Millions Of Words A Day And Some Are Flat Out Lies

RockadelicRockadelic Out Digging 13,993 Posts
edited March 2008 in Strut Central
She'll say anything to get elected....."I say a lot of things - millions of words a day - so if I misspoke, that was just a misstatement"



  • 4,000 us troops dead in iraq...and this is newsworthy to you?

  • djdazedjdaze 3,099 Posts
    4,000 us troops dead in iraq...and this is newsworthy to you?

    umm no, it was newsworthy to CBS. It was postworthy to him.

  • RockadelicRockadelic Out Digging 13,993 Posts
    4,000 us troops dead in iraq...and this is newsworthy to you?

    Yeah....I'm the guy that decided this is's on the front page of every paper in the country.....because of me.

  • SwayzeSwayze 14,705 Posts

  • RockadelicRockadelic Out Digging 13,993 Posts
    While we're on the topic of not being newsworthy.....

    The conservative radio crowd is trying to use an audio recorded version of Barack reading his book "Dreams From My Father" as proof he isn't suited to be President.

    They are playing excerpts that (hold on to your seat) have Barack saying cursewords.

    They are pointing to this profanity as reason Barack isn't qualified(WTF)

    However, if you actually listen to the passages and can get past the few evil "cursewords" what Barack is saying makes me want to vote for him even more as he describes his experience with racism while growing up.

    I think this one will backfire as all the callers seemed to agree that this was a GOOD thing and as adults we should be able to hear a profanity without being offended.

  • i'm reading it now. crazy that it was written right after he got out of lawschool. i think he can live without the votes of people who are offended by curse words.

  • 4,000 us troops dead in iraq...and this is newsworthy to you?

    Yeah....I'm the guy that decided this is's on the front page of every paper in the country.....because of me.

    britney spears' television appearance is a top story as well. i'm saying - this hillary story is a non-story. the political media can be just as tabloid as the entertainment media. you posting that quote and not giving the full context of the story (go back and check the contemporaneous media accounts of the dangerousness of her trip) is lame.

  • djdazedjdaze 3,099 Posts
    4,000 us troops dead in iraq...and this is newsworthy to you?

    Yeah....I'm the guy that decided this is's on the front page of every paper in the country.....because of me.

    britney spears' television appearance is a top story as well. i'm saying - this hillary story is a non-story. the political media can be just as tabloid as the entertainment media. you posting that quote and not giving the full context of the story (go back and check the contemporaneous media accounts of the dangerousness of her trip) is lame.

    whatever, it was newsworthy to her to speak about it last week at her foreign policy speech at George Washington University so she could "debunk" Sinbad joking about "the scariest part of the trip was wondering where he'd eat next."

    She even went so far as to have Togo West get up and say "Hillary was dispatched on the trip because the Secret Service would not allow the sitting president to go to the active combat zone. Too dangerous"

    I love Sinbads reply to that though...

    "What kind of president would say, 'Hey, man, I can't go 'cause I might get shot so I'm going to send my wife, Oh, and take a guitar player and a comedian with you.'"

  • drewnicedrewnice 5,465 Posts
    While we're on the topic of not being newsworthy.....

    The conservative radio crowd is trying to use an audio recorded version of Barack reading his book "Dreams From My Father" as proof he isn't suited to be President.

    They are playing excerpts that (hold on to your seat) have Barack saying cursewords.

    Oh, that book...

  • volumenvolumen 2,532 Posts
    The conservative radio crowd is trying to use an audio recorded version of Barack reading his book "Dreams From My Father" as proof he isn't suited to be President.

    They are playing excerpts that (hold on to your seat) have Barack saying cursewords.

    They are pointing to this profanity as reason Barack isn't qualified(WTF)

    Yea, Bush would never be caught on tape cussing and fliping people off.......oh wait a minute. Well, at least the vice president........forget it.

  • white_teawhite_tea 3,262 Posts
    It's a story, not a huge story but a story. The central theme of her campaign to tear down Obama -- the only possible way that she'd secure the nomination -- is that she is more experienced to be Commander-in-Chief, and one of the things she's pointing to is this bogus account of the Bosnia visit.

    Now, I know this was more than 10 years ago and that she is getting older, but I'd hope I would remember whether I was shot at by snipers after entering a foreign country. Those things tend to leave a lasting impression.

  • DJ_EnkiDJ_Enki 6,475 Posts

    "I say a lot of things - millions of words a day - so if I misspoke, that was just a misstatement"

  • the media covered it, at the time, as this risky event, where the first lady was going into violent territories that her husband dared not enter. she took it a step further with the sniper fire, but who knows, maybe that is how she remembered it. if not, its just one of many exaggerations that EVERY candidate makes on the campaign trail EVERY DAY.

    but hillary did its part of her "campaign to tear down Obama". are you listening to yourself?? weak.

  • LaserWolfLaserWolf Portland Oregon 11,517 Posts
    the media covered it, at the time, as this risky event, where the first lady was going into violent territories that her husband dared not enter. she took it a step further with the sniper fire, but who knows, maybe that is how she remembered it. if not, its just one of many exaggerations that EVERY candidate makes on the campaign trail EVERY DAY.

    I agree, more or less.

    This is the first I heard of this story. Maybe on a different trip, or another leg of this trip. Maybe she remembers it that way because it was a whirlwind, sleep deprived tour where there was gun fire and intense anxiety around security. I don't think she is a chronic liar nor do I think she is lying with evil intent. I do think people tell stories that are better than the truth.

    I say this, because Obama has been (and will be) accused of the same type of thing.

  • white_teawhite_tea 3,262 Posts
    the media covered it, at the time, as this risky event, where the first lady was going into violent territories that her husband dared not enter. she took it a step further with the sniper fire, but who knows, maybe that is how she remembered it. if not, its just one of many exaggerations that EVERY candidate makes on the campaign trail EVERY DAY.

    but hillary did its part of her "campaign to tear down Obama". are you listening to yourself?? weak.

    I don't get your point. This example may not specifcally be aimed at Obama, but we're splitting hairs. She is lying or exagerating her "experience," something she shares with McCain but not with Obama, according to her camp.

    Her only hope is bringing Barrack down.

  • white_teawhite_tea 3,262 Posts
    But, really, who forgets being shot at? Worse still, who "remembers" being shot at when they really weren't?

  • the media covered it, at the time, as this risky event, where the first lady was going into violent territories that her husband dared not enter. she took it a step further with the sniper fire, but who knows, maybe that is how she remembered it. if not, its just one of many exaggerations that EVERY candidate makes on the campaign trail EVERY DAY.

    but hillary did its part of her "campaign to tear down Obama". are you listening to yourself?? weak.

    I don't get your point. This example may not specifcally be aimed at Obama, but we're splitting hairs. She is lying or exagerating her "experience," something she shares with McCain but not with Obama, according to her camp.

    Her only hope is bringing Barrack down.

    you are not making any sense and you don't even know how to spell the man's name!

  • But, really, who forgets being shot at? Worse still, who "remembers" being shot at when they really weren't?

    Yea c'mon, I think this is newsworthy. She lied about some mundane shit and got caught for it. I think if she didn't run the type of campaign she did this might not be newsworthy... but the news folks want to be fair'ish... so they're gonna spill the dirt on her. I think it shows she is manipulative and the more examples of this that come out the better. Because I think she is horribly divisive but many people don't. So the more footage that highlights this attribute... the happier I am.

    Ps.. Fuck Hillary 08!

  • mundane shit


    this is stupid.

  • sabadabadasabadabada 5,966 Posts
    john mccain tells crazy lies about being shot at and stuff too.

    oh wait, that really happened.

  • john mccain tells crazy lies about being shot at and stuff too.

    oh wait, that really happened.

    how do you know?

  • sabadabadasabadabada 5,966 Posts
    my cousin just moved back to DC to write speeches for McCain. He used to work with Michael Gerson writing speeches for W but left last summer to have kids.

  • my cousin just moved back to DC to write speeches for McCain. He used to work with Michael Gerson writing speeches for W but left last summer to have kids.


    I asked you how you know McCain was ever shot at.

  • my cousin just moved back to DC to write speeches for McCain. He used to work with Michael Gerson writing speeches for W but left last summer to have kids.

    your cousin must love having his work completely destroyed by W...

  • sabadabadasabadabada 5,966 Posts
    my cousin just moved back to DC to write speeches for McCain. He used to work with Michael Gerson writing speeches for W but left last summer to have kids.


    I asked you how you know McCain was ever shot at.

    my cousin told me that he was bona fide.

  • sabadabadasabadabada 5,966 Posts
    my cousin just moved back to DC to write speeches for McCain. He used to work with Michael Gerson writing speeches for W but left last summer to have kids.

    your cousin must love having his work completely destroyed by W...

    got him elected twice

  • my cousin just moved back to DC to write speeches for McCain. He used to work with Michael Gerson writing speeches for W but left last summer to have kids.


    I asked you how you know McCain was ever shot at.

    my cousin told me that he was bona fide.

    *eyeroll* oh just like Kerry was shot at, too, right?

  • sabadabadasabadabada 5,966 Posts
    it was seared into his memory/

  • sabadabadasabadabada 5,966 Posts
    its true, McCain wasnt really held as a prisoner of war, he was jsut hiding in the closet under the stairs.

  • my cousin just moved back to DC to write speeches for McCain. He used to work with Michael Gerson writing speeches for W but left last summer to have kids.

    your cousin must love having his work completely destroyed by W...

    got him elected twice

    no, the first time was a joke, W stole the election. and the second time the right wing religious fucks came through big time for their boy, and the youth just folded. I am sure your cousin writes well, but I am saying that Bush "No speaka"
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