


  • GuzzoGuzzo 8,611 Posts
    thats totally cool.

    i get to eat pizza tonight.

    I'm spray painting my couch

    my room mates are forcing me to do this outside

    god I hope it doesn't rain.

  • HAZHAZ 3,376 Posts
    Hi everyone.

    Does anyone here like Shabu Shabu?


  • i really like it. gets pricey tho. theres a spot in ktown that does korean shabu shabu. that shit is delicious too.

    wait u r talking about shabu shabu. not shabu, yes?

  • HAZHAZ 3,376 Posts
    i really like it. gets pricey tho. theres a spot in ktown that does korean shabu shabu. that shit is delicious too.

    wait u r talking about shabu shabu. not shabu, yes?

    Hey Shig!

    What is the diff between "Shabu shabu" and "Shabu"? There's a spot that I go to religiously for Shabu Shabu. In MTL, its as cheap as heck. Like, 10 bucks per person.



  • I like the word "shabu shabu". I learned a funny korean word for onion this weekend. "tamaneggy". well, it sounds funny out loud. to me.

  • I learned a funny korean word for onion this weekend. "tamaneggy". well, it sounds funny out loud. to me.

    the actual korean word for onion is yang-pah. tamaneggy is the japanese word but bc of japanese occupation, koreans use some japanese vocab.

  • shabu shabu is that hot pot type thing where you throw veggies and meat slices or whatevers then dip it in a sauce of sorts. shabu is slang for methamphetamine. most asians know speed as shabu.

    nabe is kinda like shabu shabu. i really dont know the difference except that ive never had shabu shabu at someone's house. they always call it nabe.

    tamanegi is i believe a korean dish. the word "negi" is derived from japanese meaning "onion" but ive never heard of tamanegi. though, im not a real japanese so dont listen to me.

  • HAZHAZ 3,376 Posts
    shabu is slang for methamphetamine. most asians know speed as shabu.

    That's wild. Had no clue about that. I call it "shabu" all the time. Anyhow, I had Shabu Shabu for lunch today. They have 3 kinds of broth & I always opt for the spicy. I want to try it with egg. I think you're supposed to mix an egg into the last bits of soup. It's supposed to be the traditional way of eating Shabu Shabu apparently.

  • awesome! i am not a huge fan of the egg. its supposed to be used like so. take your raw veggies/meat/nandayo and dip it first in the raw egg, then into the hot pot. let cook. eat. sometimes its good depending on the broth.

    personally i have really been getting into hawaiian food. theres a lot of it down here and its fattening and tasty. just how i like it!

  • DORDOR Two Ron Toe 9,907 Posts

  • GuzzoGuzzo 8,611 Posts

    you got me on PM ignore.


    should I pipe down on that gospels?

  • Shiggles

    you got me on PM ignore.


    should I pipe down on that gospels?

    ohsnap. not at all. i have you and saba and harvey on ignore. i did it a long time ago and ive never looked back. that also means i have no idea how to turn it off. sorry.

  • HAZHAZ 3,376 Posts

    B, what is that? Looks like green tea ice cream swimming in goo.

  • if you ever have the chance, you should get a real hawaiian shave ice. the real deal usually includes red bean and ice cream at the bottom of the cone. so delicious.

  • HAZHAZ 3,376 Posts
    Also, I want to shout out black sesame ice cream. Its raer here in Montreal. Is it a Pan-Asian thing or specifically Japanese?

  • HAZHAZ 3,376 Posts
    be this for halloween!

    thats a dude!

    He has great hair.

  • GaryGary 3,982 Posts
    I learned a funny korean word for onion this weekend. "tamaneggy". well, it sounds funny out loud. to me.

    the actual korean word for onion is yang-pah. tamaneggy is the japanese word but bc of japanese occupation, koreans use some japanese vocab.

    That explains why I couldn't find Tamaneggy in the dictionary!! This is fascinating stuff. Yang-Pah is how I orginally learned it.

    Tamaneggy = japanese = mind blown.

    What other words come from japanese? I can't think of any off the top of my head. Although I've always wondered where 'ah-ru-bai-tu' comes from (you know, like when a highschool student has a job). For some reason I think I heard it was german or something.

  • HAZHAZ 3,376 Posts

    B, what is that? Looks like green tea ice cream swimming in goo.

    So, yeah, what is that? Are the white pieces garlic????

  • B, what is that? Looks like green tea ice cream swimming in goo.

    So, yeah, what is that? Are the white pieces garlic????

    its mochi

  • HAZHAZ 3,376 Posts

    B, what is that? Looks like green tea ice cream swimming in goo.

    So, yeah, what is that? Are the white pieces garlic????

    its mochi

    I don't recognize the food but the name Mochi is familar. I think i've seen it on a box in my grocer's freezer.

  • B, what is that? Looks like green tea ice cream swimming in goo.

    So, yeah, what is that? Are the white pieces garlic????

    its mochi

    I don't recognize the food but the name Mochi is familar. I think i've seen it on a box in my grocer's freezer.

    its cooked rice that has been pounded down into a glutenous glob. they make ice cream and wrap it with mochi and sell it at grocery stores. its also some sort of symbolic food cuz every good japanese boy eats mochi at new years.

  • another interesting fact about mochi is that at least 2 people die every year in japan from eating it. it is very glutenous and old people choke and die on it from time to time.

  • right now i like chabelita's burritos desayunos. $4. spaceghost hipped me to the spot on account of their veggie sopes.

    im having my manservant pick me up some food at haifa. israeli restaurant. i love that place.

    looks like the spaceghost guide to restaurants is two for two with you. who knows why people even bother to go to you for food advise. i'm like the wizard behind the curtain.

    by the way does your manservant deliver? setting up a few deliveries is the least you can do for the insight i have provided you. maybe include some greens from the organic farmers next door. i know they harshed your vibe by putting their zen focus area in your garden, but i think its time to make peace with them.

  • GaryGary 3,982 Posts
    In korean they call that Ddok, if mochi is what I think it is, and I think it is what I think it is. I used to not care for it, but now for some reason its my favorite shit.

  • right now i like chabelita's burritos desayunos. $4. spaceghost hipped me to the spot on account of their veggie sopes.

    im having my manservant pick me up some food at haifa. israeli restaurant. i love that place.

    looks like the spaceghost guide to restaurants is two for two with you. who knows why people even bother to go to you for food advise. i'm like the wizard behind the curtain.

    by the way does your manservant deliver? setting up a few deliveries is the least you can do for the insight i have provided you. maybe include some greens from the organic farmers next door. i know they harshed your vibe by putting their zen focus area in your garden, but i think its time to make peace with them.

    isnt haifa m*ny*'s suggestion? but yes, thank you for your guidance. i have to defer to bentro most the time too. but for the asian goods im not looking in your direction. sorry holmes. but i need the meat.

    i buy a lot of my produce from the grocer next door. i even pick up produce for iron monkey from time to time. you need quality fresh produce at a slightly higher cost?

  • DORDOR Two Ron Toe 9,907 Posts

    B, what is that? Looks like green tea ice cream swimming in goo.

    So, yeah, what is that? Are the white pieces garlic????

    its mochi

    I've always just called the dish dumplings in sweet yummy red bean porridge with Green tea ice cream.

    HAHAHa I'm such a white boy!

    Shit is makin' me HUNGRY!

  • HAZHAZ 3,376 Posts
    Well, I had mochi tonight. I went for Shabu Shabu & was talking to the waitress about random food & told that I needed to try this Mochi stuff. Luckilly, they had some in the freezer. They were about the size of golf balls & had red bean paste inside. They were tasty. The thing that freaked me out most was the texture. They felt like super tiny supple breasts. It was very weird. Yummy, but kinda odd. I'd have it again.

  • What other words come from japanese?
    one of the recent presidents (though i can't recall who) changed the word for grade school. the japanese version is gook-min hakkyo...the "pure korean" word for it now is cho-deung hakkyo.

    i don't know of other japanese/korean words and i don't know the origin of part-time job, but i always thought people were saying autobike.

    why do you know so many korean words?

  • why do you know so many korean words?

    He used to be a Triple 5 Soul model.

    Now why do you know so many?

  • Now why do you know so many?
    bc i have an insatiable korean fetish.


    p.s. i got some eye cream recently and think of you fondly as i apply it to the occipital bone with my ring finger.
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