wiseguys appreciation

who knows how many times ive made this thread but seriously, these guys are one my biggest inspirations ever, and even though "ooh la la" and "start the commotion" WERE mild hits, i still feel like the wiseguys dont get enough recognition. both of the main albums are some of my FAVORITE shit of all time, no matter how you wanna categorize them...big beat, hip-hop, instrumental hip-hop, whatever...they are just Frickin' fun to listen to, quality shit, and some of the best sample-based music i will probably ever hear.thats all. who feels me. this shit is too Frickin' good.
You heard the Ladies Say Ow! EP they did in around '91 ? The Real Vibes is my fave track by Wiseguys (I've got an MP3 if you haven't heard it).
Love the consistent vibe of The Wiseguys. Absolutely love it. Its a pity Touche went off and did other things.
Gentleman of Leisure by Jadell is also on a par with Executive Suite IMO.
I remeber comparing ako's beats to the Wiseguys
rightly so, plenty of influence.
Probably not. They were on a major though, right? Fontana or something?
Dynovoice. Bob Crewe's label.
Word, yeah. Happy birthday dude.
He's now one half of the Black Ghosts with Simon Lord, formerly of Simian.
As in SMD? Interesting...
What did he go on to do? I haven't heard anything about him since the Wiseguys.
I don't think Simon has anything to do with SMD; that's James Ford & James Shaw. SMD was a name they used to use for their remix work, and it became an act in its own right when Simian broke up. It's Simon who sings lead on "Never Be Alone", though.
Ah okay. I really need to learn up about my hipster stuff.
What ever happened to the other dude in Simian... the brown-haired bass player. I once met all those guys in Chicago and they were super cool.
Dude third from left/second from right? That's Simon. He's shaved his head since then.
I'm not really an authority on current hipster favourites, but I kind of know Simon, as we played in the same band, although not at the same time. Black Ghosts are worth checking out though.
I guess this is offically becoming a threadjack, but I was thinking of the dude second from the left. Here's a picture I took (not a great one) of them from 2003 or so, right when they put out their second record.
his new record is ok, nothing really exciting or really fresh but also nothing boring
just good produced 90's style instrumental hiphop/downtempo album which is nice to listen to from time to time