Millions Of Words A Day And Some Are Flat Out Lies



  • I see your point.

    But it makes her look desperate and more unlikeable. To me, anyways.

  • Birdman9Birdman9 5,417 Posts

    4) As long as Hillary insists on dragging out the nomination, and there is a chance that the candidate I support will be defeated by her, I will post early and often about what a scumbag I think she is.

    your not even a democrat, who gives a shit what you think.

    I am still a Democrat(for now), and I think she is a scumbag too.

  • Jonny_PaycheckJonny_Paycheck 17,825 Posts
    1) ANY other Democratic candidate besides Hillary would have already stepped aside, supported Barack, and done what's best for their party. The fact that Hillary won't amuses the shit out of me.

    this is the biggest democratic turnout in a primary...ever, and hillary has nearly 50% of the popular vote, and has won almost every blue state. she should just say f*ck you to all those people...for the benefit of the party? its not lights out just yet.

    She should say "thank you". And winning blue states means nothing.

    3) Hillary came out with some pretty outrageous statements about Rev. Wright yesterday, which is obviously a much more important and pertinent issue than her being called on her bullshit.

    like what? all she said was that he wouldn't have been her pastor. i think millions of democrats agree.

    She said more than that - I heard it on the radio yesterday and while it may appear benign in print, she was clearly trying to appeal to the lowest common (Pennsyltucky) denominator. Shameful shit.

    4) As long as Hillary insists on dragging out the nomination, and there is a chance that the candidate I support will be defeated by her, I will post early and often about what a scumbag I think she is.

    your not even a democrat, who gives a shit what you think.

    ^^^ This attitude is why Bush won 2 terms and McCain will probably win in the fall. ^^^

  • 4) As long as Hillary insists on dragging out the nomination, and there is a chance that the candidate I support will be defeated by her, I will post early and often about what a scumbag I think she is.

    your not even a democrat, who gives a shit what you think.

    I am still a Democrat(for now), and I think she is a scumbag too.

    Don't turn on us, man! We already lost Fatback!

  • Birdman9Birdman9 5,417 Posts
    1) ANY other Democratic candidate besides Hillary would have already stepped aside, supported Barack, and done what's best for their party. The fact that Hillary won't amuses the shit out of me.

    this is the biggest democratic turnout in a primary...ever, and hillary has nearly 50% of the popular vote, and has won almost every blue state. she should just say f*ck you to all those people...for the benefit of the party? its not lights out just yet.

    She should say "thank you". And winning blue states means nothing.

    3) Hillary came out with some pretty outrageous statements about Rev. Wright yesterday, which is obviously a much more important and pertinent issue than her being called on her bullshit.

    like what? all she said was that he wouldn't have been her pastor. i think millions of democrats agree.

    She said more than that - I heard it on the radio yesterday and while it may appear benign in print, she was clearly trying to appeal to the lowest common (Pennsyltucky) denominator. Shameful shit.

    4) As long as Hillary insists on dragging out the nomination, and there is a chance that the candidate I support will be defeated by her, I will post early and often about what a scumbag I think she is.

    your not even a democrat, who gives a shit what you think.

    ^^^ This attitude is why Bush won 2 terms and McCain will probably win in the fall. ^^^


  • RockadelicRockadelic Out Digging 13,993 Posts
    Its like dolo and Kala arguing over who has the better record collection here. a mile.

  • ^^^ This attitude is why Bush won 2 terms and McCain will probably win in the fall. ^^^

    Plaese to explain? Not disagreeing, just want to know what you mean by that.

  • sabadabadasabadabada 5,966 Posts
    Johnny - its winning red states that means nothing if you cant carry the blues. What good is winning states that have no chance of voting democrat in the general.

  • RockadelicRockadelic Out Digging 13,993 Posts
    It's a pretty bad look when Hilary and Bill do the mud slinging. Seems really childish and is kind of embarrassing. I lose respect for people who take cheap shots like that. Did she even need to make that statement about Rev. Wright? All she had to do was sit back and let that stew, her making a statement like that just makes her look even more petty, especially given her Bosnia statement. Obama seems to have pretty good restraint when it comes to that kind of thing, and comes off as more mature for it. And Bill.. god damn, dude is hardcore. Not a good look at all.

    she doesnt have time to sit back. its the final two minutes of the game and Obama is running out the clock. she has to try and turn the ball over, even if it means committing[/b] a foul.

  • Birdman9Birdman9 5,417 Posts

    4) As long as Hillary insists on dragging out the nomination, and there is a chance that the candidate I support will be defeated by her, I will post early and often about what a scumbag I think she is.

    your not even a democrat, who gives a shit what you think.

    I am still a Democrat(for now), and I think she is a scumbag too.

    Don't turn on us, man! We already lost Fatback!

    Well, I need to register now that I am back in DC, and being a registered Independent in DC means almost complete exclusion from any say in local politics, as I am sure you know. But I have been so exasperated and disgusted by this infinite campaign and how the Party has shown their true colors in the form of this useless folly known as the Hillary Clinton Campaign for President. That there are people in the party who actually allow themselves to believe that she would be good to have in the White House, or believe that she could even win...makes me re-consider my affiliation with said party. I just don't see how my viewpoint matches up with that at all. We'll see.

  • RockadelicRockadelic Out Digging 13,993 Posts
    ^^^ This attitude is why Bush won 2 terms and McCain will probably win in the fall. ^^^

    Plaese to explain? Not disagreeing, just want to know what you mean by that.

    The Dems present themselves as the party of tolerance when in fact they are just as intolerant to anyone who doesn't fall in line with their agenda 100% as the Republicans.

    The "If you're not with us, you're against us" attitude is alive and well in both parties.

    Telling me, and other potential "swing voters", that what I have to say doesn't matter, will alienate more voters than it will attract.

  • ^^^ This attitude is why Bush won 2 terms and McCain will probably win in the fall. ^^^

    Plaese to explain? Not disagreeing, just want to know what you mean by that.

    The Dems present themselves as the party of tolerance when in fact they are just as intolerant to anyone who doesn't fall in line with their agenda 100% as the Republicans.

    The "If you're not with us, you're against us" attitude is alive and well in both parties.

    Telling me, and other potential "swing voters", that what I have to say doesn't matter, will alienate more voters than it will attract.


  • keithvanhornkeithvanhorn 3,855 Posts

    Telling me, and other potential "swing voters", that what I have to say doesn't matter, will alienate more voters than it will attract.

    you don't get it. the fact that your not a democrat means that it comes as no surprise that you'd be bashing hillary over a meaningless, tabloid level story.

    when (informed) dems sit around and debate a hillary v. barack candidacy, we don't talk about this nonsense.

  • And somehow when the democrats do it it seems worse, more crass and tasteless. Like that Lil' Bush show, what the hell does that achieve? Aside from the fact that its a god awful show it's just way over the top and straight up offensive. You know what I mean by this?

  • sabadabadasabadabada 5,966 Posts

    when (informed) dems sit around and debate a hillary v. barack candidacy, we don't talk about this nonsense.

    ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ KVH sewing circle revealed

  • SwayzeSwayze 14,705 Posts
    obama supporters are embarrassing. whether hillary misspoke, intentionally lied, or embellished a story about whether there was "sniper fire" in her '96 trip to Bosnia is meaningless. the contemporaneous news reports all talked about the riskiness of her trip into "enemy territory". so, really, all that is in dispute is the issue of sniper fire, unless you want to call every newspaper to task as well.

    WRONG! The Bosnian peace accord was signed Dec 14th, 1995[/b]. NATO had taken over the job as peacekeepers and shit was about as peaceful as it ever was.

    Peace in Bosnia

    The wiki...

  • keithvanhornkeithvanhorn 3,855 Posts
    your evidence is a timeline and a wikipedia article. the contemporaneous articles about clinton's trip have been linked with this story. go read them.

  • sabadabadasabadabada 5,966 Posts
    Look. Hillary is becoming an increasing nuisance. Her refusal to surrender to the inevitable is totally holding up the ascension of the obama. Why cant that dried-up old hag just go off and die so we can worship without all of this distraction and negative anti-obama energy.

  • SwayzeSwayze 14,705 Posts
    your evidence is a timeline and a wikipedia article. the contemporaneous articles about clinton's trip have been linked with this story. go read them.

    There was no combat, no American troops had died of "sniper fire", the siege of Sarajevo was over by February, what am I missing?

    "Too dangerous for the President"... Bill had JUST visited Tuzla in January of 1996. Tuzla was called one of the safest places in Bosnia. I don't get it, what are you defending other than her right to lie and the notion that we should disregard her lie?

  • RockadelicRockadelic Out Digging 13,993 Posts
    the obama.

  • rootlesscosmorootlesscosmo 12,848 Posts
    I dont see how a pissing match over who may make a better commander in chief, or even foreign policy in a broader sense, helps either of these two candidates against McCain.

    you don't?

  • Jonny_PaycheckJonny_Paycheck 17,825 Posts
    Hey dude "shame on you Barack Obama" is about NAFTA not Wright

  • rootlesscosmorootlesscosmo 12,848 Posts
    i stand corrected. now where is laserwolf?

  • LaserWolfLaserWolf Portland Oregon 11,517 Posts
    i stand corrected. now where is laserwolf?

    I wrote a succinct defense, but then got a deleted notice. To recap what was lost.

    I didn't know I was suppose to be defending something, sorry.

    Obama was directly confronted and did directly respond. Please read the Philadelphia Speech. He directly address his wrong statement. And he address the bigger questions.

    I started in this thread by defending Hillary. I agree it is not a big deal that she got a 12 year old memory wrong.

    What I find alarming is that she will not admit she got a 12 year old memory wrong. She has been told about the video, but still claims that she ran to the vehicles under snipper fire.

    I find this alarming. Did you watch Frontline Bush's War? When Bush says something, does something, appoints someone, he sticks by that decision and will not back down. He sees that as a good thing. In regards to her Iraq vote and this little dust up, she is showing the same kind of traits.

    Is that what you want in a president?

    I prefer Obama's openness and honesty. Dig?

    Now, shall we talk about issues.

    Does Hillary have more experience? She has traveled the world, some. He has traveled and lived all over the world. She has met some foreign leaders, a decade ago. He has met some foreign leaders. What real world, not imagined, events make her more qualified?

    control a control c

  • djdazedjdaze 3,099 Posts
    I can't believe I made it to the end of this thread without anyone noting that the first person to pull Clinton's card was motherfucking SINBAD.

    Yeah dude, SINBAD pulled your card and said "the scariest thing about the trip was wondering where your next meal would come from."

    excruse me? go back and read my posts sucka!

  • Jonny_PaycheckJonny_Paycheck 17,825 Posts
    well hell, you just glossed over the fact that it was SINBAD. As if muhfuckin SINBAD is just supposed to be there, he flies with the first lady to the Eastern Bloc all the damn time!

  • rootlesscosmorootlesscosmo 12,848 Posts
    i stand corrected. now where is laserwolf?

    I wrote a succinct defense, but then got a deleted notice. To recap what was lost.

    I didn't know I was suppose to be defending something, sorry.

    Obama was directly confronted and did directly respond. Please read the Philadelphia Speech. He directly address his wrong statement. And he address the bigger questions.

    I started in this thread by defending Hillary. I agree it is not a big deal that she got a 12 year old memory wrong.

    What I find alarming is that she will not admit she got a 12 year old memory wrong. She has been told about the video, but still claims that she ran to the vehicles under snipper fire.

    I find this alarming. Did you watch Frontline Bush's War? When Bush says something, does something, appoints someone, he sticks by that decision and will not back down. He sees that as a good thing. In regards to her Iraq vote and this little dust up, she is showing the same kind of traits.

    Is that what you want in a president?

    I prefer Obama's openness and honesty. Dig?

    Now, shall we talk about issues.

    Does Hillary have more experience? She has traveled the world, some. He has traveled and lived all over the world. She has met some foreign leaders, a decade ago. He has met some foreign leaders. What real world, not imagined, events make her more qualified?

    control a control c

    I think the Bosnia thing is TOTALLY irrelevant whereas you have seized on it and extrapolated about her character. That's where we differ.

    Obama said he never heard Wright talk bad on America (a blatant misrepresentation). After days of furious speech-writing and meeting with his advisors he wrote the following into his speech:

    Did I know him to be an occasionally fierce critic of American domestic and foreign policy? Of course. Did I ever hear him make remarks that could be considered controversial while I sat in church? Yes. Did I strongly disagree with many of his political views? Absolutely ??? just as I???m sure many of you have heard remarks from your pastors, priests, or rabbis with which you strongly disagreed.


    but had Obama been confronted on the day he (untruthfully) said he had never heard Wright talk bad on America with video footage of him and his wife in the front row of Trinity while Wright was blaming the US for 9/11 you can believe he would have stammered, embarassed, and come up with a less-than-eloquent response.

    just like Hillary's.

    she got caught off guard and was embarrassed. Obama wrote some amazing speech which pretty much made everyone forget that he had previously denied ever having heard Wright talk bad on America.

    like I said, apples and oranges.

    this Bosnia shit is irrellevant, but if you want to seize on it to make grand generalizations about Hillary's character, go ahead.

  • white_teawhite_tea 3,262 Posts
    Barack said he did not hear "those particular statements," and has not wavered from that denial.

  • sabadabadasabadabada 5,966 Posts
    i think he actually said he didnt see them "while [he] was sitting in the pews" at the church, so technically he could have been standing.

  • rootlesscosmorootlesscosmo 12,848 Posts
    Barack said he did not hear "those particular statements," and has not wavered from that denial.

    and like I said it was a total mischaracterization. it suggests that he didn't know Wright had said -- or was prone to saying -- this type of thing. when obviously he did, and nonetheless carried on a close realtionship with dude for years.

    (And NO I am not calling Wright a hateful bigot nor suggesting that Obama should lose the nomination over his association with him.)

    the point is not -- and never was -- whether Obama "happened to be absent that day" or whatever. the point is the views this pastor holds and Obama's close relationship to him.

    as a matter of fact if Hillary had tried to dodge a similar association with a "happened to be absent that day" excuse there would have been a whole thread on the Strut about what a sneaky bitch she is.

    obviously whether he "happened to be absent that day" is irrellevant to the larger discussion.
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