mournng the loss of virtuosity in {pop] music
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i just finished up the last couple of weeks recording some suck-cess-full metal and "emo" rock bandsdudes had trouble tuning their instruments,playing on the 1/beatand staying "in key"/in tunewhat a sorry phucking messvery little guitar solos and when they did solo ,the shit was worse than kerry kingon acidthank jah for cut and paste/pitch shift/auto tune softwarei started ruminating at the loss of solos in general in pop/the top 50 and how out of vouge it is, being able to have command over your instrument even for 8-16 barsi guess that started when"grunge"came inthis is a trend that has been going on for awhile now and i realize i am pointing out the obviousbut gottdamm i think as a culture we are at an all time lowi had to go home and listen to some coltrane and holdsworth to cleanse out my braini realize there are many many folks who are alive and can shred [charlie hunter,dap kings,budos, les claypool, etc] but they are few and far between and you will never hear it in a pop context anymore[empty-v,ring tones,vh-1,etc]
have you ever heard of garage or punk???
If anything we're mired in an age of slick crap. I'll give up "virtuosity" for some raw emotion any day.
yeah man
but i was talking about "pop"
but there is no "raw emotion" in the top 100
everything is programmed for becky,quantized and pro-tooled to death
I sure as fuck don't wanna be listening to les claypool tho
thats basically the only outlet to hear folks that can play their instruments
not to exclude wfmu/wnyu/wbai/wfuv which all have great programming but totally on the sporadic haphazard/low end of the dial and only fmu being "on" all the time
also - how can one dismiss a love supreme as "not raw" or emotive even though there are sweet sheets of sound coming at you?
well ,dude can play his ass off in spite of the crappy music he puts out
i was never into primus but homey was killin it in blind illusion
those dudes can play
agreed-there are guitar solos on "country"
but at its core I have a hard time calling it "country "
it sounds like aor rock minus the keys/prog-ish/jazz elements [kansas,steely dan,edgar winter,deep purple,et al]
This dudes tone gets sweated, I never heard him but no thanks! I heard Dr. Z's a bit of a whiner anyways.
arghhhhhh is right
but this shit still goes muti platinum
I couldn't beleive how huge bon jovi still is in Italy
which ain't sayin much
considering how bad italian pop is
and the only light in the dark of the entire italian music scene being prog/library
I always look at the clothes when I have to walk through a department store to get to the parking lot. I think to myself, "who buys this crap?" Then I realize it's what sells.
Same reason fast food places put out crappy, fattening, sugary foods. It's what sells. If everyone wanted tofu, they'd be selling McVirtous meals.
this is the 'i'd like to check you for ticks' guy right?
he does shred
that song is already a classic in the corny country genre
story of my life B/w I expect too much from most people
sometimes the only thing worse than "musicians" who can't play are Musicians who can.
fusion techheads and jam bands can be just as lame as the "emo" kids that kala was engineering today, but thats just my own bias talking
(holdsworth and claypool - zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz)
Nah you hit the nail on the head that whole specialization/musicianship genre can SUCK and I think theres a reason why some sidemen who might slay the competetion or have a solo opportunity stick with the formula, cause they appreciate music as a collective as do I.
Though kala I share your desire to knock a guitar player over the head with a paul gilbert instructional tape or a stanley jordan record or something for just not knowing shit, but most 'emo' bands just want to look the part and have you hit the "EPIC" button to make it happen for 'em.
did you buy "a time to love"?
he hasn't released anything since 1985 and then that came out
its tepid at best,getting played basically only on cd 101.9
even prince's wankery failed to funktify it..... a little
kala shredding on the chapman stick lol
Cases in point: STEELY DAN
So true!