of slam on the mentally retarded, despite that the guy in the video is obviously fully aware of what he's saying.

    spare me, timmy. This shit was posted on youtube to make fun of dude and now all you herbs are having a good time at his expense. Plain and Frickin' simple. This shit wasn't posted on some "OH WOW! THIS GUY IS DOPE!" it's some "OMG! HEY LOOK AT THE RETARD TRYIN' TO RAP! KICK IT OLD SKOOL MUNGO!".

    and of course, dudes on soulstrut want to get asshurt when their cards get pulled and show some "what's the big deal" type of attitude or in this case some pathetic-ass back peddle.

    Real talk, my girl deals with these exact type of kids day-in and day-out so if you only knew how bad they have it you would give two shits and more imporantly and hopefully, CARE. She deals primarily with a lot of kids from straight-up broken homes in a school district that's a joke and on top of that that kids all STRUGLE with mild to severe emotional and learning problems. Sweet kids who I hear all about and have interacted with.

    And honestly, i'm not exactly too fond of how people of color sometimes get paraded on youtube either.


    little dissapointed my dudes on and off the inna-nets are acting towards this.

    I didn't find the video funny, Mr. Sensitive. I just expected the usual hyper-emotional "I'm so embarassed for SoulStrut right now" moral high ground bullshit before scrolling down the thread. No backpedaling, flame baiting or "asshurt" (OMG! ) here. Anger issues much?

    this doozy
    He's big, strong and gets hot women. So, yes, it's appropriate. People read too much into stuff.


    you sound white.

    What does being white have to do with anything?

  • ElectrodeElectrode Los Angeles 3,160 Posts
    He just seems to hate white people and projects like crazy. I don't think there's much more to it. I think dude's random message board freakout(s) is the real facemelter here. He makes good mixes, though...I'd give him that.

  • batmonbatmon 27,574 Posts
    He just seems to hate white people and projects like crazy. I don't think there's much more to it. I think dude's random message board freakout(s) is the real facemelter here. He makes good mixes, though...I'd give him that.

    "People read too much into things."

  • SPlDEYSPlDEY Vegas 3,375 Posts
    For some reason this part slayed me...

    Image Hosted by

    The heart shaped zoom in, light chuckles in the back ground and the look on his face, golden.

    Really? I felt that was probably the most disrespectful part of the video.

    - spidey

  • Just because Phonics is overreacting doesn't mean the rest of youse are right.

    The clip is fucked up, but a lot of these responses are more foul.

    Eli won the battle, but that wasn't the point of the clip - and I'm sure the smarter among us can figure that out.

  • JectWonJectWon (@_@) 1,654 Posts

    (apologies for the shitty photoshop abilities...I have no clue what I'm doing)

    Nah, on the real...that dude did his thing. Oddly enough, I had the chance to know an awesome kid who was mildly challenged and he also enjoyed rhyming (freestyle and written). I met him back in high school when I decided to join a school'club that would basically befriend the mentally challenged students. Technically, it was some type of club, but all we really did was hang out with the kids, stick up for them and just be homies with them (sit with them at the lunch table, say hey to them in the halls, etc.) This dude that I'm talking about was in the disabilities class that we chilled with and he could spit and not only spit, he would spit in Japanese occasionally. He wasn't Japanese, though. Actually, he looked a lot like Eli, but he had these massively thick coke-bottle glasses. At any rate, when he rhymed for me and my buddies, I was Frickin' blown away. His written was cool as shit and the Japanese verse at the end came out of nowhere. I asked if it was really Japanese and how he learned it and he just told me he dug japanime and would make note of cool words he'd learn through the subtitles and slowly pieced together a verse from that.

    Unrelated to this group, a buddy and I occasionally held some battles where we'd record some instrumentals to a tape and let people enter for fun. It got to be a pretty routine thing and, sure enough, one day my challeneged homie entered and EVERYONE who battled him would make fun of him (call him retarded, make fun of his glasses, his slur, everything). I wasn't a judge, so I couldn't really say anything, but I was taken back by it.

    However, in a battle, aren't you supposed to break the opponent down with NO holding back, whatsoever?

  • white_teawhite_tea 3,262 Posts
    LOL at pulling the "my girl works with retarded kids" card. I'm sure she'll tell you that they can stand up for themselves. Sure they are stunted somewhat but also free thinkers like the rest of us.

    Eli has rhymes. Case closed.

  • SoulhawkSoulhawk 3,197 Posts
    Hold up. After watching that again, I don't think Eli "froze" up, I think they cut his music and mic (this looks like it's on Public Access TV to me).

    Marv-O tells them to keep it clean or they would be DQ'ed. When Eli kicked his first verse, he was dropping N*gga bombs. If you watch, it looks like whoever is "producing" doesn't know about delay's (or maybe there was no delay for the youtube) and they were trying to cut off the audio to keep it clean (What HS puts an unrehearsed freestyle battle on Pubic Access TV?).

    Anyway, it's happens again at the end when he drops a "F*ck" in his flow. They cut the audio and it looks like he's listening to someone off camera.

    Sure, he MIGHT have a touch of the Autism, but I don't think he's as bad as we might think.

    that's pretty much how I saw it - his awkward pause was when they cut his mic / music & he was looking sheepish listening to an off camera lecture about keeping it clean or some such.

  • HAZHAZ 3,376 Posts

    And parading around the crayon stylings of Mingering Mike is cool, but this is wack?

  • Woah - dude Mingering Mike is not to the best of my knowledge autistic.

    And ODB was a crackhead.

    Shit ain't the same.

    Man fuck this palce.

  • NateBizzoNateBizzo 2,328 Posts
    Hopefully this will kill this thread.

  • JectWonJectWon (@_@) 1,654 Posts

    And ODB was a crackhead.

    I hope you aren't thinking that I was comparing dude to ODB on some mental illness shit. I just thought dude had a wild style like The Abbot...nuff' said.

  • HAZHAZ 3,376 Posts
    Woah - dude Mingering Mike is not to the best of my knowledge autistic.

    And ODB was a crackhead.

    Shit ain't the same.

    Man fuck this palce.

    I had so many people give me schitt for thinking Mingering Mike was cool that it's not even funny. People got so indignant with me for showing them that issue of wax poetics that I stopped talking about it. One local music journalist I showed the article to called it disgusting & exploitive.

  • CosmoCosmo 9,768 Posts
    Hopefully this will kill this thread.



    "See I'm the best, man. I did it..."

  • phongonephongone 1,652 Posts
    Dead the political correctness and faux righteousness. That shit was plainly funny. Eli, you did it son!

  • can i get a soulstrut ruling on whether this is funny?

  • Options
    I'm with Phonics on this one.

    this has gremlin potential in my book

    you acting like a shook-ass punk about your car has more potential.

    I pressed charges dinkus.
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