The Blue Blood of Obama



  • Simple math? Yeah, I fully understand how the number of relatives for anyone compounds as you move through history. But when you come up with numbers in the thousands that should rightly contrast against numbers in the billions (considering the whole world's influence on America's population today) rather than only looking at numbers in the millions (America's population circa 1840)...then as I already stated, you are still dealing with a mere drop in the ocean.

    But wait, I guess we should all just assume that we're related to Dick Cheney...even if we're not.

    The compounding of relatives also works backwards. If someone from an immigrant family marries someone whose family has been here for, lets say 2 generations, it's highly likely that they will be related to someone in the 1840 census. The relationship will likely be rather esoteric, but it will be fact. Aren't Obama and Cheney like 12th cousins or something?

  • SwayzeSwayze 14,705 Posts

    Like, that every US president since Jefferson has fucked over Haiti (fact) and I fully expect Obama to follow suit (opinion).

    not to burst your bubble, but ron paul would not give a dime to haiti or any other foreign country....let alone allow any immigrants in.[/b]


    Can someone clarify Paul's stance on "not letting immigrants in the country"? This shit blows my mind.

    You gotta remember, dude is just a simpleton from Texas.

    Ron Paul on Immigration:

    Amend Constitution to remove aliens' birthright citizenship
    Voted YES on building a fence along the Mexican border. (Sep 2006)
    Voted YES on reporting illegal aliens who receive hospital treatment. (May 2004)
    Voted YES on preventing tipping off Mexicans about Minuteman Project. (Jun 2006)
    Rated 83% by USBC, indicating a sealed-border stance. (Dec 2006)
    Immigration problem is consequence of welfare state. (Sep 2007)
    Rated 100% by FAIR, indicating a voting record restricting immigration. (Dec 2003)

  • DORDOR Two Ron Toe 9,908 Posts
    I wish for once Harvey could talk about real conspiracies for a change.

    I could totally get down with the 60 Mins/Don Siegelman one right now. But the bloodlines thing is lame.

  • Like, that every president since FDR has been a shill to One-World bankers (fact)

    please to explain this concept. I've heard you refer to these "one-worlders" before; please to explain what this is if you have a minute.

    The federal reserve system of banking is an alchemical trick of Masonic origin that has the ability to sap any country under its power of its actual wealth.

    It just so happens that the same peopke who have implemented it are the same people always pushing a One-World agenda...which just so happen to be the same people who subscribe to a Cecil Rhodes-styled program of eugenics/population control based on race.

    Have you seen this Harvey?

  • I could totally get down with the 60 Mins/Don Siegelman one right now.

    The fact that they were going to kill this story was one thing.

    Then, they aired it opposite the Oscars... strike 2.

    I even brought it up IN the Oscars thread... to crickets.

    I mean, I watched some red carpet with the gay holmeses, and even they weren't as catty as these SoulStrut dudes!

  • DORDOR Two Ron Toe 9,908 Posts
    That part of the broadcast was a no go in Alabama... CBS saying it was a technical problem with CBS out of New York is pretty interesting. Let alone the story about Don Siegelman.

    More info.

  • Are you serious???

    x 1,000,000

  • I could totally get down with the 60 Mins/Don Siegelman one right now.

    The fact that they were going to kill this story was one thing.

    Then, they aired it opposite the Oscars... strike 2.

    I even brought it up IN the Oscars thread... to crickets.

    I mean, I watched some red carpet with the gay holmeses, and even they weren't as catty as these SoulStrut dudes!

    I'm saying. it may warrant its own thread.

  • RockadelicRockadelic Out Digging 13,993 Posts
    Siegelman got screwed.

    Alabama politics is some next level shit.

  • HarveyCanalHarveyCanal "a distraction from my main thesis." 13,234 Posts

    Like, that every president since FDR has been a shill to One-World bankers (fact)

    please to explain this concept. I've heard you refer to these "one-worlders" before; please to explain what this is if you have a minute.

    The federal reserve system of banking is an alchemical trick of Masonic origin that has the ability to sap any country under its power of its actual wealth.

    It just so happens that the same peopke who have implemented it are the same people always pushing a One-World agenda...which just so happen to be the same people who subscribe to a Cecil Rhodes-styled program of eugenics/population control based on race.

    Have you seen this Harvey?

    No, but I'd like to.

  • Danno3000Danno3000 2,851 Posts

    The federal reserve system of banking is an alchemical trick of Masonic origin that has the ability to sap any country under its power of its actual wealth.

    Dude, you must parodying yourself. I mean, you can't really be serious about alchemical tricks. That's just too loony tunes.

    Why is Haiti the linchpin of your theory on conspiracies in US government? I understand that the US hasn't treated the country very well and that you have family connections to it, but why Haiti? Why not the Dominican Republic?

  • alchemical trick

  • HarveyCanalHarveyCanal "a distraction from my main thesis." 13,234 Posts

    The federal reserve system of banking is an alchemical trick of Masonic origin that has the ability to sap any country under its power of its actual wealth.

    Dude, you must parodying yourself. I mean, you can't really be serious about alchemical tricks. That's just too loony tunes.

    Look, I can't help it if you haven't done your homework and still have no idea where our banking system comes from...which is from the Knights Templar.

    And it's not much of an alchemical's basically just a system where a banker can lend out way more than he has on hand in "reserves", compounded to the nth degree.

    Why is Haiti the linchpin of your theory on conspiracies in US government? I understand that the US hasn't treated the country very well and that you have family connections to it, but why Haiti? Why not the Dominican Republic?

    It's easy to cite Haiti when it comes to US meddling...and the US has done it with negative consequence for Haitians for 200+ years without apology.

    But you answered your own question anyway...I'm part of a Haitian family...thus I give a shit about Haiti way more than I do the Domincan Republic. I know more about Haiti than I do the Domican Republic. But why not deflect the truth of what I'm saying about Haiti by bringing up some bullshit question about the Domincan Republic?

  • DORDOR Two Ron Toe 9,908 Posts

    The federal reserve system of banking is an alchemical trick of Masonic origin that has the ability to sap any country under its power of its actual wealth.

    Dude, you must parodying yourself. I mean, you can't really be serious about alchemical tricks. That's just too loony tunes.

    Look, I can't help it if you haven't done your homework and still have no idea where our banking system comes from...which is from the Knights Templar.

    And it's not much of an alchemical's basically just a system where a banker can lend out way more than he has on hand in "reserves", compounded to the nth degree.

    Why is Haiti the linchpin of your theory on conspiracies in US government? I understand that the US hasn't treated the country very well and that you have family connections to it, but why Haiti? Why not the Dominican Republic?

    It's easy to cite Haiti when it comes to US meddling...and the US has done it with negative consequence for Haitians for 200+ years without apology.

    But you answered your own question anyway...I'm part of a Haitian family...thus I give a shit about Haiti way more than I do the Domincan Republic. I know more about Haiti than I do the Domican Republic. But why not deflect the truth of what I'm saying about Haiti by bringing up some bullshit question about the Domincan Republic?

    When are you calling out the French & Spanish??

  • deejdeej 5,125 Posts
    sometimes harvey you are such a fuckin moron

  • sometimes harvey you are such a fuckin moron

    yea, "sometimes."

  • The federal reserve system of banking is an alchemical trick of Masonic origin that has the ability to sap any country under its power of its actual wealth.

    Dude, you must parodying yourself. I mean, you can't really be serious about alchemical tricks. That's just too loony tunes.

    Look, I can't help it if you haven't done your homework and still have no idea where our banking system comes from...which is from the Knights Templar.

    I guess I don't really understand where these theories of yours are leading.

    you always bring up the old, aristocratic white underpinnings of many of our institutions as somehow being self-evidently evil. well guess what? our country has old, aristocratic white underpinnings. so what? so what if you trace our banking system back it leads to something that you believe is dark and spooky? what is the point of all this? masons, rothchilds, knights templar: you always drop these like some sort of knowlege bombs. you seem to deem it sufficient that one thing was/is "related" to another, but you always sort of leave it at that. what are you getting at exactly? you need to develop these "theories" a little more if you plan on making any sense.

  • LaserWolfLaserWolf Portland Oregon 11,517 Posts
    but when we find out that he's from the same bloodline as 98% of Americans presidents and he's a 32nd degree Freemason and he's being advised by certified

    Just curious, who is the one President who isn't from these elite bloodlines??

    Kennedy The Catholic?

  • LaserWolfLaserWolf Portland Oregon 11,517 Posts

    Like, that every president since FDR has been a shill to One-World bankers (fact)

    please to explain this concept. I've heard you refer to these "one-worlders" before; please to explain what this is if you have a minute.

    The federal reserve system of banking is an alchemical trick of Masonic origin that has the ability to sap any country under its power of its actual wealth.

    It just so happens that the same peopke who have implemented it are the same people always pushing a One-World agenda...which just so happen to be the same people who subscribe to a Cecil Rhodes-styled program of eugenics/population control based on race.

    Here is the deal.

    Once our currency was based on gold.

    The gold was held by the government and they issued notes (money) based on the value gold.

    Some people think that since gold has true value the money was real.

    Our money is no longer based on gold it is now based on... Fuck I don't know what ever the Federal Reserve Board (which is not really private and not really government) says it is.

    This worries some people who think that since it is not based on gold, which has true value, it is fake. A conspiracy.

    BUT WAIT! I am here to tell you right now gold ain't worth shit. Gold only has value because a handful of WASP families (HC's no doubt) hold a lot of gold and want you to believe it has value because they want you to bow down to them because they have the gold. Right now HC does not keep his money in a bank (controlled by them [Jews {no wait, I have just been informed they are Catholics Knights Templar}]). As a good WASP he has all his savings in gold.

    It doesn't matter if your monetary system is based on the Federal Reserve Board, gold, beads or clams. Money only has the value that the people using it says it has. I want to get paid in dollars because all the stores I do business take $s as payment.

    By the way, I think it would be a good thing if we all lived in one world where boarders didn't matter and governments didn't fight over resources and money and religion. One world where all people were guaranteed human rights. But I'm Jewish, so what did you expect?

  • Danno3000Danno3000 2,851 Posts

    Look, I can't help it if you haven't done your homework and still have no idea where our banking system comes from...which is from the Knights Templar.

    And it's not much of an alchemical's basically just a system where a banker can lend out way more than he has on hand in "reserves", compounded to the nth degree.

    I guess I really haven't done my homework. Or maybe the man has succeeded in making me think that alchemy is pure doodoo. So does the transmutation of lead really result in gold?

    You'll also have to explain to me why the Knights Templar are in and of themselves indication of some great nefarious doing. Remember, I only got the conventional education and I've yet to be inducted into the ZOG. Until I'm tapped by the elders, I'd be grateful if you could spare a moment and instruct me.

    It's easy to cite Haiti when it comes to US meddling...and the US has done it with negative consequence for Haitians for 200+ years without apology.

    But you answered your own question anyway...I'm part of a Haitian family...thus I give a shit about Haiti way more than I do the Domincan Republic. I know more about Haiti than I do the Domican Republic. But why not deflect the truth of what I'm saying about Haiti by bringing up some bullshit question about the Domincan Republic?

    OK, but does Haiti have some geopolitical significance that makes it central to the grand plan? Or is it just another example of the US bungling foreign policy? Did the Knights Templar have a secret base there? Again, until I become an initiate, I remain pretty ignorant. I'm sorry.

  • But the bloodlines thing is lame.

    It smacks of racism--one-drop rule, etc.

  • LaserWolfLaserWolf Portland Oregon 11,517 Posts
    I am sorry to say Obama is a centrist. Any one on Soulstrut who thinks Obama (or thought Clinton) was some kind of, leftist, socialist or pacifist is in for a big dissapointment.

    Obama's foreign policy will interfere in other countries. He has already said that will fight al Qaeda in Pakistan. He will not be calling for reparations for slavery. He will not keep our policies out of the Caribbean and Latin America. He will bring us single payer universal health care. He will not fully fund Head Start. He will not fix ebay's policies.

    Not because he is Dick Cheney's distant cousin and thus in on a vast conspiracy of The Cousins Of Cheney.

    No, just because he is a normal (albeit charismatic and a lot better than suckass lot we got now) politician.

    Also the Federal Reserve Board (which is controlled by Catholics [are the Catholics or Knights Templar if you prefer controlled by the Vatican or by Jews?) really control the country and are making HC's gold worthless.

  • I am sorry to say Obama is a centrist.

    Maybe, if you're Trotsky

  • deejdeej 5,125 Posts
    I am sorry to say Obama is a centrist.

    Maybe, if you're Trotsky
    yeah i actually agree with sabadaba, as is becoming a regular thing on these threads

  • Obama's foreign policy will interfere in other countries. He has already said that will fight al Qaeda in Pakistan. He will not be calling for reparations for slavery. He will not keep our policies out of the Caribbean and Latin America. He will bring us single payer universal health care. He will not fully fund Head Start. He will not fix ebay's policies.[/b]

    i love it.

  • BsidesBsides 4,244 Posts

    Just curious, who is the one President who isn't from these elite bloodlines??

    Perhaps the greatest.

    ....and the most reptillian looking. AND he rocks a freeway beard.

  • HarveyCanalHarveyCanal "a distraction from my main thesis." 13,234 Posts
    When a bank carries the right to borrow more than it has on hand, the alchemy begins. You deposit $10,000 and the bank can then lend out $50,000...the $40,000 being the something (gold) made out of nothing (lead). But here's where the real magic begins...You borrow $20,000 from the bank and you default on the loan, and guess what...the bank has the ability to sieze assets for collection of that defaulted loan. So again, they take nothing (imaginary money or someone else's money...however) and turn it into something (siezed assets).

    This scam has been scoring the One World banking elite all sorts of wealth from nations where the banks knew going into the loans that the nations could never pay the priciple let alone their outrageous, against-the-way-of-God interest rates.

    Lend out some imaginary money, backed more by the muscle of the armies in league with world bankers than by any real cash whatsover (20% of it at best), wait for the borrower to default, and then take the fuck over.

    Countless times this has happened all over the world. They snatch up real estate, natural resources, and next thing you know McDonalds moves in with the quickness along with all of the usual developers...and then it's Disneyland for as far as the eye can see.

    And contrary to what Dan was spazzing out over (what does Catholic or Jew have to do with any of this?) has dramatically increased in value over the past 5 years.[/b]

    You think that's nothing to think about but thinking about it is exactly where thinking begins.

  • You think that's nothing to think about but thinking about it is exactly where thinking begins.

  • You think that's nothing to think about but thinking about it is exactly where thinking begins.


  • The_NonThe_Non 5,691 Posts
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