If Obama were a white man



  • Just a quick interruption of this train wreck of a thread ...

    Dw[color:red]ya[/color]ne Wade.

    Carry on.

  • LaserWolfLaserWolf Portland Oregon 11,517 Posts
    If being Black is so good for a candidate why are there not more Blacks in congress?

  • i just wanted to say that i think that america really has a problem with racial issues. don't get me wrong. i'm just wondering what this is all about.

    Start with some basics: legalized slavery from 1600 - 1860s, then move into Jim Crow segregation from 1860s through 1960s. Add in 50 more years of racialized tension, economic upheaval, educational/residential/employment segregation and media stereotyping.

    Basically, out of a 400+ year history, America has spent 90% of that time under either/both a de facto or de jure racial dictatorship where one group - white men - held power while non-whites were systemically disenfranchised. Just because some forms of that have been made illegal over the last 40-50 years has hardly done much to redress the long-lasting inequalities created by such history.
    THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • i can't wade through all that gibberish.

    Ferraro's been in politics for over 25 years and spoke her mind, and yet you continue to spin, cite context and ignore cogent points.

    i'm spinning? now that the facts have come out (see today's nyt), lets take a look at what really happened:

    Ferraro is hired to give a speech to a private group in California that has nothing to do with the Clinton Campaign or the Election. She mentions in this speech - the undeniable fact that race and gender are playing a huge role in this election. As an analogy, she talks about her run for VP in '84 and the fact that - had her name been Gerald, she never would have been selected. Which is not to say, she says, that she wasn't qualified for the job. Then, she remarks that Obama is in the same situation. He is certainly qualified, but were he white, he would not be in the same "position" that he is now. He is a huge celebrity. Not just a great young senator.

    A local reporter from a small paper rights the story up and includes her quote. The Obama campaign splices her words, ignores the context, and makes it a front page story - as if Hillary had authored the words herself, simply because Ferraro is one of many people on Clinton's finance committee, and despite the fact that this speech had absolutely nothing to do with her campaign, they make it seem as though Clinton is trying to be racially divisive.

    As of yesterday, not only did Ferraro resign, but Clinton went further than saying she "disagrees" with the statement, but stated that she repudiates it and renounces it.

    That enough for you? Is Ferraro, a liberal democrat and a historical figure, still a racist?

    HERE WE GO AGAIN!....your last statement was so patently moronic it displays how and why your logic and debate skills are so mediocre. How is Ferraro really "liberal" if she makes the kind of stupid, dead end statements a racist with no serious knowledge of historical facts - or even the world at large - would make. You made that last statement as if mutual exclusivity is at play here. You expect the kind of evil, racist beliefs Ferraro espouses from someone in the Ku Klux Klan or from someone who benefits from institutionalized racism, but not from a person of Ferraro's stature...And on another note, before you even mention David Axelrod, remember he grew up in a Black community so he's not just some clueless, mindless white guy in the suburbs living in la la land (like yourself). I give Axelrod and any other truly progressive white man or woman (or any other person of any race with some semblance of intelligence) a lot more credit for knowing what they're talking about when it comes to issues of race. You, however, are not qualified to discuss race in a substantial way. I will send you a reading list of great, important books in a PM one of these days so you can stop clinging to your boring, half-baked sports analogies and stereotypes of Black people....Apparently, Clinton apologized three times (for three different reasons) to a group of Black journalists in an attempt to distance herself and the campaign from Ferraro. Before the article discussing the seemingly half-hearted apologies appeared on the AP wire, Ferraro - still stubborn-minded and refusing to see the error of her ways - later contacted Hillary Clinton and said Obama campaign staffers are attacking her (Ferraro) so they can hurt Clinton's chances. In reality, it's safe to say Clinton was just simply doing damage control in front of a mostly Black audience, and I question the sincerity of her apologies. Sure, we can give her the benefit of the doubt and say maybe she really is sorry, but somehow I think she is like most public figures who offer an apology. She probably only did it to keep this story from spinning out of control.

  • 30 in April...and my favorite color is navy blue.

    Rockadelic asked me to ask you if you like any of the following:

    1) t-shirts w/ sleeves ripped off
    2) tattoos
    3) dudes w/ long hair
    4) recreational shooting
    as we say on Myspace, LOL!!! I would like to add 5-8
    5) Trailer parks in redneck communities
    6) Texas Chainsaw Massacre
    7) a platter of uncooked Spam shared with three bulldogs
    8) secret meetings about Black people in the forest or "the woods" as we say in the Dirty South...

  • SoulOnIceSoulOnIce 13,027 Posts
    Please slow your roll.

  • BrianBrian 7,618 Posts
    dude paragraphs

  • keithvanhornkeithvanhorn 3,855 Posts
    i'm not trying to play you, but dawg, step up your coherency game. try leading off with a point and then follow up with the reasons that back up your position.

    you start off with a few insults and then an attempt to summarize what i just said....maybe try using bullet points or something...

  • keithvanhornkeithvanhorn 3,855 Posts
    dude paragraphs

    or that

  • SoulOnIceSoulOnIce 13,027 Posts
    step up your coherency game.

    Seriously ... the OMG! OMG! poasting style is not what's up.

    Slow down. Read what you wrote before you post it. Relax.

  • RockadelicRockadelic Out Digging 13,993 Posts

    as we say on Myspace, LOL!!!

  • I liked Hillary's so-called apology today: "I am sorry if anyone was offended."

    How about saying, "I'm sorry. It was wrong."?

    Fuck her, continued.

  • i'm not trying to play you, but dawg, step up your coherency game. try leading off with a point and then follow up with the reasons that back up your position.

    you start off with a few insults and then an attempt to summarize what i just said....maybe try using bullet points or something...
    ...said the person whose points are incoherent, and devoid of logic. You make these statements as if you are basing your arguments on some type of outline.. Actually, though, you drift from one point to the next in your diatribes because you haven't been able to successfully refute any of my points.

  • SoulOnIceSoulOnIce 13,027 Posts

    as we say on Myspace, LOL!!!

    Haha, yeah Rock, she did just call you a Klansman,
    but for the record I don't think she had any idea
    what the joke really was or who it was about ... ?

  • BrianBrian 7,618 Posts
    I liked Hillary's so-called apology today: "I am sorry if anyone was offended."

    How about saying, "I'm sorry. It was wrong."?

    Fuck her, continued.
    "I'm sorry if anyone was offended" is what I purposely say to people to piss them off more after I've offended them while still being able to fall back on an apology.

  • keithvanhornkeithvanhorn 3,855 Posts
    Actually, though, you drift from one point to the next in your diatribes because you haven't been able to successfully refute any of my points.

  • I liked Hillary's so-called apology today: "I am sorry if anyone was offended."

    How about saying, "I'm sorry. It was wrong."?

    Fuck her, continued.

    "I'm sorry if anyone was offended" is what I purposely say to people to piss them off more after I've offended them while still being able to fall back on an apology.


  • ToccuDomuToccuDomu 225 Posts
    I liked Hillary's so-called apology today: "I am sorry if anyone was offended."

    How about saying, "I'm sorry. It was wrong."?

    Fuck her, continued.

    "I'm sorry if anyone was offended" is what I purposely say to people to piss them off more after I've offended them while still being able to fall back on an apology.


    Hillary seems to like it best when proffered with a false smile and venom dripping from her "tear" ducts.

  • DrWuDrWu 4,021 Posts
    For fucks sake I just read through this entire debate and I gotta say KVH just doesn't get it. Ferraro was trying to say that Obama is a lightweight and that his main appeal is his blackness. She's just plain out of touch and what proves it is her commentary on Jesse and Obama. Both of those guys got where they got on their merits. Particularly Jesse was able to run a vigorous campaign that got the far left wing of the party fired up in era of great electoral despair. Obama is taking that insurgent message to a whole other level and crossing over big time. The fact that Gerry was a token selection (as are many VPs), while true, has nothing to do with Obama's appeal (or Jesse's in the 80s for that matter).

    Hillary should have distanced herself immediately from this divisive and dunderheaded thinking. Rove has been preaching this from the start. Don't bring up race in the context of Obama. It will only energize his base and hurt you with the swing vote.

  • What if Hillary were a Japanese woman?


  • ariel_calmerariel_calmer 3,762 Posts
    What if Hillary were a Japanese woman?

    Chelsea might be more attractive?

  • theory9theory9 1,128 Posts
    What if Hillary were a Japanese woman?

    Chelsea might be more attractive?

  • RockadelicRockadelic Out Digging 13,993 Posts
    What if Hillary were a Japanese woman?

    I'd enjoy hearing her pronounce her name.

  • keithvanhornkeithvanhorn 3,855 Posts
    For fucks sake I just read through this entire debate and I gotta say KVH just doesn't get it. Ferraro was trying to say that Obama is a lightweight and that his main appeal is his blackness. She's just plain out of touch and what proves it is her commentary on Jesse and Obama. Both of those guys got where they got on their merits. Particularly Jesse was able to run a vigorous campaign that got the far left wing of the party fired up in era of great electoral despair. Obama is taking that insurgent message to a whole other level and crossing over big time. The fact that Gerry was a token selection (as are many VPs), while true, has nothing to do with Obama's appeal (or Jesse's in the 80s for that matter).

    Hillary should have distanced herself immediately from this divisive and dunderheaded thinking. Rove has been preaching this from the start. Don't bring up race in the context of Obama. It will only energize his base and hurt you with the swing vote.

    i never said i agreed with the language that she used. my understanding, based on her subsequent explanation, is that her argument is that Obama would not be where he is were he not Black. she never said he wasn't qualified to be prez, or that he didn't face extreme obstacles to get where he is. her point is that he has risen to superstar, world celebrity status, as oppossed to just "great senator status" - because of his race.

    if you disagree, i'm not belittling your argument, and her word choice was ill advised to say the least. i'm not talking about her sound bites, but what she has stated as her full opinion.

    lets close the book on this thread. zzzzzz

  • Deep_SangDeep_Sang 1,081 Posts
    because her politics and legacy trump a series of inarticulate comments. mother teresa has been criticized for writing a letter to the judge presiding over the case of a guy who defrauded people out of $250 million - and asking for clemency simply because he gave some of that stolen money to the church. should we denounce mother teresa? or is it okay to say we didn't agree with some of the things she has done.

    Dude, be serious.

    Nobody is calling for Hillary to denounce Ferraro the person. Nobody is expecting Hillary to devote an hour to enumerating all of Ferraro's sins. All she needs to do is denounce THESE COMMENTS. Whatever Ferraro has said or done in the past is not a factor in that analysis.

    All Clinton has to say is that Barack's skin color is not reason for his success as far as I know.

  • DORDOR Two Ron Toe 9,901 Posts
    Didn't wanna start another Obama thread.

    Did anyone watch SNL this week?

    Tracy Morgan!


  • Jonny_PaycheckJonny_Paycheck 17,825 Posts
    Morgan's shit is so hilarious.

  • Didn't wanna start another Obama thread.

    Did anyone watch SNL this week?

    Tracy Morgan!


    That last line nailed it.
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