REP Your Autographed Records...

Personalized or simply autographed let me see what you got. There???s gotta be some good ones out there in Strutter-ville. And if this topic is a repeat, please to point me to the post so I can see???em.Here???s one of mine, personalized from The Man himself back in 94.
Sorry for the glare, but it's been framed ever since.

funny thing, on a glorious digging day in probably 96? i bought a young kids record collection at the flea market, and he was a hiphop dj in the early 90's and bought some great singles in that period. so in one fell swoop, i got lightly used gangstarr's, ultramags, main source, pete rock and cls, on and on.. probably 40 bangers!
anyways get them home and start messin with them and find that some of them are signed like this show and ag, and nice + smooth.
crazy thing is my name is scott, too!
yes, indeed Mr 7!
bruceforce, that's a good story and a hell of a coincedence.
keep'em coming, ya'll!
Autographed AND sealed!
(He ripped the corner of the shrink off)
the raerest, Al Jackson
all the time, here's an example I love
this went missing one night at a party and 2 weeks later i spot it in another guy's record bag, and he claims it's not my copy!
Autographs from 4 members of my favorite Naptown funk band.
A little Rudy Ray Moore action.
Weird acid trip influenced album from and autographed by Robert Greely...reads "Dave happy b-day & welcome to the 30's their outa sight, Bob"
Where? When? Is he still doing comedy? Details, pleez! (((grin)))
They say that when that album came out (in '72, I think it was), he was working at a noted collector's store in New York (Colony Records)...
It was gone.......clerk told me that Tony Romo bought it just before X-mas.
Said it was a gift for his girlfriend's father!!!
Caught that at a thrift in BK a couple weeks ago, wish I coulda seen him sign it in person. I haven't broken the seal yet, you have any idea what I'm missing? Hilarity? Can I cash it in sealed as ebay gold??
(of course this will be way cooler if/when I get a chance to see Anthony Braxton)
(i will get another shot at having Mr. Tyner sign this in a few weeks)
and these aren't records, but they are my prized possessions:
I've never heard the album and don't know what the going eBay price is - it's just that one-album comedians are even MORE obscure than one-album musicians, and somebody like Howard Thomashefsky (whose album I've seen in many a used bin for relatively cheap) was the last person I expected to turn up in this thread.
Bob James Three
Orb - Little Fluffy Clouds 12"
signed by Alex Patterson
"Fluffy Greetings Orb We Trust! LX"
Meat Beat Manifesto - Suck Hard 12"
signed by Jack Dangers
"Hey Bill - Jack MBM 98"
BTW, she doesn't mind sampling, but she does not like, of all rappers, Styles P because of this...
Bottom with the sunspot is David Batteau
"Soulful Fruit" Rob Swift
Your buddy Glenn.
This is the one I was referring to earlier in this thread
popmaster fabel
busy bee
grandmaster caz
tony tone
crazy legs
grand wizard theodore
fab 5 freddy
melle mel
mean jean
aj scratch
The Al Jackson is also cool.