Hip me to some new british slang....

Egbert_SouseEgbert_Souse 920 Posts
edited August 2007 in Strut Central
I'm curious to know what the kids across the pond are saying these days.Does anybody ever call stuff "pants" anymore?


  • i doubt these are new but they were to me when i first got here.

    "seen"=i understand
    "safe"=a catch all for "its all good", "see you later", etc..
    "marching powder"=cocaine
    "henry"= 3.5 grams of weed (shitty overpriced uk weed)

    and i belive "pants" are called "trousers"..quaint

  • I know "safe" from Ali G.

    I meant pants as in "something bad", i.e. "this record is pants".

    But I really like pants, so it would seem to me that pants would be a good thing.

  • JustAliceJustAlice 1,308 Posts

    "seen"=i understand
    "safe"=a catch all for "its all good", "see you later", etc..

    aren't these kinda just patois knock offs?

    did the brits take it to JA?

  • BelsonBelson 880 Posts
    I quite liked this sentence that appeared in the UK version of Big Brother.

    'Who does he think he is? Johnny Big Potatoes? Comin' over 'ere, givin' it all the lemon!'

    Loosely translated -

    'Who does he think he is? Some kind of big shot? Coming over here and giving it all the abusive language.'

    Rhyming slang - 'Lemon' = 'Lemon peel' = 'Shpeel'

  • How does one reverse engineer rhyming slang? It seems so complicated....

  • BelsonBelson 880 Posts
    How does one reverse engineer rhyming slang? It seems so complicated....

    Vintage rhyming slang like 'apples and pears', 'mutt & jeff', 'syrup' and all that, can be found on the internet.

    It's the new versions that can be tricky to work out - 'New London' and the invention of 'Chav speak'.

  • So do people still say "pants"?

  • BelsonBelson 880 Posts
    So do people still say "pants"?

    Yes, including journalists for the broad sheet papers -


  • Cool.

    Teach me more.

  • JimsterJimster Cruffiton.etsy.com 6,974 Posts
    i doubt these are new but they were to me when i first got here.

    "seen"=i understand
    "safe"=a catch all for "its all good", "see you later", etc..
    "marching powder"=cocaine
    "henry"= 3.5 grams of weed (shitty overpriced uk weed)

    and i belive "pants" are called "trousers"..quaint

    "Safe" and "Seen" are Jamaican imports. White kids love their JA steez. Also common is:

    "Aks" (slowly pronounced "Ahhhks") for "Ask", as this seems to be a common JA move, as well as ",Innit?" (an expression of agreement) tagged onto the end of every statement.

  • DJBombjackDJBombjack Miami 1,665 Posts
    'Safe' has been around for years (at least the 70s) and has long been used outside of any Jamaican influence. I can't agree that it has it's roots in Jamaican slang. It's commonly used with 'sweet' (short for 'sweet as a nut', meaning OK)
    'Innit' is an abbreviation of 'isn't it' and is tacked onto the end of a sentence. Innit.

  • ageage 1,131 Posts
    Northerner's use the letter


    Instead of saying: yes, i see, ok, etc..

    one of my favorites is:

    "Don't take the piss!"
    Meaning act serious,don't be stupid,don't take advantage,etc..

    Two I could never understand and as much as they told me what it meant,
    I still don't get it or feel it cause, I really don't see how it's
    good to be a set of dogs balls or dogs vagina!!

    "I'm,He's,It's the dogs bullocks"

    "I'm,She's the puppies plums"

    Maybe it's a south thing, but another thing I though was pretty interesting was
    In New Castle Upon Tyne.Male trouble makers, bullies were referred to as "Trevor's"
    And Females (be it they are promiscuous or just trashy trouble makers) they were called "Shelia's.Slag is another great term for "slut,whore,etc,"

    They also use the words "cunt","fuck off","geezer","bloke"(geezer and bloke being the"dude,man,homie,etc") like there's no tomorrow.

    Another one is "safe" or instead of saying peace,later, goodbye, they say "take it steady"

    That is all I can think of.

  • "that's ace!"

  • DJBombjackDJBombjack Miami 1,665 Posts
    Shut it you slaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaag

  • ageage 1,131 Posts
    great example

    "fuck off you cunt!"

    (not you dj bombjack:)

  • KaushikKaushik 320 Posts
    Fit = attractive, good looking

    e.g. "Fit But You Know It" by The Streets

    See I reckon you're about an 8 or a 9,
    Maybe even 9 and a half in four beers time.
    That blue top shop top you've got on IS nice,
    Bit too much fake tan though - but yeah you score high.

    But theres just one little thing that really really,
    Really really annoying me about you you see,
    Yeah yeah like i said you are really fit
    But my gosh don't you just know it

    I'm not trying to pull you
    Even though i would like to
    I think you are really fit
    You're fit But my gosh dont you know it

    etc etc

  • BelsonBelson 880 Posts

    Teach me more.

    A new one seems to be -

    'Kiss my swingers'


    Question; ' Would you take $50 for that minty copy of Third Guitar?'

    Answer; 'You can kiss my swingers, mate'

  • ageage 1,131 Posts
    I forgot about that one "fit".

    another one was "bird"(same as for a good looking lady)..but I hear folks say that from time to time over here.

  • BelsonBelson 880 Posts

    Teach me more.

    'Fancy going down the battle and causin' some barney?'

    Translation - 'Battle' = 'Battle cruiser' = 'Boozer'[/b]

    - 'Barney' = 'Barney Rubble' = 'Trouble'[/b]

    Barney can be taken two fold though in that somebody might think that you're having a barney, or throwing a barney - ie a temper tantrum. Others will replace Barney with 'having a benny' when one is throwing a hissy fit.

  • plkbrynplkbryn 159 Posts
    while were on the topic, can someone set me straight on what makes a track a "tittyshaker"? i.e., "That northern chune he played was a real tittyshaker."

  • ageage 1,131 Posts

    isn't that a football league?


    "Oh you cheeky bastard!"

  • Rich45sRich45s 327 Posts

    UK provinical rap is taking over the world.

    possibly not though. I don't know where Kersal is

  • JimsterJimster Cruffiton.etsy.com 6,974 Posts
    Northerner's use the letter


    Instead of saying: yes, i see, ok, etc..

    one of my favorites is:

    "Don't take the piss!"
    Meaning act serious,don't be stupid,don't take advantage,etc..

    Two I could never understand and as much as they told me what it meant,
    I still don't get it or feel it cause, I really don't see how it's
    good to be a set of dogs balls or dogs vagina!!

    "I'm,He's,It's the dogs bullocks"

    "I'm,She's the puppies plums"

    Maybe it's a south thing, but another thing I though was pretty interesting was
    In New Castle Upon Tyne.Male trouble makers, bullies were referred to as "Trevor's"
    And Females (be it they are promiscuous or just trashy trouble makers) they were called "Shelia's.Slag is another great term for "slut,whore,etc,"

    They also use the words "cunt","fuck off","geezer","bloke"(geezer and bloke being the"dude,man,homie,etc") like there's no tomorrow.

    Another one is "safe" or instead of saying peace,later, goodbye, they say "take it steady"

    That is all I can think of.

    Nearly. Us Northerners are actually using "Aye..." as in "Aye Aye, Cap'n" for yes or as a general acknowledgement. "The dog's BOLLOCKS or DANGLIES" also indicates something good. Often abbreviated to "The mutt's nuts" or just "It's the fucking Nuts." As in, "Check these vintage Air Jordans - they're the fucking nuts, mate."

    Other "Good" equivalents are "Top banana", ace, sound, mint, nectar, stonking, brilliant, wicked, "A decent effort", "Nice one". "Bad" equivalents are Gash, Shite (rhyming with bright), poo, wank, pants, toss, piss-poor, shocking, dia-fucking-bolical, dire, dreadful, atrocious.

    Other common words for testes are Plums, Gonads, Goolies and Knackers (often cockney rhymed with Cream Crackers).

    Equivalents of "Idiot" are (all pre-fixed with "Fucking") Bell-end (a phallus), Knob (dick), arsehole, wanker, tosser, dickhead, tit, twat, clown, thick cunt, dozy bastard, knob cheese, wankstain, cock... it goes on, they work anywhere.

    Girl = Bird, totty, bit of fluff, top totty, blart, talent (as in "This place is full of talent").

    Common expressions for around here for hello are "Ay (rhymes with Hay) Up", "'Ow Do" (How are you doing? (Yorkshire)), "Ow's it hangin'?"


  • ageage 1,131 Posts
    Kersal is by Manchester and Liverpool

  • Yeah, I vaguely remember the Sheila one....

  • minneapminneap 541 Posts
    we just had a couple english dudes here for a month and a half so i absorbed a little slang. "bird" and "bullocks" were used real often and the explanations you guys have given are solid. the common greeting was "aright mate?" like "how's it going." another one that i really liked was "arris." if you're talking to some bird with a nice ass you say "you've got a nice arris." dude told me that it's because if a girl's got a nice shape to her it looks similar to a glass coke bottle (long and slim, thicker in middle and at the bottom). bottle rhymes with aristotle. shorten up aristotle and you got arris. those dudes left each bar with at least two girls every night.

  • DORDOR Two Ron Toe 9,907 Posts
    All I know, is after I came back from living in London. I had zero accent and I fucking ended everything with "Ya know what I mean?"

    And always used "Ta" not "Cheers" to say Thanks.

    And it took me awhile to stop calling any form of money with the term "Quid"

    Also ended up using Geezer to much when I got home.

    Wish I had picked up the accent tho...

  • DuderonomyDuderonomy Haut de la Garenne 7,799 Posts

    'Who does he think he is? Johnny Big Potatoes? Comin' over 'ere, givin' it all the lemon!'

    That would be Brian, right? That geezer is funny. Another bit of London-centric slang that I discovered fairly recently is 'brass' (pronounced like 'ass');

    "Jay-Z is well brass"

    (Jay-Z is very shite)

    And no, I'm not 'avin' a bubble.

  • DocMcCoyDocMcCoy "Go and laugh in your own country!" 5,917 Posts

  • DuderonomyDuderonomy Haut de la Garenne 7,799 Posts
    ^^^What are those muppetts in the video talking about?^^^

    looks like they're chatting breeze


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