White people apparently like stereotyping white people.
Someone PM me when the What Black/Hispanic/Asian/Space Aliens Like thread is started.....I already know what I like.
I hear black people like fried chicken, grape soda and yelling at movie theater screens...
Hispanic people like driving slow and putting their last name in old english letters on the back windows of their cars...
Asian people like math and hello kitty...
Space Aliens like to probe Harvey...
You just couldn't leave it alone...
#73 White people can't handle any jokes thrown their way without them in turn directing jokes at others.
I couldnt leave it alone? this thread is on page 5...no one left it alone Harv. If anyone is offended by what I wrote, well then, they are just well, sissies.
HarveyCanal"a distraction from my main thesis." 13,234 Posts
White people apparently like stereotyping white people.
Someone PM me when the What Black/Hispanic/Asian/Space Aliens Like thread is started.....I already know what I like.
I hear black people like fried chicken, grape soda and yelling at movie theater screens...
Hispanic people like driving slow and putting their last name in old english letters on the back windows of their cars...
Asian people like math and hello kitty...
Space Aliens like to probe Harvey...
You just couldn't leave it alone...
#73 White people can't handle any jokes thrown their way without them in turn directing jokes at others.
I couldnt leave it alone? this thread is on page 5...no one left it alone Harv. If anyone is offended by what I wrote, well then, they are just well, sissies.
#75 White people absolutely love the downslope of an uneven playing field and even moreso love to deny that the downslope actually exists when it's pointed out by others.
The blog obviously struck a nerve with some people. I say embrace that shit. It is what it is, you know? Some of those are pretty spot on (and yes, I'm including myself in this).
i think when people say the words "white people" they mean upper middle class anglo saxon protestant right ?
i mean they could mean arabs or greeks, who are also white but can have darker skin.
it's kind of hard to bunch all people who are considered caucasin together in one lump group. it shows a high level of ignorance to me.
Genetically, there is no such thing as race. As it functions conceptually, race is a combination of self-identification and how one is identified by the surrounding society.
you know, i do believe im that special breed of asian that kinda straddles the lines between ethnicities. i mean, no one ever guesses right the first time. its usually either chinese, korean, or pilipino. and on some raer occaisions, mexican.
you know, i do believe im that special breed of asian that kinda straddles the lines between ethnicities. i mean, no one ever guesses right the first time. its usually either chinese, korean, or pilipino. and on some raer occaisions, mexican.
Strangely, Chinese people think I'm Japanese. I blame the facial hair.
where's the list? do you really have to scroll through each blog entry? I am down to test my white-ness but no way I have like an hour to scroll through all the past entries on that blog.
"When you ask white people about Mac’s they will say “oh, it’s so much better than Windows,” “it’s just easier to use,” “they are so cutting edge,” and so forth. What’s amazing is that white people NEED to meet people who use Windows to justify themselves spending an extra $500 for a pretty looking machine."
Somewhere Edgar Winter is laughing because he's finally found someone whiter than himself.
The writers are two asian dudes that are mad into college sports.
I hear black people like fried chicken, grape soda and yelling at movie theater screens...
Hispanic people like driving slow and putting their last name in old english letters on the back windows of their cars...
Asian people like math and hello kitty...
Space Aliens like to probe Harvey...
Too bad. I was about to stop pre-judging Beckys based on that blog.
Japanese people too.
Make with that what you may.
You just couldn't leave it alone...
#73 White people can't handle any jokes thrown their way without them in turn directing jokes at others.
#74 should be guilt
I couldnt leave it alone? this thread is on page 5...no one left it alone Harv. If anyone is offended by what I wrote, well then, they are just well, sissies.
#75 White people absolutely love the downslope of an uneven playing field and even moreso love to deny that the downslope actually exists when it's pointed out by others.
#74 Harvey can't handle any jokes thrown his way without he in turn directing some pathetically flawed race-related pseudo-psychology at others. [/b]
and for the record: i think that blog is both funny and well written.
But this makes us both "more" white
i mean they could mean arabs or greeks, who are also white but can have darker skin.
it's kind of hard to bunch all people who are considered caucasin together in one lump group. it shows a high level of ignorance to me.
All I know is the that the list OBVIOUSLY doesn't apply to you.
Spoken like a true white guy.
Genetically, there is no such thing as race. As it functions conceptually, race is a combination of self-identification and how one is identified by the surrounding society.
Hold on, let me check with Sun Ra. Yep, you are correct.
im also really really good at math but still. i hate it.
maybe your bi-racial?
Get familiar?
Why is their logo, you know, not smiling? That always cracked me up.
Strangely, Chinese people think I'm Japanese. I blame the facial hair.
what did you score? be honest.
where's the list? do you really have to scroll through each blog entry? I am down to test my white-ness but no way I have like an hour to scroll through all the past entries on that blog.
"When you ask white people about Mac’s they will say “oh, it’s so much better than Windows,” “it’s just easier to use,” “they are so cutting edge,” and so forth. What’s amazing is that white people NEED to meet people who use Windows to justify themselves spending an extra $500 for a pretty looking machine."
This thread and that blog are hilarious. hahaha
- spidey