Anyone in NY see the Boredoms w/ 77 drummers?



  • it'll be Nyabinghi drummers, African drummers, and Salsa drummers coming together to play which is kind of surprising, no?

  • mannybolonemannybolone Los Angeles, CA 15,029 Posts
    There are few things sadder than seeing presumably intelligent people reject an experience strictly on the basis of their disdain for the other people experiencing that event/artifact. It's nothing more than the worst kind of group think in reverse.

    It's one thing to say, "it's fucking annoying being surrounded by thousands of hipsters in a slow moving line, in summer heat." I can sympathize with that.

    But saying, "this event seemed lame anyway" is pure, pathetic shit.

    It might be that the hipster element can spoil an event. It's another thing to render an aesthetic judgment on something YOU DIDN'T EVEN EXPERIENCE.

    I knew a few folks who managed to get into the event (press pass = golden) and they said the shit was incredible. Notably, they didn't have to sweat it out in line so that was one less annoyance to deal with but their enjoyment of the event was at least based on the event, not on the perception of what the event was supposed to be about based on who was in attendance.

    I'm stunned to say this but rape donkeys is on point in this thread and all the anti-hipster hatteurs are looking straight toy.

  • DB_CooperDB_Cooper Manhatin' 7,823 Posts
    it'll be Nyabinghi drummers, African drummers, and Salsa drummers coming together to play which is kind of surprising, no?

    Yes. And pretty awesome to boot. And to O-Dub--while I'll never let the demographics of the audience deter me from a show, that doesn't mean I can't throw a few verbal jabs at hippies, right? I mean, come on. They're just begging for it.

  • JLRJLR 3,835 Posts
    Why is it that you always appear at the end of threads to summarize and make conclusions?
    You sound like Barney at the end of each episode.

  • SoulhawkSoulhawk 3,197 Posts
    There are few things sadder than seeing presumably intelligent people reject an experience strictly on the basis of their disdain for the other people experiencing that event/artifact.

    does this include experiences like posting on soulstrut???

  • edith headedith head 5,106 Posts
    There are few things sadder than seeing presumably intelligent people reject an experience strictly on the basis of their disdain for the other people experiencing that event/artifact. It's nothing more than the worst kind of group think in reverse.

    thank you.

  • faux_rillzfaux_rillz 14,343 Posts
    There are few things sadder than seeing presumably intelligent people reject an experience strictly on the basis of their disdain for the other people experiencing that event/artifact. It's nothing more than the worst kind of group think in reverse.

    I mean, was there very much of that?

    I won't claim to have read every word in the thread but, from what I saw, it was just one dude who skulked around the fence and then went home and made an angry SoulStrut post about hipsters because he couldn't get in.

  • The one Gene Pontecorvo was exhibiting some early signs of asshurt; he was, however, reigned in by my sardonic irreverence.

  • DongerDonger 854 Posts
    was this a white people only event?

    Aren't all drum circles?

    even the ones in africa?

  • The one Gene Pontecorvo was exhibiting some early signs of asshurt; he was, however, reigned in by my sardonic irreverence.

    No I wasn't. You're the one who's all I looooooove the Boredoms and ain't even get the two albums I name-dropped. Step up yr reading comprehension, Maestro.

  • jaymackjaymack 5,199 Posts
    ...heh...he called you maestro...heh...

  • edith headedith head 5,106 Posts
    it still boggles my mind how many hipster threads there are here or just the high number of non-hipster threads that devolve into that. what do they look like? what do they listen to? delusional shit, like nothing you guys are into can be construed or perceived as "hip"... such as, oh i don't know, collecting rare records or flossing your sneakers? at this point it feels like hipsters calling other hipsters hipsters and it's weird to me how people still get really up in arms about it and put so much self-conscious energy into convincing others that they're not one of them. i can't believe people care so much with the same hipster rant after a few decades of this.

  • JLRJLR 3,835 Posts

    No I wasn't. You're the one who's all I looooooove the Boredoms and ain't even get the two albums I name-dropped. Step up yr reading comprehension, Maestro.

  • DB_CooperDB_Cooper Manhatin' 7,823 Posts
    was this a white people only event?

    Aren't all drum circles?

    even the ones in africa?


  • faux_rillzfaux_rillz 14,343 Posts
    what do they look like?

    The people that prevent one from seeing Boredoms by arriving well in advance of the show. Particularly when glimpsed through a fence.

    what do they listen to?

    Boredoms live.

  • My whole take, if it wasn't evident, was merely a comment on the concept of the "drum circle". It is generally, universally something that is put out there to laugh at when making fun of hippies, no?

    I figured stating up-front that I dig the Boredoms/Voordoms/wtfever would separate that thought from prior indictments by others that this was a hipster-tainted event.


  • edith headedith head 5,106 Posts
    what do they look like?

    The people that prevent one from seeing Boredoms by arriving well in advance of the show. Particularly when glimpsed through a fence.

    what do they listen to?

    Boredoms live.

    whaaaaa? i thought they listen to mark ronson and wear von dutch trucker hats

  • JLRJLR 3,835 Posts

    why is it that asshurt people always throw some smiling faces when trying to deny their status?

  • why is it that asshurt people always throw some smiling faces when trying to deny their status?

    COS MAYBE THEY RIGHT AND YOU WRONG MUHFUGGA!!!!!!! one gets visions of hackey sacks in their head when they hear the words "drum circle"?????? Has the whole world gone crazy!!!!??????

  • It's one thing to say, "it's fucking annoying being surrounded by thousands of hipsters in a slow moving line, in summer heat." I can sympathize with that...

    ...It might be that the hipster element can spoil an event. It's another thing to render an aesthetic judgment on something YOU DIDN'T EVEN EXPERIENCE.

    Are there *ever* shows in New York (BK specifically) that aren't infested with
    hipsters? I mean, they wouldn't even be hipsters if they weren't at these shows.
    I like making fun of the cool kids as much as the next guy, but if I actually
    let them bother me, my head would explode. There are a bunch of stretch pant big
    sunglass'd morons at my east village grocery store, but it doesn't stop me from
    buying some milk.

    On topic, though, I was at the show and I found it kind of meh. To be fair, I'm
    not really a fan of The Boredoms, so I didn't expect much to enjoy it. Why I was
    even there was a long story. As for intricate percussion, I definitely found
    it lacking. It's the oldest form of music, we should be pretty good at it by now.
    I assume the crowd enjoyed it, since they were there. But as you can guess,
    everyone had the same bored music listening face that I see at all the artsy
    shows around town. Anyway, I bounced a little early and took it to a nearby
    friends' apartment with central A/C. Now *that* was a hit.

  • JLRJLR 3,835 Posts

    why is it that asshurt people always throw some smiling faces when trying to deny their status?

    COS MAYBE THEY RIGHT AND YOU WRONG MUHFUGGA!!!!!!! one gets visions of hackey sacks in their head when they hear the words "drum circle"?????? Has the whole world gone crazy!!!!??????


    take note, students.

  • The one Gene Pontecorvo was exhibiting some early signs of asshurt; he was, however, reigned in by my sardonic irreverence.

    No I wasn't. You're the one who's all I looooooove the Boredoms and ain't even get the two albums I name-dropped. Step up yr reading comprehension, Maestro.

    Actually I said I was not at all an expert - I would never profess to be. If you could point me to the poast where I said I looooooove the Boredoms that would be thweet.

    I believe that I expressed a desire to see the show, and disappointment that I couldn't be there.

    You seem rather riled up.

  • why is it that asshurt people always throw some smiling faces when trying to deny their status?

    COS MAYBE THEY RIGHT AND YOU WRONG MUHFUGGA!!!!!!! one gets visions of hackey sacks in their head when they hear the words "drum circle"?????? Has the whole world gone crazy!!!!??????


    take note, students.

    It's dark in here in the cave.

    Dank, too.

  • DB_CooperDB_Cooper Manhatin' 7,823 Posts one gets visions of hackey sacks in their head when they hear the words "drum circle"?????? Has the whole world gone crazy!!!!??????

    Give in to the power of the unwashed multitude, GP... you're feeling twirly...very twirly....

  • JLRJLR 3,835 Posts
    Why I was
    even there was a long story.

    actually, it's rather short: you are a hipster

  • DB_CooperDB_Cooper Manhatin' 7,823 Posts
    Why I was
    even there was a long story.

    actually, it's raher short: you are a hipster

  • Why I was
    even there was a long story.

    actually, it's raher short: you are a hipster

    Nice try. It was "date with hipster girl" related.

  • The one Gene Pontecorvo was exhibiting some early signs of asshurt; he was, however, reigned in by my sardonic irreverence.

    No I wasn't. You're the one who's all I looooooove the Boredoms and ain't even get the two albums I name-dropped. Step up yr reading comprehension, Maestro.

    Actually I said I was not at all an expert - I would never profess to be. If you could point me to the poast where I said I looooooove the Boredoms that would be thweet.

    I believe that I expressed a desire to see the show, and disappointment that I couldn't be there.

    You seem rather riled up.

    It's just jokes man. No one got 'em. Time to re-erect the electric fence around the PMG.

  • JLRJLR 3,835 Posts
    Why I was
    even there was a long story.

    actually, it's raher short: you are a hipster

    Nice try. It was "date with hipster girl" related.

    so, they are inconvenient when trying to buy milk but it's OK to fuck them?


  • was this a white people only event?



    drum circle/ hackey-sack hipsteur apologists roll on....
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