I'm getting tired of my '05 Accord (I've always owned a boring but realiable Japanese sedan) and am thinking of getting a 300C...or a Cadillac CTS. So from this:
Anyone own one? Do you have fams that own one? All the transmission problems and hemi rattling that's noted in the 300c equivalent to the 'Strut forums got me a little shook, but I figure since it's a known issue...What are you all pushing today?

here is is after getting t-boned in Chicago:
but it's all better now...mostly.
sensible. fuel efficient. practicle. fine by me.
wifey and i are a 1 car family...this gets 'er done, and i'd do it again from now until whenever.
but my first car was:
(a 2-door)
stick with japanese cars dude, the shit thats out there now being pushed is pure crap. Too many problems with american and german vehicles.
I know, but it looks so dope! Arrgh. Maybe I'll just save some duckets and get a Bentley someday and laugh about the time I thought getting a 300C was a good idea.
dog, all those new american sedans just look like fake, lowrent bentleys.
just say no to bootleg bentleys!
HAHA, SEEN. I just like how they look. Have you ever seen 22"s on an Accord? Exactly. I'd almost rather have the unreliable car with the rims at this point haha. Maybe I should get it over with and just get a DONK, Mcdonald's branded of course
And, my taste in cars has nothing to do with looks- they are a low interest item, as my friends in advertising tell me. Gimme something that works, and I don't have to think about, and I'm all set.
That said...given that the 'boss,' at work drives a bentley, and i get to walk past it every day in the summer...well, the difference between the real deal and Chrysler 600 is the difference between (apologies to mark twain) lightning and a lightning bug.
yo, 22'a on car is so yesterday. Do the 26's
Actually I'mma get one of these
"-never buy a phantom 28"s can't fit"
except instead of the baby blue mine was oh so sexy beige/tan.....oh how the ladies flocked to that car.
My whip is a 2006 Subaru Impreza WRX...a reliable, but definitely not boring Japanese sedan.
shame what they did to them now
my rusty trusty gazelle
and my fietsfabriek busines ride.
never owned an audi? totally reliable and drive like a dream
2001 Nissan Frontier SE Crew Cab
1956 Volkswagen Type 1
I'm getting tired of going to the pump all of the time with the truck. It gets around 16 or 17 miles to the gallon. More and more lately I want to sell it and get another Honda or Acura.
I own a 2000 Audi A8 and it is an orgasm on wheels! Its really what a driving experience should be all about. The catch is its high maintenance... Thankfully a) I put about 4,000 miles / year on a car and b) I got it for very cheap.
If you drive a lot, I would recommend a boring Japanese vehicle... We rock a Lexus GX 470 as a primary vehicle and its awesome. Lexus service is impeccable as well.
DO NOT BUY A CHRYSLER! My wife leased a PT Cruiser and it was in the shop once a month. And drove horribly... and this was the top of the line Luxury PT.
Ha ha! My first car as well! I still yell out every time I see one.
This car was a total p.o.s. but I have found memories of it, nonetheless. 4 speed, manual, with an AM radio with one speaker.
I had the automatic ... horrible. But, similarly, I have fond memories.
Nowadays its ...
I said lady, step inside my Hyundai
I'm gonna take you up to Glendale
Gonna take you for a real good meal
Not much has changed in the "stylin" department.