Snorting Oxycontin
Skip Drinkwater
1,694 Posts
I keep hearing about this phenomenon more and more. Is this what's hot nowadays? Apparently, a moist paper towel is used to melt off the cap, and the rest is ground and snorted. Y'all heard of people doing this in your area?Anyone here have some medical knowledge/training and can shed some light on the consequences of this? Sniffing a synthetic substance just can't be good...
People been doin that though.
Just smoke some weed, man.
Leave the snorting of painkillers to these guys:
but opiates like it, H, etc are not very damaging to your brain or body
that is NOT to say,
cuz the addiction/neglect of your body will fuck you up
but an occasional use isn't too bad
I want a graemlin with this dude saying "an ocassional use isn't too bad"
Hear that kids? Just keep to all natural heroin, it's good for you. Plus you get to support the economy of the new democratic Afganistan.
Look, I know dozens of folks that got down over the past several years and not a one of their stories ended very well. I've seen firsthand what this shit does and I am not a fan.
Agreed. Shit's just no good all around. I mean, if you're a grown fuckin' adult, do your thing, but be forewarned, shit'll get you.
I did that shit like twice in a weekend ten years ago and forgot about it. It's opiating. You get fucked up. If you don't go crazy on the shit, you aren't gonna die or turn into Tyrone Biggums.
Maybe moderated use of substances is too grown and sexy for the Strut.
I did smoke a blunt dipped in promethazine the other day for the first time, that shit had me on tilt.
What'd you listen to?
You think I remember? Haha. Nah but the homie did throw on some Screw music. He's from Houston, of course.
yes. its good for you. that's exactly what i said
The problem with oxy is that people OD on it cause it is an extremely concentrated pill. It is very important to know the mg of the pill in order to ration out safe doses that wont make your respiratory functions fail. Comes in doses of 20mgs,40mgs,and 80mgs. For most people that dont have a habitat, 20mgs is more then enough. Do any 80 at once with no prior junkie like exp, you most likely will od or get very close to it. People using put the pill in there mouth for a second and the time release wears right off and then crush up into a powder and snort.
But the manufacturer just recently got sued for releasing an extremely addictive substance to unknowing customers causing terrible addict rises in rural populations. Out in my area of PA it is rampant. So now they are making the pills very uncomfortable to snort. There is jelly beads in it now that melt to some sludge form paste if it is broken and exposed to liquids. So this is there way to try and counter the sniffing. All the oxy is transferring over to this form so people will only be ingesting it orally in the future.
Its a bad game to get involved with and im in recovery now with painkillers, with this one being the drug of choice. It gets very addictive, very quick. It is read hard to stop and the withdrawal will make the flu seem like allergies. Also you will be an emotional mess for a month. Horrible mood swings. So be forewarned. Many people do it in moderation and can be responsible. But thats how everything starts. So just keep that in mind.
Also no drinking on OXY or any painkillers. It is horrible for your liver and it also makes you more prone to respiratory failure. I have heard many stories, first hand mostly of this, so if your gonna party stick to that and the ganja.
Just be safe and informed. Drugs can be a very enlightining experience that doesnt have to end in tragedy and horror stories. Some of the best experiences in my life were enhanced with drugs so it can be a real good time. Just dont indulge too much and know what you are doing. Read up on what your doing and do your homework. And being sober is a great and respected thing. Dont do drugs for other people. Do them cause you want to do them and want to experince them. Dont feel like you have to do them. And its not a race. A little moderation goes a long way. Start small and see what the substance does to you before you decide to wild out and do a whole bunch real fast.
Some little words of advice from a recovering addict.
Snorting OXY isn't new!!! People have been doing this since late 90's or early 2000.
I trip off how people experiment with shit. You have fools snorting crushed up viagra now while popping "X".
Oh shit! Is this an unveiling?
Its crazy because since high school graduation (4 years ago), he has gone from being a pretty outgoing person to way, way anti-social. The anti-social part probably has more do w/ the amount of weed he smokes. He's not exactly the type that can smoke weed 24/7 and go about daily business like some people can.
I honestly don't know how often he does pills since I am not living w/ him or what pills he does. But, it was pretty obvious after living w/ him that he took them quite a bit. It was weird coming home from work and seeing him in his gamer chair all faded, not moving, looking half dead.
Not going to lie, I've tried oxycontin a few times, I feel like I know the deal. I used to smoke weed a lot, I'm not clueless or anything. But, I've grown so tired of hearing nothing but talk about drugs around my friends that I don't pay any attention to it anymore. I feel kind of out of the loop with it all.
He can be pretty hard to talk to about certain things without him getting confrontational a bit. Especially when it comes to drugs. Whats the easiest way to talk to him about it? I always say I think that shit is stupid (oxycontin, pills, etc.), not afraid to speak my mind to him. But, he's difficult to get to sometimes as he does a lot of reading on all this stuff and tends to want to be right. blah blah blah blah blah.
Xanax, Oxycontin, Roxycodone, Norco, Vicodin, Soma, Klonopin, Percocet etc etc can make for interesting times. Personally i've never crushed or snorted any of them.
They're not for everyone. And there are definitely abusers out there. A good friend of mine who knows chemistry was breaking down all the painkillers in terms of effects to the body over time. The worst culprit? Vicodin, which is by far the easiest and cheapest to get.
A young, enterprising, fresh-faced wielding a shotgun college student from my town stuck up a VA hospital in Massachussetts I believe, making off with 20,000 of the pills before being caught.