Isn't Bassie to woman with weird wooden shoes and a overexagerated sense of feminism? No thanks.
Interesting since I'm the one who said I thought some flip remark you made to Edith seemed to be a misunderstanding of what you were saying rather than straight out sexism.
Come back and talk to me about your thoughts on "over-exaggerated feminism" when your daughter is older.
billbradleyYou want BBQ sauce? Get the fuck out of my house. 2,923 Posts
Aren't there only around 3 girls on soulstrut? Bassie, Elise, and Edith could date a new guy every day of the year and still never exhaust their selection from this total sausagefest.
Aren't there only around 3 girls on soulstrut? Bassie, Elise, and Edith could date a new guy every day of the year and still never exhaust their selection from this total sausagefest.
If you're looking for the ladies, I suggest you check out the MLP forum. Plenty of lady collectros over there.
billbradleyYou want BBQ sauce? Get the fuck out of my house. 2,923 Posts
If you're looking for the ladies, I suggest you check out the MLP forum. Plenty of lady collectros over there.
I'm not looking for the ladies, I'm married. I just think it is funny to start a thread about SS crushes when there are only 3 girls that post here.
Aren't there only around 3 girls on soulstrut? Bassie, Elise, and Edith could date a new guy every day of the year and still never exhaust their selection from this total sausagefest.
They are just the ones that post the most. Add: JustAlice, coselmed, aradpuma, anasarcasm, dj_neta, brokenrecord, djanna (duh) a.o.
Don't get me wrong. I'm getting married in august, so I'm not trying to "holla" in any way. Fuck this corny e-crush talk. I just notice the females on here, because they add some much-needed balance to this testostorone sandbox. I think soulstrut is lucky to have some kickass female posters.
I think it's funny when I see male posters get asshurt over brokenrecord having Borat's hairy tush as an avatar or her playing Becky's advocate in a DJ thread. I think it's great when Bassie swoons over Alain Delon or comments on the cut of some jeans I could care less about. I love it. Bring it, ladies.
Aren't there only around 3 girls on soulstrut? Bassie, Elise, and Edith could date a new guy every day of the year and still never exhaust their selection from this total sausagefest.
If you're looking for the ladies, I suggest you check out the MLP forum. Plenty of lady collectros over there.
Isn't Bassie to woman with weird wooden shoes and a overexagerated sense of feminism? No thanks.
Interesting since I'm the one who said I thought some flip remark you made to Edith seemed to be a misunderstanding of what you were saying rather than straight out sexism.
Come back and talk to me about your thoughts on "over-exaggerated feminism" when your daughter is older.
sorry for that, my brain cells are dying slowly...i love you too. Voil??.
I can't believe controller_7 is getting no love in this thread.
I can't speak for anyone else, but as a major Controller 7 booster my feelings for him are purely those of respect, admiration, and dare I say it, envy.
If anything, I kinda wanna jock him on some apprentice/student shit. Like follow him around and learn shit like cats use to do with Socrates. Far from a man-crush.
Interesting since I'm the one who said I thought some flip remark you made to Edith seemed to be a misunderstanding of what you were saying rather than straight out sexism.
Come back and talk to me about your thoughts on "over-exaggerated feminism" when your daughter is older.
If you're looking for the ladies, I suggest you check out the MLP forum. Plenty of lady collectros over there.
I'm not looking for the ladies, I'm married. I just think it is funny to start a thread about SS crushes when there are only 3 girls that post here.
Oh, no doubt. This thread was trainwreck from the get-go. But check out that link. LOLs for dayzzzz!!
They are just the ones that post the most. Add: JustAlice, coselmed, aradpuma, anasarcasm, dj_neta, brokenrecord, djanna (duh) a.o.
Don't get me wrong. I'm getting married in august, so I'm not trying to "holla" in any way. Fuck this corny e-crush talk. I just notice the females on here, because they add some much-needed balance to this testostorone sandbox.
I think soulstrut is lucky to have some kickass female posters.
I think it's funny when I see male posters get asshurt over brokenrecord having Borat's hairy tush as an avatar or her playing Becky's advocate in a DJ thread. I think it's great when Bassie swoons over Alain Delon or comments on the cut of some jeans I could care less about. I love it. Bring it, ladies.
i say lets have a drive.
"Elise, you rock.
Still with Bozak? Just curious...
this thread is weird and creepy...been gone a few days and i come back to this?
For the record, that "h" does not stand for Herm.
Besides, I would've said something like...
"Elise, you gots to chill. Get off the Bozack. Crossover and please listen to MY demo. I'm housin'.
BAMBOUCHE (page me)
ASPRIN (do you wanna sit down?)
RILLY TRUFFLE (My ears see you at the bottom of the universe)
DAY (any planet any station)
PLANTAIN CHIPS (long memory, small package)
YUICHI (calling me f[color:white]aggo[/color]t repeatedly is a turn on - is that creepy?)
JEWBACCA (if you consider hatred a form of love)
OLDEN STYLE HATS (if you dip, you knowlodocus)
RAJ (this crush line is longer than my netflix queue)
JROOT [color:pink] (self love) [/color]
It's good to know you still got some passion in them loins of yours.
One day we'll come together and tear the roof off the Ramada
You know I do.
I can't speak for anyone else, but as a major Controller 7 booster my feelings for him are purely those of respect, admiration, and dare I say it, envy.
If anything, I kinda wanna jock him on some apprentice/student shit. Like follow him around and learn shit like cats use to do with Socrates. Far from a man-crush.