
  • #71 describes a friend of mine to a tee. He'll never admit that Mexican food is good unless it's in a dingy run-down shack operated by Mexicans.

  • #71 describes a friend of mine to a tee. He'll never admit that Mexican food is good unless it's in a dingy run-down shack operated by Mexicans.

    yeah that one is on point actually.

    especially this: "Note: This does not apply to night clubs." lol.

  • DB_CooperDB_Cooper Manhatin' 7,823 Posts
    On Mos Def:

    He is everything that white people dream about: authentic (???he???s from Brooklyn!???), funny (???he was on Chapelle show!???), artistic (have you heard ???Black on Both Sides????), an actor (???he???s in the new Gondry film!???) and not white (???I don???t see race???).

    Dude's got a great ear for a punch line.

  • gotta agree with moke, not very funny. i thought it was mostly tired and predictable (prius joke, check; wholefoods joke, check; etc.) really more of a dig at yuppies than whites. anyway, it looks like he's eating at yank sink, which sort of undermines his point given that white folks eat there in droves.

  • mannybolonemannybolone Los Angeles, CA 15,025 Posts
    "Many white people will look into the window of an ethnic restaurant to see if there are other white people in there. It is determined to be an acceptable restaurant if the white people in there are accompanied by ethnic friends. But if there is a table occupied entirely by white people, it is deemed unacceptable."

    I call total bullshit on this. If this were the case, why the fuck is the line outside House of Nanking whiter than an Arctic Monkeys concert?

  • AserAser 2,351 Posts
    you people are all forgetting one important thing, this blog isn't about ALL WHITE PEOPLE. Its venom is aimed squarely at the upwardly mobile, blog reading, late 20's early 30's yuppy in denial whites. Basically a large portion of soulstrut readers!

  • HarveyCanalHarveyCanal "a distraction from my main thesis." 13,234 Posts
    expensive sandwiches
    knowing whats best for poor people
    michel gondry

    hahahaha, this guy really has us down

    Wait - I like expensive sandwiches and gondry.

    OH I white?

    Ask Harvey.

    Please don't make me answer that. This week, I already called Oliver a permanent resident of Disneyland. That should be enough salt for now.

    But yes, salt is white.

  • "Many white people will look into the window of an ethnic restaurant to see if there are other white people in there. It is determined to be an acceptable restaurant if the white people in there are accompanied by ethnic friends. But if there is a table occupied entirely by white people, it is deemed unacceptable."

    I call total bullshit on this. If this were the case, why the fuck is the line outside House of Nanking whiter than an Arctic Monkeys concert?

    answer: tourists.

    just as the disclaimer says "does not apply to nightclubs," so should there be one that says "does not apply to out-of-towners."

    when in a strange city, the white people in question (1) are not as concerned with bolstering their non-white bona fides since they are unlikely to be spotted by anyone they know and (2) are less likely to take "risks" when eating on the road.

    (that said I am an SF native and I fucks with Nanking on occassion, though I usually will opt for the place directly next door to the right; food just as good an never no line. then again as I peruse this little white people list it doesn't seem to apply to me anyway.)

  • mannybolonemannybolone Los Angeles, CA 15,025 Posts
    "Many white people will look into the window of an ethnic restaurant to see if there are other white people in there. It is determined to be an acceptable restaurant if the white people in there are accompanied by ethnic friends. But if there is a table occupied entirely by white people, it is deemed unacceptable."

    I call total bullshit on this. If this were the case, why the fuck is the line outside House of Nanking whiter than an Arctic Monkeys concert?

    answer: tourists.

    just as the disclaimer says "does not apply to nightclubs," so should there be one that says "does not apply to out-of-towners."

    when in a strange city, the white people in question (1) are not as concerned with bolstering their non-white bona fides since they are unlikely to be spotted by anyone they know and (2) are less likely to take "risks" when eating on the road.

    (that said I am an SF native and I fucks with Nanking on occassion, though I usually will opt for the place directly next door to the right; food just as good an never no line. then again as I peruse this little white people list it doesn't seem to apply to me anyway.)

    That still doesn't explain Eric's and Alice's then.

    (Watch this thread quickly spin back towards an SF food thread, once again!)

  • "Many white people will look into the window of an ethnic restaurant to see if there are other white people in there. It is determined to be an acceptable restaurant if the white people in there are accompanied by ethnic friends. But if there is a table occupied entirely by white people, it is deemed unacceptable."

    I call total bullshit on this. If this were the case, why the fuck is the line outside House of Nanking whiter than an Arctic Monkeys concert?

    answer: tourists.

    just as the disclaimer says "does not apply to nightclubs," so should there be one that says "does not apply to out-of-towners."

    when in a strange city, the white people in question (1) are not as concerned with bolstering their non-white bona fides since they are unlikely to be spotted by anyone they know and (2) are less likely to take "risks" when eating on the road.

    (that said I am an SF native and I fucks with Nanking on occassion, though I usually will opt for the place directly next door to the right; food just as good an never no line. then again as I peruse this little white people list it doesn't seem to apply to me anyway.)

    That still doesn't explain Eric's and Alice's then.

    (Watch this thread quickly spin back towards an SF food thread, once again!)

    that's just the Noe Valley factor: no non-whites live there. (paging ross!)

  • yuichiyuichi Urban sprawl 11,331 Posts

  • verb606verb606 2,518 Posts
    "Many white people will look into the window of an ethnic restaurant to see if there are other white people in there. It is determined to be an acceptable restaurant if the white people in there are accompanied by ethnic friends. But if there is a table occupied entirely by white people, it is deemed unacceptable."

    I call total bullshit on this. If this were the case, why the fuck is the line outside House of Nanking whiter than an Arctic Monkeys concert?

    I think restaurants are a bad example of the "only white person around" theory. Most white people don't give a fuck who's in the bitch. If the food is good, they'll go.

    The exception to this is if said restaurant is in a really shitty part of town. In that case I can see a white dude wanting to be the one white dude brave enough to come to the hood and have all the minority people be like "oh shit, look at that white dude who came all the way out here." If there's another white person in there, that fucks with his status.

    A better example is some really ethnic activity or event. Like a capoeira class or a show by an obscure African drum group or something. If you're the only white dude there, then you're the cool open-minded dude who digs deep for cool shit. If you're one of a ton of white people, then you're a bandwagon jumper or an implicit part of white people's "voyeuristic fascination with the other."

  • "Many white people will look into the window of an ethnic restaurant to see if there are other white people in there. It is determined to be an acceptable restaurant if the white people in there are accompanied by ethnic friends. But if there is a table occupied entirely by white people, it is deemed unacceptable."

    I call total bullshit on this. If this were the case, why the fuck is the line outside House of Nanking whiter than an Arctic Monkeys concert?

    I think restaurants are a bad example of the "only white person around" theory. Most white people don't give a fuck who's in the bitch. If the food is good, they'll go.

    The exception to this is if said restaurant is in a really shitty part of town. In that case I can see a white dude wanting to be the one white dude brave enough to come to the hood and have all the minority people be like "oh shit, look at that white dude who came all the way out here." If there's another white person in there, that fucks with his status.

    A better example is some really ethnic activity or event. Like a capoeira class or a show by an obscure African drum group or something. If you're the only white dude there, then you're the cool open-minded dude who digs deep for cool shit. If you're one of a ton of white people, then you're a bandwagon jumper or an implicit part of white people's "voyeuristic fascination with the other."


  • HarveyCanalHarveyCanal "a distraction from my main thesis." 13,234 Posts
    then again as I peruse this little white people list it doesn't seem to apply to me anyway.)

    Which brings us to #72...when vieweing a list of items written in critique of white people, white people will focus their attention on the items that supposedly don't pertain to them as proof that the list as a whole doesn't pertain to them rather than putting any focus whatsoever on those items from the list that in fact do pertain to them.

  • AserAser 2,351 Posts
    I'm not white and I'll admit quite a few things on the list relates to me. White folk get mad asshurt at being labeled as stereotypical white.

  • ... this whole thread is kind of cringe-worthy. Too much bellybutton gazing. I thought Archaic was the dude who determined which white folks were whiter. It seems like some of you guys are going lengths to distance yourselves from "those other white people".

    Lol at the one Chad pointing his finger at SF yuppies.


  • Lol at the one Chad pointing his finger at SF yuppies.

    was I? my post was about tourists.

    in any case I read exactly three of the entries from that site and they had nothing to do with me. funnily enough my distaste for gondry and mos def are actually well documented in the strut archives; feel free to e-stalk me using the search function.

  • HarveyCanalHarveyCanal "a distraction from my main thesis." 13,234 Posts
    I am white and my parents didn't raise me right. I expect everyone to live up to my own personal standards. I frequently stick my nose into business that is not my own. I have a tendency to naturally want to correct people, even over the most frivolous of things. I get bent out of shape when things don't go according to my plan. I'm lazy yet still expect everything to go my way. I often whine like a beyotch and have a temper tantrum problem. Did I mention that I'm white?

  • djdazedjdaze 3,099 Posts
    I think they forgot to mention that uppity latinos fit into this same category

  • my distaste for gondry and mos def are actually well documented in the strut archives


  • my distaste for gondry and mos def are actually well documented in the strut archives



  • ... this whole thread is kind of cringe-worthy. Too much bellybutton gazing. I thought Archaic was the dude who determined which white folks were whiter. It seems like some of you guys are going lengths to distance yourselves from "those other white people".

    Lol at the one Chad pointing his finger at SF yuppies.


    Right now, at work????

  • I hear dude is "nice" on the slopes:

  • NateBizzoNateBizzo 2,328 Posts
    I am so white it's funny. I'm hitting on 75% of this shit.

  • jaysusjaysus 787 Posts
    Grammor police here, everyone keeps calling the blog writer him or them, it's not, it's a she. Anyone with any e-stalking sense would have immediately browsed the person's flickr photo sets looking for a tag line like "This is me eating a delicious crepe!"

  • Damn, she's white as fuck.

  • HarveyCanalHarveyCanal "a distraction from my main thesis." 13,234 Posts

  • WHITE PEOPLE LIKE CREPES. girl even owns a crepe pan and can make crepe batter wihtout looking at a recipe...white girls rule.

  • RockadelicRockadelic Out Digging 13,993 Posts
    White people apparently like stereotyping white people.

    Someone PM me when the What Black/Hispanic/Asian/Space Aliens Like thread is started.....I already know what I like.
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