


  • GaryGary 3,982 Posts
    There are some gems to be found in there though. Thes's lashing was pretty good, even if it wasn't faux that said it. Harvey saying something along the lines of "well you have a hot wife so don't worry about it" was funny in a creepy way. Shig all of a sudden beefing with Fatback was strange, unless that was all in jest. Changing yuichi's name to Hug Nasty was actually hilarious.

    But the funniest part of that thread is peoples shocked reaction that a corny white dude on the internet looks like a corny white dude in real life. I mean, come on now. Nobody seemed shocked to find out that I look like a corny whitedude, albiet devastatingly handsome....

  • HAZHAZ 3,376 Posts
    dammit, i can't embed my thing.

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