djsheepdjsheep 3,620 Posts
edited January 2008 in Strut Central
I watched up until the last season... I'm not sure whether or not to go there with this season... what's the deal? I don't even remember clearly where we were left, aside from that flash-foward scene with jack???


  • is this show like "Heroes"?

    they're sorta the same in my head.

    I've never watched either one though.

  • DORDOR Two Ron Toe 9,902 Posts
    I thought last season started kinda shitty, but picked up big time in the last half of the season.

  • billbradleybillbradley You want BBQ sauce? Get the fuck out of my house. 2,896 Posts
    Here is a link to the episode recaps on the ABC site

  • DB_CooperDB_Cooper Manhatin' 7,823 Posts
    is this show like "Heroes"?

    they're sorta the same in my head.

    I've never watched either one though.

    Never really watched Heroes, but I'll ride for Lost. Get it on DVD and sit back with some green.

    Oh, and your head is looking pretty small these days. A gift:

  • billbradleybillbradley You want BBQ sauce? Get the fuck out of my house. 2,896 Posts
    lost fan nerdery...

    someone made a look alike cookie recipe and template for the fish biscuits.

  • OkemOkem 4,617 Posts
    is this show like "Heroes"?

    they're sorta the same in my head.

    I've never watched either one though.

    Never really watched Heroes, but I'll ride for Lost. Get it on DVD and sit back with some green.

    Heroes sucked balls.

    Lost is like the Twilight Zone, if you watch it through a smokey haze its real good fun.

  • HamHam 872 Posts
    i'm kinda psyched for the new season.

  • JuniorJunior 4,853 Posts
    I thought last season started kinda shitty, but picked up big time in the last half of the season.

    Absolutely. Pretty much every series starts off slowly and I get to a point where I swear that if they don't start resolving storylines I'll stop watching. Before you know it, the main thread comes back in and I'm as hooked as ever. The last series final episode was a superb exercise in headfuckery.

  • billbradleybillbradley You want BBQ sauce? Get the fuck out of my house. 2,896 Posts
    Anyone catch the rebroadcast of the last episode last night? Whoever did the captions had a good sense of humor. They commented about the love triangle between Kate, Jack and Sawyer referring to them as "Jaters" and "Skaters". They compared Hurley in the van to Han Solos mission in the Millennium Falcon. I also got a good laugh when they said there was no better way for a mother and daughter to bond than to tie up the adoptive father. What did you all think? I'm hyped about the season premier tonight.

  • Yeah, I caught it. The captions mostly got on my nerves but there were some gems.

    I still can't figure out why in the hell Charlie had to shut himself in. Why not run out and swim up w/ Desmond?

    F*cked-up and doped-up Jack is my shit. Tonight's ep should be good.

  • JuniorJunior 4,853 Posts

    I still can't figure out why in the hell Charlie had to shut himself in. Why not run out and swim up w/ Desmond?

    Cos everyone hates his character and was praying for him to die?

    In fact I thought they did a pretty good job last season of actually almost making me care for his character before they offed him. The episode where we saw Desmond's vision of him getting speared in the neck over and over again helped I think.

  • Haha. He won't be missed but it was just kinda dumb writing.

    It is "Lost" though so what did I expect.

  • pointmanpointman 1,042 Posts
    So is the season opener tonight two hours long?
    Or is it One old episode and one new episode?

    The girl made me promise her I'd be home promptly to watch it with her.

  • billbradleybillbradley You want BBQ sauce? Get the fuck out of my house. 2,896 Posts
    It should be a new 2 hour premier. Last night they showed the previous episode Pop Up Video style.

  • So is the season opener tonight two hours long?
    Or is it One old episode and one new episode?

    I wondered the same thing, but either way, it should boil down to 50 minutes of Lost, and 70 minutes of commercials.

  • billbradleybillbradley You want BBQ sauce? Get the fuck out of my house. 2,896 Posts
    I take that back, the 1st hour will be a recap.


    Lost: Past, Present & Future
    Thu Jan 31 10/9c
    This episode explores the series in a way that will bring new viewers up to date -- but which current viewers will also find illuminating - in anticipation of the fourth season premiere episode. The special will take an in-depth look at the mysteries of both the island and its inhabitants and recap the secrets that have been revealed, as well as those that remain unanswered.
    The Beginning of the End
    Thu Jan 31 11/10c
    Feeling that their rescue is close at hand, the survivors don't know whether to believe Charlie's final message that the people claiming to liberate them are not who they seem to be. The band of friends, family, enemies and strangers must continue to work together against the cruel weather and harsh terrain if they want to stay alive. But as they have discovered during their 70-plus days on the island, danger and mystery loom behind every corner, and those they thought could be trusted may turn against them. Even heroes have secrets...

  • Was anyone as surprised as I was to see Cedric M'fing Daniels on this episode?

  • Was anyone as surprised as I was to see Cedric M'fing Daniels on this episode?

    No doubt. I bet we see that character again this season.

  • Was anyone as surprised as I was to see Cedric M'fing Daniels on this episode?

    I actually yelled out "cedric".....

  • I saw Lance Reddick in the credits and then had to think for a second "was he on this show before?" I couldn't remeber if he had been on there in the past and I wasn't as aware of him, but obviously this was a first appearance.

    So, what did people think? I am intrigued by the Oceanic 6 and the splitting of the parties and Hurley's saying it was a mistake to split. I am nowhere near as interested in this show as I was with the first season and beginning of the second.

  • I thought it was a good intro for the season, with several interesting storylines developing. What Hurley said to Jack really does fuck you up.

    The writing seems more assured than early last season and has been so since mid-last year. Season 4 should be cool.

    Part of the reason for the disenchantment might be the overly gratuitous marketing associated w/ the show, but it's still good weeknight escapism.

  • mylatencymylatency 10,475 Posts
    Cool episode, so the Oceanic 6 include:

    Sawyer? (Kate needs to get back to him)
    Ben (was he in the coffin?) ?

    So who is still "alive" on the island (in present times)? Locke?

    This season is gonna be super revealing. I can't wait to find about the crew from the boat....

  • I think Sawyer and Ben are darn good guesses. Maybe Sayid?

  • mylatencymylatency 10,475 Posts
    Fuck the Spurs! Haha, I'm so glad I watched Lost instead of the second half of that game.

  • dollar_bindollar_bin I heartily endorse this product and/or event 2,326 Posts
    I think Sawyer and Ben are darn good guesses. Maybe Sayid?

    Oh, god, I don't see Ben going out like that. Plus, he wasn't a passenger on 815 so I don't see him being included in the Oceanic Six, unless he assumes the identity of someone on the plane. My guess is claire (+Aaron), but it's tough to say beyond that. My head is literally spinning from that episode, too much to process at this point. The producers have definitely made a statement--they're going to reveal shit but fuck with the viewers plenty along the way.

    Lance Reddick's appearance was definitely a 3-way fanboy boner for me. I kept calling him Desmond (after his character in Oz) much to my wife's chagrin, as she kept yelling Daniels.

    edit: I'd make a new post but I'm 1 away from 2K so I need to save it, but this has had me rolling all day:

  • jinx74jinx74 2,287 Posts
    do yall think that kate means go back to him as in her kid? only because she took a pregnancy test on the island but never said whether she was pregnant or not.

    also i dont think ben is in the casket because jack was all messed up over it and i dont think he would be. he hates ben. i think its juliet. he cares about her but kate could give a shit. who knows though?

    also, yall probably have seen this but the wife made me read it this morning and i thought id share.

    its a review from someone who had a ton of ideas of how the island is what it is blah blah blah.

  • So did anyone else think that was just about the worst episode of Lost thus far? I mean, I'm still gonna watch that shit but quality is in free fall.

  • DrWuDrWu 4,021 Posts
    Everybody needs to chill the fuck out and let this show happen. It's like you want every episode to be game 6 of the 1975 world series. Calm the fuck down.

  • Everybody needs to chill the fuck out and let this show happen. It's like you want every episode to be game 6 of the 1975 world series. Calm the fuck down.

    Calmer than you are dude. Calmer than you are.

  • JuniorJunior 4,853 Posts
    I thought it was a decent start to the new season and shows promise of them keeping the momentum they built up from around halfway through the last series. The Oceanic 6 thing was a great teaser and I like the importance linked to the groups splitting up again (similar to the first season).
    I was also pleased with the whole flash forward again - wouldn't mind if they wanted to keep that going for some time.
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