I HIT THAT [white chicks related]



  • Flatbush has always been comparatively mellow, family neighborhood and all...

    Crime /= Character though.

  • Crime /= Character though.

    exactly, i wasnt talking about the crime so how come you guys are?

  • Flatbush has always been comparatively mellow, family neighborhood and all...

    Crime /= Character though.

    Meh not necessarily. In the early nineties the block i lived on was raided because it was so bad and the police straight murdered a top ranking guy. Right on the south side of Prospect Park on Caton and Argyle.

    Crime of course is not character. but lack of crime equals midwestern invasion which blandifies the whole shit

  • Crime /= Character though.

    exactly, i wasnt talking about the crime so how come you guys are?

    The lack of character is directly related to new booties to New York (some might argue me included) moving in and being boring and unexceptional. They only moved to new york when they started locking everybody up for nothing and became totally safe.

  • Crime /= Character though.

    exactly, i wasnt talking about the crime so how come you guys are?

    The lack of character is directly related to new booties to New York (some might argue me included) moving in and being boring and unexceptional. They only moved to new york when they started locking everybody up for nothing and became totally safe.


  • HarveyCanalHarveyCanal "a distraction from my main thesis." 13,234 Posts
    Back to white chicks, or in this case white people...

    430 Things Which White People Like... (from philaflava.com)

    1. 1% milk
    2. 101.9 fm
    3. A False Sense of Security
    4. Actually dressing according to the season/weather
    5. Adopting Korean kids
    6. A good cry
    7. Alan Thicke
    8. Alicia Keys
    9. Alpha Dog
    10. Alphabetical Order
    11. American Apparel
    12. American flag magnets
    13. Ampersands
    14. Ample parking
    15. Ananda Lewis
    16. Animals indigenous to Africa
    17. Antiquing
    18. Any band whose name starts with The
    19. Aqua socks
    20. Artichokes
    21. Asian women
    22. Atmosphere
    23. Automated Tie Racks
    24. Aviator Sunglasses
    25. Baby Wipes
    26. Baby seals
    27. Backpacking through Europe after they graduate from college
    28. Bacon
    29. Bagpipes
    30. Baked pineapple
    31. Ballet lessons for the daughter
    32. Bandannas
    33. Band t-shirts with the tour dates printed on the back
    34. Banisters
    35. Banks
    36. Barack Obama
    37. Being "mutlicultural"
    38. Being Zest fully clean
    39. Being able to make a point without hand gestures
    40. Being called "nigga" by Black Rob or M.O.P
    41. Being called sir or ma'am by black waiters/bouncers
    42. Being interviewed by Chris Hanson
    43. Being unafraid of water that goes over their heads
    44. Being vegetarian/vegan idiots
    45. Big Ty
    46. Bill O Reilly
    47. Black-on-black crime
    48. Black chicks (as long as dad doesn't find out)
    49. Blazers
    50. Bleu Cheese
    51. Blogging about blogging about Space Raps
    52. Blonde hair
    53. Bob Evans
    54. Bob Ross
    55. Bobby McFerrin
    56. Boot/sneakers or sneaker/boots
    57. Bragging about how cool Woodstock was
    58. Bread pudding
    59. Brett Favre
    60. Bukkake Porn
    61. Bumper Stickers
    62. Butterscotch
    63. Buying Friends DVD Box Sets
    64. Buying houses in Ohio
    65. Buying their kids color-coordinated notebooks for school
    66. CBS
    67. CNN
    68. Calling people "buddy"
    69. Canada
    70. Capable Kel's Howie Long/Simon from American Idol hairdoo
    71. Car Shoes Without Socks
    72. Carrot cake
    73. Catching feelings on forums
    74. Celebrity golf tournaments
    75. Celine Dion
    76. Certificates of Deposit
    77. Certified Mail
    78. Cheese
    79. Child leashes
    80. Christmas
    81. Christmas lights
    82. Cigars which still have tobacco in them
    83. Coffee Ice Cream
    84. Coffee Mugs With Uplifting Slogans
    85. Columbus Day
    86. Commercials for Buzz Ballads
    87. Commercials for The Rascal
    88. Common (but only the stuff he made with that "uppity but talented negro Kayne West")
    89. Company picnics
    90. Compulsive lying on the internet about being "a writer" despite the fact you can't post a simple one paragraph post without at least 2 edits and you were rejected by NYU and NCU for being a dumb mick with social anxiety disorder
    91. Cops and Firemen
    92. Copywrite
    93. Corey Feldman and Corey Haim
    94. Costco
    95. Country kitchens
    96. Creamy peanut butter
    97. Crocs
    98. Cul De Sacs
    99. Curtain Shopping
    100. Customized Teddy Bears
    101. Cut-Off Cargo Shorts
    102. Dave Matthews Band
    103. Demi-Glace
    104. Denying the wet dog smell
    105. Direct deposits
    106. Dirk
    107. Divorce
    108. Docksiders
    109. Dog grooming
    110. Dogs
    111. Dr. Scholl's products
    112. Dusting
    113. EHarmony.com
    114. Eating at the dining room table
    115. Eating ethic food like Italian Ice
    116. Eating people
    117. Eating pussy
    118. Egg nog
    119. Envying their neighbor's lawn
    120. Espousing pride in Irish ancestry
    121. Extremely Light Gardening
    122. Extreme sports
    123. Facial creme
    124. Fake tits
    125. Family Circus
    126. Febreze Baths
    127. Feeding the birds
    128. Feeling that they know more about hip hop than other races in general and are its true defenders
    129. Finlandia Berry Fusion and Sugar Free Red Bull
    130. Fishing (from a Boat)
    131. Flavored coffee creamers like Hazelnut or Vanilla Chai
    132. Fleeces, and calling fleeces "fleecies"
    133. Flipping off cameras in clubs with "tough looks" on their faces
    134. Flyfishing
    135. Folding towels that belong to them
    136. Food Network
    137. Fox Hunting
    138. Free red-bull as a perk of the job
    139. Frequent Flyer Miles
    140. Fruit without bruises
    141. Funkadelic (but not Parliament)
    142. Gangsta rap even though they're too scared to go to the hood
    143. General elections
    144. Getting a booth at a restaurant instead of a table
    145. Getting pulled over by cops and how noticing how nice they are compared to when your with black people
    146. Gifs
    147. Gilmore Girls
    148. Glade Plug-In Air Fresheners
    149. Globes
    150. Go-gurt
    151. Going green
    152. Going to Sunday afternoon movie matinees because no black people will be up yet
    153. Going to the Container Store
    154. Going to the bar when they are 40
    155. Google
    156. Grammar
    157. Grapefruit
    158. Grateful Dead
    159. Green bean casserole
    160. Guilt
    161. Hailing the first cab they see and getting it
    162. Hampers
    163. Hanging dry cleaned shirts in their car window
    164. Hanukkah
    165. Harry Belefonte's "De-O" song
    166. Harry Potter
    167. Having Che Guevara posters when they're 20, and voting Republican the first time they see a minority look in their family's general direction
    168. Having no aspirations other than to buy shit and put themselves into debt
    169. Having one black friend that they went to private school with and using that friend as a reference for any conversation that involves black people
    170. Head and Shoulders shampoo
    171. Helpful Native Americans
    172. Hillary Clinton
    173. Hip Hop (but not Rap)
    174. Hockey
    175. Home Aquariums
    176. Home Security Systems
    177. Hunting quail
    178. Hybrid cars
    179. I Can't Believe It's Not Butter
    180. IKEA
    181. Ice fishing
    182. Impressing your boss
    183. Index cards
    184. Indian Casinos
    185. Inspecting Tires Before Driving
    186. Internet forums that allow them to be racist and disguise it as humor
    187. Italian-American Festivals At the County Park
    188. J-Dilla, because ?love told them so
    189. Jam Bands
    190. James Taylor
    191. Jerry Lewis telethons
    192. Joe Buddens
    193. John Grisham
    194. John Hughes movies
    195. John Mayer
    196. John Philip Sousa
    197. John Stockton
    198. Kalel's wardrobe
    199. Karaoke
    200. Khakis (with blue button shirts)
    201. Kia automobiles
    202. Knowing OJ did it
    203. Kool and the Gang "Celebrate" (but nothing else)
    204. LL Bean vs. Eddie Bauer debates
    205. LL Cool J vs. Canibus debates
    206. Landscaping
    207. Large leather wrist band watches
    208. Laughing at grandparent's racist jokes and then pretending they're down with the black man's plight on internet sites
    209. Laura Ingraham
    210. Law And Order
    211. Lawn Bowling
    212. Legal Thrillers
    213. Levi's
    214. Lewis & Clark
    215. License To Ill selling more copies than any 2pac album
    216. Linemen
    217. Lip Gloss
    218. Liverwurst
    219. Living in a bungalow with your blind father
    220. Longboards
    221. Looking like Leo Fitzpatrick circa Telly from Kids
    222. Loving anticon then jocking Dipset
    223. Low APRs
    224. Lowering their standards to give poor black art a pass
    225. Luve
    226. Mac computers 227. Magazine subscription
    228. Mailboxes
    229. Making lists about what white people like
    230. Making reservations at PF Chang's
    231. Making up shit to bitch about
    232. Mayo
    233. Meeting Ardamus for drinks in DC
    234. Mel Gibson
    235. Mel Gibson with a black sidekick
    236. Memorial Day Parades
    237. Merlin Goatees
    238. Michelob Ultra
    239. Microbrews
    240. Mini Vans
    241. Minnesota Sports teams
    242. Motivational Posters
    243. Movies about serial killers
    244. Movies other than Scarface
    245. Mozilla Firefox
    246. Mr. Wizard
    247. Musab
    248. Muselix
    249. NPR
    250. NY Times crossword puzzles
    251. Nalgene Bottles
    252. Necro
    253. Nick @ Nite
    254. Not being racist because they have a black friend
    255. Not having a female's arms and thighs jiggle for more than 3 seconds
    256. Not shaving/half ass growing your facial hair out
    257. O.J.'s Dead ex-wife
    258. Off-white paint/Eggshell white paint
    259. Onesies
    260. Online Poker
    261. Only tipping 15% when there's incontroversial proof their waiter spit in their food
    262. Oprah
    263. Ordering the Least Spicy, Most Recognizable, Watered-Down Americanized Item On The Menu at Ethnic Restaurants
    264. Ordering walleye because they don't know how to crack crab legs
    265. Organic Food
    266. Other white ppl
    267. Outlet malls
    268. Oysters/Oysters rockefeller
    269. PTA board meetings
    270. Painting their faces like characters from Dead Presidents and posing with pouting blackz
    271. Pajamas
    272. Pale women
    273. Palm Treos with Bluetooth Keyboards
    274. Pancake ass
    275. Pantries full of Spaghetti O tins
    276. Paper Towels with stitches and designs on them
    277. Passive-Agressive Behavior
    278. Pat Sajak
    279. Paul Barman
    280. Paying Bills On Time
    281. Paying Cover Charges At Clubs Uncomplainingly
    282. Paying for clothes that look ten years old
    283. Peewee Herman
    284. Pennyloafers Without Socks
    285. Pet Bedding
    286. Peter Jennings
    287. Philaflava.com
    288. Phillip Seymour Hoffman
    289. Photoshopping pictures with the word faggot creatively placed somewhere
    290. Pick up trucks (especially white truck and F150s)
    291. Pictures of themselves with African-Americans darker than Wesley Snipes
    292. Pier One Imports
    293. Pilates
    294. Pita Bread
    295. Polishing Silverware
    296. Pooper scoopers along with canine leashes that lengthen to a certain distance
    297. Pork
    298. Power windows
    299. Pretending to be "The Professor" on :Phila: when you're really a freckle faced security dad from Hoboken.
    300. Pretending to be black on the AOL Roots board
    301. Private Schools
    302. Pro-Black hip hop in small doses with no social ramifications
    303. Pronouncing Japanese words incorrectly
    304. Prunes
    305. Quilted toilet paper
    306. Quoting Dave Chapelle
    307. Quoting Seinfeld
    308. Rain (just getting our hair did is not an issue)
    309. Rare steak
    310. Real World
    311. Reality TV
    312. Recycling
    313. Red bull and Mango fusion vodka
    314. Refusing to beat their kids in public
    315. Reruns of Friends
    316. Reruns of M*A*S*H
    317. Revolutionary War
    318. Rocky 2
    319. Rocky Horror Picture Show
    320. Rolling your sleeves up
    321. Roomba
    322. Rubik's cubes
    323. Running marathons for causes
    324. Sage Francis's Message Board
    325. Sailing
    326. Sandals (even in the dead of winter)
    327. Saving whales and other moronic shit
    328. Saying "fuckin a"
    329. Scarface-even though they haven't heard half his stuff
    330. Science Fiction
    331. Scrabble
    332. Scribble Jam
    333. Secretly watching UPN
    334. Seeing ugly/fat white ppl with attractive black or spic partners
    335. Sherman Shabazz
    336. Shia LeBouf
    337. Shitty beer
    338. Shoehorns
    339. Shooting people in academic settings for no apparent or justified reason
    340. Showers with no washcloth
    341. Side Curtain Air Bags
    342. Skinny Black Women
    343. Sleep apnea nose guards
    344. Slim Fast
    345. Slippers
    346. Small black combs
    347. Snacks other than Funyuns/Andy Capp's Hot Fries/Cool Ranch Doritos
    348. Soap
    349. Soft Serve Ice Cream
    350. Sourdough
    351. Soy Milk
    352. Spending in excess of $1000 on vets bills when their dog or cat is sick
    353. Splenda
    354. Spray-On Butter
    355. Stain Resistant Khakis
    356. Starbucks
    357. Starting drama because they are bored
    358. Steve Maddens
    359. Stove Top Stuffing
    360. Striped Polos
    361. Subaru Outback
    362. Sudoku
    363. Suede New Balances
    364. Sunscreen
    365. Supreme Being Unit
    366. Sweaters
    367. Swimming
    368. Take Your Daughter To Work Day
    369. Taking black & white pictures of homeless black ppl by disused public toilets to print up on Tee Shirts
    370. Taking dick up the ass
    371. Talking about how rap is a bunch of talentless ngrs on the golf course with other whites and then driving home listening to Z-Ro
    372. Talking about their Frickin' retarded ass children all the time
    373. Talking to cops
    374. Tanning
    375. Target, because the blacks all go to Walmart
    376. Tattoos of frogs, stars, barbed wire and skulls
    377. Tech support
    378. Telling others what to do
    379. Terence Malick movies
    380. The Great Gatsby
    381. The View
    382. The Wall Street Journal
    383. The word faggot
    384. This is Our Country
    385. Tiger Woods or The Williams sisters losing
    386. Timberland zip up hoodies
    387. Time-outs
    388. Tipping 20%
    389. Tom Petty halftime shows
    390. Toyota Prius
    391. Travelling to European countries where there are no ethnic ppl
    392. Trees with "cool light, lol"
    393. Trying to put people on guilt trips because they disagree with your politics
    394. Turtle necks
    395. Tye-Dye
    396. Tyra Banks
    397. Unseasoned grilled chicken breast
    398. Unwarranted self-importance
    399. Urinal cakes
    400. Vaccuming the furniture
    401. Van Hueson shirts
    402. Vanderslice Beats
    403. Vice Magazine's DOs and DON'Ts section
    404. Volunteer work during the Christmas holidays
    405. Voting
    406. Walking into a store or bar and finding that there are only other white ppl in there
    407. Washing their hands before taking a piss
    408. Watching 4 French movies from the 60s in one night
    409. Watching The Wire for the "social commentary"
    410. Watching independent films that get weird awards
    411. Watching movies about dancing
    412. Waxing their chest hair
    413. Wearing baseball caps backwards
    414. Wedding reception line dances
    415. Welcome mats
    416. Whimsical Refrigerator Magnets
    417. White creamy foods/condiments
    418. White guilt
    419. White wide receivers who score a TDs
    420. Whole Foods
    421. Will Smith
    422. Windows Mobile
    423. Wisconsin
    424. Woody Harrelson in White Men Can't Jump
    425. Wright Brothers
    426. Wu-Tang Clan
    427. Yahoo games
    428. Yellow ribbons
    429. Yoga/Yoga Mats
    430. Zoloft

  • dayday 9,611 Posts
    the most shookedness I have experienced in NY over the last couple years was in East New York. I was shown a gun right outside the subway station. Yes shook one doggie.

    No doub'! That Percee P sure does give you a hardsell outside of Fat Beats.

  • Crime /= Character though.

    exactly, i wasnt talking about the crime so how come you guys are?

    The lack of character is directly related to new booties to New York (some might argue me included) moving in and being boring and unexceptional. They only moved to new york when they started locking everybody up for nothing and became totally safe.

    ok. but i was kinda more referring to manhattan being a giant mall. like fashion island and shit.

  • 159. Green bean casserole

    non-whites are not feeling this? schitt is delicious with the little dried onions on top.

  • JLRJLR 3,835 Posts
    on a related note, I'm seriously in love with two chicks from the TV show called "Hi-5".
    Now I often spend quality tv time with my son.

    Girl on the left and girl on the right: I love you both

  • HarveyCanalHarveyCanal "a distraction from my main thesis." 13,234 Posts
    I am guilty of these...

    15. Ananda Lewis
    20. Artichokes
    25. Baby Wipes
    28. Bacon
    43. Being unafraid of water that goes over their heads
    50. Bleu Cheese
    54. Bob Ross
    58. Bread pudding
    62. Butterscotch
    68. Calling people "buddy"[/b]
    72. Carrot cake
    73. Catching feelings on forums
    78. Cheese
    83. Coffee Ice Cream
    105. Direct deposits
    110. Dogs
    117. Eating pussy
    122. Extreme sports
    130. Fishing (from a Boat)
    140. Fruit without bruises
    144. Getting a booth at a restaurant instead of a table
    151. Going green
    157. Grapefruit[/b]
    159. Green bean casserole
    194. John Hughes movies
    214. Lewis & Clark
    216. Linemen
    220. Longboards
    229. Making lists about what white people like
    231. Making up shit to bitch about
    244. Movies other than Scarface
    256. Not shaving/half ass growing your facial hair out
    265. Organic Food
    268. Oysters/Oysters rockefeller
    277. Passive-Agressive Behavior
    288. Phillip Seymour Hoffman
    290. Pick up trucks (especially white truck and F150s)
    291. Pictures of themselves with African-Americans darker than Wesley Snipes[/b]
    294. Pita Bread
    297. Pork
    309. Rare steak
    311. Reality TV
    312. Recycling
    330. Science Fiction
    340. Showers with no washcloth
    342. Skinny Black Women
    347. Snacks other than Funyuns/Andy Capp's Hot Fries/Cool Ranch Doritos
    348. Soap
    350. Sourdough
    357. Starting drama because they are bored[/b]
    367. Swimming
    368. Take Your Daughter To Work Day
    372. Talking about their Frickin' retarded ass children all the time
    378. Telling others what to do
    393. Trying to put people on guilt trips because they disagree with your politics
    396. Tyra Banks
    398. Unwarranted self-importance
    403. Vice Magazine's DOs and DON'Ts section
    410. Watching independent films that get weird awards
    416. Whimsical Refrigerator Magnets
    426. Wu-Tang Clan

  • JLRJLR 3,835 Posts

  • they look canadian.

  • HarveyCanalHarveyCanal "a distraction from my main thesis." 13,234 Posts
    on a related note, I'm seriously in love with two chicks from the TV show called "Hi-5".
    Now I often spend quality tv time with my son.

    Girl on the left and girl on the right: I love you both

    Yeah, they're alright...but they can't touch June from Little Einsteins:

    I honestly had a crush on her for a bit. Lately though, I'm more into Little Bill's mother Vanessa.

  • JLRJLR 3,835 Posts
    they look canadian.

    they look more like producers thinking "hey, let's have one for every race, ok?"

  • verb606verb606 2,518 Posts
    [ but lack of crime equals midwestern invasion which blandifies the whole shit

    why's it gotta be midwestern? You mean the white kids aren't streaming in from Connecticut and Jersey and shit?

    all the yuppie midwesterners are busy getting downtown Chicago on smash. you want to talk about lack of character.

  • they look canadian.

    they look more like producers thinking "hey, let's have one for every race, ok?"

    that would make them american. well, if they had bigger boobies.

  • this is funny, because I've been kind of feeling white chicks lately.


    Pancakes on Parade revealed?

    slippin into crackertino country broseph.

  • cascas 1,484 Posts
    the most shookedness I have experienced in NY over the last couple years was in East New York. I was shown a gun right outside the subway station. Yes shook one doggie.

    No doub'! That Percee P sure does give you a hardsell outside of Fat Beats.


  • BUMP.

  • bassiebassie 11,710 Posts

    **I MISS SHIG**
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