Hip me to some new british slang....



  • DORDOR Two Ron Toe 9,902 Posts

  • KineticKinetic 3,739 Posts
    What the dickens?

  • Now I'm curious what slang Belson has picked up while living in L.A.

    Is gonna go back to England saying "Orale Ese!!" because that would be, well, awesome.

  • karlophonekarlophone 1,697 Posts

    Equivalents of "Idiot" are (all pre-fixed with "Fucking") Bell-end (a phallus), Knob (dick), arsehole, wanker, tosser, dickhead, tit, twat, clown, thick cunt, dozy bastard, knob cheese, wankstain, cock... it goes on, they work anywhere.

    key question: does anyone use 'fucktard' over there? this is an important insult.

  • JimsterJimster Cruffiton.etsy.com 6,937 Posts
    Yeah, "Fucktard" can be observed in the field. "Sockcooker" is another one. "Vast prick". "Complete and utter [insert expletive]" is also common.

  • When i used to live in Chicago cats used to call girls "birds" too..wonder how that all works out.. anyways this post is fuckin "stonking!"

  • p_gunnp_gunn 2,284 Posts
    ^^^What are those muppetts in the video talking about?^^^

    looks like they're chatting breeze



    "muppet" is such a great insult... as are "doughnut" and "chief"... using "chief" as a synomym for "clown", "chump", "loser" etc is

  • phatmoneysackphatmoneysack Melbourne 1,124 Posts
    "It'll be well Jackson" - It will be awesome
    "Catch some Susans" - Take a nap
    "Going Dark" - Ok, bye now [phone conversation]
    "Totally Mexico" - Fuck yeah

  • DocMcCoyDocMcCoy "Go and laugh in your own country!" 5,917 Posts
    Some favourite insults of mine

    Knob/knob-end/knobber - all variants of dick/dickhead
    Bell-end - dickhead
    Twat (with a hard 'a', so it rhymes with hat)

    Some other slang terms

    Jarg - fake, bogus; usually refers to counterfeit/pirate goods of some sort - "There's a bloke down the pub selling jarg DVDs, three for a tenner"

    Jekyll - as above, from the rhyming slang "Jekyll and Hyde" - snide

    To empty/empty out - to beat someone up - "Some knobber was talking shite in here the other night and he got emptied."

  • DuderonomyDuderonomy Haut de la Garenne 7,789 Posts
    Jarg - fake, bogus; usually refers to counterfeit/pirate goods of some sort - "There's a bloke down the pub selling jarg DVDs, three for a tenner"

    Similarly 'snide'.

    I don't think anything comes close to the hard consenants of CUNT. And when it's said in a Essex wide-boy accent, "you KAANT"

  • magpaulmagpaul 1,314 Posts
    chav and pike still get some usage.

  • JimsterJimster Cruffiton.etsy.com 6,937 Posts
    "Jarg" is a new one for me. Other "Fake" synonyms are "Snide" (rhymed with "wide") and "Moody" (as in Dave Courtney travels on a moody passport).

    "Emptied out". I perfer "Seven shades of shite", e.g.

    "This bell-end came into the boozer the other night, giving it all that (make "Talking" action with both hands), ended up getting seven shades beaten out of him."

    Other cockney ones:
    Britneys = beers
    Winonas = ciders
    bubble = greek (as in Bubble and Squeak, a traditional mashed spud and leftover meat and veg meal)
    "'avin' a bubble?" = "Surely you are not being serous?" Bubble in this context is short for bubble-bath (pronounced widely as "baff", unless you are posh, in which case it's "Baarth"), which rhymes with "Laff". So, "You're having a laugh" = "you are joking?"

    e.g. "How much for this mouldy-covered "Stark"? Looks like someone has served bean dip off it or somefink"

    "Twenty-five hundred notes, no haggles"

    "You-fucking-WHAT? You're having a fucking bubble aintcha?"

  • DocMcCoyDocMcCoy "Go and laugh in your own country!" 5,917 Posts
    "Jarg" is a new one for me. Other "Fake" synonyms are "Snide" (rhymed with "wide") and "Moody" (as in Dave Courtney travels on a moody passport).

    "Emptied out". I perfer "Seven shades of shite", e.g.

    "This bell-end came into the boozer the other night, giving it all that (make "Talking" action with both hands), ended up getting seven shades beaten out of him."

    Other cockney ones:
    Britneys = beers
    Winonas = ciders
    bubble = greek (as in Bubble and Squeak, a traditional mashed spud and leftover meat and veg meal)
    "'avin' a bubble?" = "Surely you are not being serous?" Bubble in this context is short for bubble-bath (pronounced widely as "baff", unless you are posh, in which case it's "Baarth"), which rhymes with "Laff". So, "You're having a laugh" = "you are joking?"

    e.g. "How much for this mouldy-covered "Stark"? Looks like someone has served bean dip off it or somefink"

    "Twenty-five hundred notes, no haggles"

    "You-fucking-WHAT? You're having a fucking bubble aintcha?"

    "Jarg" is a Scouse expression, but I've heard Mancs use it as well.


    ::raw:: /object>

  • kalakala 3,361 Posts

  • fejmelbafejmelba 1,139 Posts

  • JuniorJunior 4,853 Posts

    Nah not quite, similar in style in that their dress is based on tracksuits, bling etc but the chav's use is non ironic and their background has to be working class. It's basically a term for the middle class to mock the working class without feeling like they're being elitist snobs.

  • kalakala 3,361 Posts

    Nah not quite, similar in style in that their dress is based on tracksuits, bling etc but the chav's use is non ironic and their background has to be working class. It's basically a term for the middle class to mock the working class without feeling like they're being elitist snobs.

    that is rather complex and a bit suprising
    what would be the American equivalent if any?

    [expects snide reply with photo]

  • JimsterJimster Cruffiton.etsy.com 6,937 Posts

    Nah, not at all.

    Imagine someone (male or female) who strives for nothing more than to absolve themselves of any social responsibility in order to smoke all day and have enough cash to buy stolen electronic goods and enough cheap booze/dope to get hammered every night and eat shit, whilst our taxes keep them in squalid accomodation amongst others of their kind. In the US, these would be perpetual trailer-park dwellers. We house the majority of such folk in sprawling coucil-built and run estates (similar to the US "Project" accomodation).

    Now, imagine their kids, devoid of any parental regulation, wearing stolen sports goods and idolizing 50 cent. They aren't old enough to get into a pub, so they spend their evenings smashing up their surroundings, or recording their MCing efforts on youtube (a la "Kersall Massive").

    These are chavs. I grew up in such an environment so feel qualified to comment.

    Hipsters can afford to drink in hipster places and wear jeans and ironic trucker hats costing more than a golden bucket of diamonds.

  • JuniorJunior 4,853 Posts

    Nah not quite, similar in style in that their dress is based on tracksuits, bling etc but the chav's use is non ironic and their background has to be working class. It's basically a term for the middle class to mock the working class without feeling like they're being elitist snobs.

    that is rather complex and a bit suprising
    what would be the American equivalent if any?

    [expects snide reply with photo]

    I guess the closest thing would be trailer trash but I don't think that covers the appropriation of a certain dress code and lifestyle that chav implies.

  • magpaulmagpaul 1,314 Posts
    it does bother me a little bit about the class issue, i lost it at a friend of mine for calling another pal a chav just for wearing a tracksuit. that being said it is possible to use it without being totally

  • bobbydeebobbydee 849 Posts
    Eminem = American chav?

    He's crossbred white trash & surburban wigga.

  • JimsterJimster Cruffiton.etsy.com 6,937 Posts
    Eminem is a good approximation of a chav. (albeit Mr. Mathers actually wanted better for himself and his daughter, and had enough motivation and talent to escape that lifestyle). True chavs over here get government handouts for life and see beign a petty criminal stoner as a legitimate lifelong career.

    Their worldview is: Why work when I can get my house, booze and smoke for nothing? Nothing else interests them apart from some vague thrust to aspire towards a "Cribs" lifestyle without having to do anything hard or legal to attain this. Naturally school is too much effort.

  • plkbrynplkbryn 159 Posts

  • magneticmagnetic 2,678 Posts
    Checkout this movie the whole of it is on youtube.

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