The Official Breaking Bad Thread

dollar_bindollar_bin I heartily endorse this product and/or event 2,326 Posts
edited February 2008 in Strut Central
I think it's about time this show had its own thread. Now that the Wire is winding down, I need to find a new show that I can be Soul Strut's resident apologist for. Breaking Bad is rapidly becoming that show for me. It's easily the blackest comedy I've seen on TV in a long time, plus it has drug use, chemistry, and episode 4 features Darondo in the sound track.Screw Showtime, AMC is the new HBO.


  • I think it's about time this show had its own thread. Now that the Wire is winding down, I need to find a new show that I can be Soul Strut's resident apologist for. Breaking Bad is rapidly becoming that show for me. It's easily the blackest comedy I've seen on TV in a long time, plus it has drug use, chemistry, and episode 4 features Darondo in the sound track.

    Screw Showtime, AMC is the new HBO.


    I've never seen even sixty seconds of that Malcolm in the Middle show but dude who was the dad is incredible in BB.

    D_B, it even looks like they're about to introduce more *scientists* into the plot stew.

  • The_NonThe_Non 5,691 Posts
    Breaking Bad: Warning, Painfully White Dancing:

  • what is this show

  • dollar_bindollar_bin I heartily endorse this product and/or event 2,326 Posts
    what is this show

    Sunday nights, 10PM on American Movie Classics. Briefly, Bryan Cranston (the dad from Malcolm in the Middle) plays a high school chemistry teacher who is diagnosed with cancer so he decides to cook Meth in order to provide for his family.

  • dollar_bindollar_bin I heartily endorse this product and/or event 2,326 Posts
    You can watch the first two episodes on-line:

  • white_teawhite_tea 3,262 Posts
    Liked the pilot, hated the second episode, redeemed a bit by No. 3. It's one of the few shows, with my basic cable package, that I can watch commercial-free On Demand, and for that, I will tune in. I really don't have any other "shows" aside from Bill Curtis crime shows on A&E, the First 48 and stuff on the History Channel, so this one is OK.

    AMC is actually redeeming itself the past year or so. They still have an extremely loose definition of classic movies. Still would rather have TMC.

    I didn't even realize that was the same dude from Malcom in the Middle -- a sign of pretty damn good acting or that I am a space cadet.

  • mylatencymylatency 10,475 Posts
    It's easily the blackest comedy I've seen on TV in a long time, plus it has drug use, chemistry, and episode 4 features Darondo in the sound track.

    Yup, I started watching it since The Non and others were talking about it in the Tivo thread. Seriously dark but really nice stuff, I think of it as the more serious meth-analogue to Weeds. There are similarities but it's not even remotely as goofy, and I don't feel like they require the audience to operate on a suspension of belief level like Weeds's crazy scenarios. It floored me when the Dorando kicked in and the flames rose from the car.

    That said, I hope they aren't painting themselves into a corner with the lung cancer + Crazy 8 storyline. Walt Sr. operating as the "kingpin cook" would be sick.


  • PunditPundit 438 Posts
    glamourises meth use which aint that glamourous is my only gripe.
    but I rate it as the only decent thing to surface in a little while.
    ep4 slowed things down a little and got into some character development.

  • ElectrodeElectrode Los Angeles 3,111 Posts

    AMC is actually redeeming itself the past year or so. They still have an extremely loose definition of classic movies. Still would rather have TMC.

    Major . I'm so pissed that I don't get Turner.

  • RockadelicRockadelic Out Digging 13,993 Posts
    Damn.....they turned down my idea for a show about a Professional Bowler who losses his fingers in a Noodling accident and turns to smoking crack.

  • dollar_bindollar_bin I heartily endorse this product and/or event 2,326 Posts
    glamourises meth use which aint that glamourous is my only gripe.
    but I rate it as the only decent thing to surface in a little while.
    ep4 slowed things down a little and got into some character development.

    Ewww, I don't really think the meth use is very glamorous in the show, but I can see your point. I think episode 4 definitely hinted at a richer back story for the main characters.

  • FYBSFYBS 271 Posts
    glamourises meth use which aint that glamourous is my only gripe.
    but I rate it as the only decent thing to surface in a little while.
    ep4 slowed things down a little and got into some character development.

    Ewww, I don't really think the meth use is very glamorous in the show, but I can see your point. I think episode 4 definitely hinted at a richer back story for the main characters.

    Which ones are you talking about? The kid and his parents, or the guy who got his car torched?

  • pacmanpacman 1,114 Posts
    Heh, what's crazy about AMC is I just heard one of my boys tracks as the background for the Godfather marathon commercial.

  • yo some update me on this because I missed it. Did they hack ole boy up yet that was down in the basement?

  • mylatencymylatency 10,475 Posts
    yo some update me on this because I missed it. Did they hack ole boy up yet that was down in the basement?


    You know, I'm not sure, Walt Sr. choked him with the bike lock cos he realized Crazy 8 was gonna stab him with a piece of the broken plate (when he was chucking the plate in the trash when he trying to make a decision on whether to spare him or not).

    I don't see how this show glamourizes meth use. Any indication that the users and or dealers are doing well is shot down pretty quick by the police, violence, and death.

  • mandrewmandrew 2,720 Posts

    I didn't even realize that was the same dude from Malcom in the Middle -- a sign of pretty damn good acting or that I am a space cadet.

    me too.
    i don't know wht it says about us/me that i cant recognize the guy from a show that's been running on prime time for what seems like 6 years... but i'm already well familiar with this show on amc.

  • mandrewmandrew 2,720 Posts

    I don't feel like they require the audience to operate on a suspension of belief level like Weeds's crazy scenarios.

    cuz the normal guy chemistry teacher who takes up cooking meth with his flunky ex-student, then kills and tries to chemically disolve two dealers within a week is very plausible... riiiiiight

    It floored me when the Dorando kicked in and the flames rose from the car.

    my old music supervisor mentor is working on this show and i'm proud to say i introduced him to that song [/props over here]

  • mandrewmandrew 2,720 Posts

    You know, I'm not sure, Walt Sr. choked him with the bike lock cos he realized Crazy 8 was gonna stab him with a piece of the broken plate (when he was chucking the plate in the trash when he trying to make a decision on whether to spare him or not).

    that part was ill. i appreciate how amc allowed the show to run that seven minutes in the basement scene with walter and krazy 8. seems very unorthodox for a show, especially one only into its 3rd ep. its cool that they humanized krazy 8 and showed the two of them begin to develop a relationship and sympathy for one another... only to off the dude in the next scene.

    crazy thing about this show is that that outcome would have been predictable in many other shows... you would think 'of course dude's not going to kill him in cold blood...' not quite for this show. i wasn't sure if ol walt was going to kill him in cold blood, kill him in defense, or make him his partner.

    drawback of the show is clearly the budget. really poor quality film and obvious rush job to the editing. but what really speaks highly for the show is that it is able to shine through.

  • mylatencymylatency 10,475 Posts

    I don't feel like they require the audience to operate on a suspension of belief level like Weeds's crazy scenarios.

    cuz the normal guy chemistry teacher who takes up cooking meth with his flunky ex-student, then kills and tries to chemically disolve two dealers within a week is very plausible... riiiiiight

    Moreso than Mary Louise Parker hot trottin' around weed selling in suburban SoCal with thugs AND employing her friends/family. Much moreso, methinks.

    no hatt on her at all though, just sayin.

  • hobo_dhobo_d 331 Posts
    this show is the SHIT

  • mylatencymylatency 10,475 Posts
    this show is the SHIT


    It has a little bit of this vibe, too, of which I have no problem with:


  • PunditPundit 438 Posts
    I don't see how this show glamourizes meth use. Any indication that the users and or dealers are doing well is shot down pretty quick by the police, violence, and death.

    yeah fair point. I was running out the door to work when I wrote that shit. I'm just wondering how they're gonna work it out for old mate. He's got a disabled kid, got crapped over for his true calling in research to work shitty chem class in buttfuck idaho and have to moonlight a shitty job and now has lung ca. so that's supposedly makes it okay for him to cook and sell 99% pure meth that will ultimately destroy his community if you look at like that. The DEA cop is a shmeggy fuckwit who we as viewers are led to dislike while the dealer dude is an antihero. It's great tv, real murky moral shit and I like how the flaky dude is showing some bottom end in the last episode.. I was just trying to start a 5 pager. heh.

  • Who said it was "okay" for Walter White to cook meth? THE SHOW IS CALLED "BREAKING BAD".

  • PunditPundit 438 Posts
    so based on what's happened so far, let's say episode 5 starts with Walt getting busted and thrown in jail. you'd think what? "Yeah, take that Walt! you deserve that shit you dirty little meth cook!"....

  • I missed most of this week's episode

    the first 2 (uncut) were on IFC tonight
    IFC should be playing it in the first place, it's much better than that crappy sketch comedy they took from Fuse

  • PunditPundit 438 Posts
    who else wanted to reach into the screen and bitch slap walt and scream at him "TAKE THE MONEY YOU [color:black]F[/color]UCKING DOUCHE YOU DESERVE IT!!!!" .. ?

    all my rhetorical arguments about meth-glam summarily retracted.

    edit: kudos to GBH.

  • FYBSFYBS 271 Posts
    Personally I relate to the dude. I probably wouldn't have taken the money either. I hate handouts. They only end up putting you in someone's pocket. Glad to see he's gonna go back to cooking meth (solely from a plot standpoint). This episode was painful to watch most of the way. Too slow, too much family meeting time, too much of well, nothing really. It was purely for development of Walt's past, and to throw a new dude into the mix with the idiot kid. Next one should pick up a bit though.

  • PunditPundit 438 Posts
    it seems to be real intense, then eases off.. kinda like a meth hit I would imagine.

    plus the new kid was to make whatshisname realise how walt must have felt cooking with him.

  • FYBSFYBS 271 Posts
    BTW, WTF is GBH?

  • PunditPundit 438 Posts
    User = Great Blue Hills.

    sorry, getting a bit cross-referential. He taught me a new swear word today.
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