

  • Young_PhonicsYoung_Phonics 8,039 Posts
    [quEDIT: WTF happened to club culture anyways? Now it's terrible clothing, all bottle service and DJs playing terrible pre-mixed Maroon 5 meets Gwen Stefani with Justin Timberlake rapping over the soundtrack from Grease mash-up shit they downloaded live off of some myspace link and shit. Fucking posers! Let's get back to commiting crimes and playing someDISCO FOOOOOONK BANGAAAAAZZZ [/b]

    Now it's bad clothing?

    Now but I hear you what you're saying.

  • DongerDonger 854 Posts
    Man this is just like swapping stories on the bench (really just a piece of wood lol) at Broadway and Astor.

    If we can get to poast on Soulstrut the cipher will be complete.

    "Ahhh The Grind, $20 a day and all the pussy you could handle"

    Any good promoter knows that all you need is a seedy venue, promoters handing out flyers at the peep shows, a good DJ, and a criminal element, and your party will be great.

  • Options
    EDIT: WTF happened to club culture anyways? Now it's terrible clothing, all bottle service and "DJs" playing terrible pre-mixed Maroon 5 meets Gwen Stefani with Justin Timberlake rapping over the soundtrack from Grease mash-up shit they downloaded live off of some myspace link and shit. Fucking posers! Let's get back to commiting crimes and playing some fucked up shit!

    Would it be fair to say the downfall started with him?

    That's when it started for me at least, but I only started going to parties in '93.

  • DongerDonger 854 Posts
    OK to keep this thread on track I went to a club the other day (it's been a loooong time), and all the guys were dressed and looked like they were the Gotti boys personal trainers. Then there was this chick there that was so drunk she had no shoes on. Of course there are always predators in sleazy clubs waiting for that wasted chick to prey on, and he finally moved in and basically Akon'd that bitch. Her friends then rescued her, and he just continued walking around the club looking like he wanted to rape anything in sight.

  • mannybolonemannybolone Los Angeles, CA 15,025 Posts
    These posts are the equivalent of stories about pre-Disney Times Square. Makes one all nostalgic for an era they didn't live through.

  • Jonny_PaycheckJonny_Paycheck 17,825 Posts
    EDIT: WTF happened to club culture anyways? Now it's terrible clothing, all bottle service and "DJs" playing terrible pre-mixed Maroon 5 meets Gwen Stefani with Justin Timberlake rapping over the soundtrack from Grease mash-up shit they downloaded live off of some myspace link and shit. Fucking posers! Let's get back to commiting crimes and playing some fucked up shit!

    Would it be fair to say the downfall started with him?

    That's when it started for me at least, but I only started going to parties in '93.

    Well I moved to NYC in 1995, so he was already The Mayor at that time; but still, I went to a lot of those clubs and parties while they were still on and in their glory years... it might have started with him but you can't solely blame him. Bloomberg really ramped up tourism, presided over the revitalization of the meatpacking district, which is now solely inhabited by tourists and the B&T crowd, I mean you are lucky if you go to a club now and you meet someone who's lived in NY for more than a couple years if they even live here at all. NYU is very much to blame for the death of downtown... the Palladium is now an NYU dorm and that's about as stark as it gets. There are some hellafied ghosts on those grounds, for sure.

    I try to explain this shit to my girl and her friends, who are all recent migrants who love it here, and they just don't get it.

  • The_Hook_UpThe_Hook_Up 8,182 Posts
    I once seen a drunk girl quietly throw up on the floor of the bus home after a night on the town

    You should take a ride on the Babylon branch of the Long Island Railroad on a late weekend night leaving Penn Station

    I don't doubt it - but that was a very sarcastic facemelt, as it's par for the course to have drunk broads spewing every which way after a certain hour in this neighborhood.

    One time a dude killed it with the mad voluminous and stinky barf game while I was riding on the 4 train uptown, 3am or so. Cleared the whole car out.

    after my band played a show at the Knitting Factory I went out drinking til dawn and I spewed all over a rush hour train filled with folks going to their jobs...I knew it must be a common occurence in NYC as no one even batted an eye at my doing that...

  • noznoz 3,625 Posts
    she had no shoes on

  • magneticmagnetic 2,678 Posts

  • batmonbatmon 27,574 Posts
    EDIT: WTF happened to club culture anyways? Now it's terrible clothing, all bottle service and "DJs" playing terrible pre-mixed Maroon 5 meets Gwen Stefani with Justin Timberlake rapping over the soundtrack from Grease mash-up shit they downloaded live off of some myspace link and shit. Fucking posers! Let's get back to commiting crimes and playing some fucked up shit!

    Back to house parties.

  • soulmarcosasoulmarcosa 4,296 Posts
    After a night DJing in Memphis w/ The Hook Up & Shingaling (and probably a couple of other strutters), we were loitering around the club shooting the shit while the staff cleaned up. One drunk guy was riding a skateboard around the club for some reason, and soon enough it happened: he wiped out into a table full of glasses and bottles, knocking everything over in a deafening crash, ending up on the floor with his eyes wide open looking like he was paralyzed. After about 30 seconds he said "I'm okay" and got up.

    I don't think there were any handjobs that night though sorry

  • Let's not even get into the guy that owned the club. Hahahaha what a lowlife!

    I believe I have related to you that I once took a piss in the alleyway behind said club and as I was zipping up I looked to my left and said club owner was passing off a duffle bag to a dude in a three-piece suit with a Snidely Whiplash moustache? I did not stick around to find out what happened next.

  • verb606verb606 2,518 Posts
    -------- had to take JP's quip as a location.

  • HAZHAZ 3,376 Posts
    dudes are blowing each other, humping, and jerking off in areas on the dance floor...moved through blockages of men to find a guy on his knees sucking another off with another schlong waiting it's turn, slapped countless hands away from my ass always quick to return to the soccer wall position, seen a dude ODing on the couch with a friend tending to him with two guys fucking next to them, saw a guy meet two people for the first time, talk for less than a minute, then head over to the corner to suck one off while the other attacked from the back...

    And then the Agent asked "What do you call your act?"

    "The Aristocrats".

  • mannybolonemannybolone Los Angeles, CA 15,025 Posts
    dudes are blowing each other, humping, and jerking off in areas on the dance floor...moved through blockages of men to find a guy on his knees sucking another off with another schlong waiting it's turn, slapped countless hands away from my ass always quick to return to the soccer wall position, seen a dude ODing on the couch with a friend tending to him with two guys fucking next to them, saw a guy meet two people for the first time, talk for less than a minute, then head over to the corner to suck one off while the other attacked from the back...

    And then the Agent asked "What do you call your act?"

    "The Aristocrats".

    Hahahaha. Perfect.

  • The_Hook_UpThe_Hook_Up 8,182 Posts
    After a night DJing in Memphis w/ The Hook Up & Shingaling (and probably a couple of other strutters), we were loitering around the club shooting the shit while the staff cleaned up. One drunk guy was riding a skateboard around the club for some reason, and soon enough it happened: he wiped out into a table full of glasses and bottles, knocking everything over in a deafening crash, ending up on the floor with his eyes wide open looking like he was paralyzed. After about 30 seconds he said "I'm okay" and got up.

    I don't think there were any handjobs that night though sorry

    Ha! I forgot about was Angry Bob that did that...some overly concerned chick was "my god are you guys gonna do anything!!!??!? He might be hurt" I said something like "Its just Angry Bob, he'll be ok"

    no. No handjobs in Memphis.

  • coolchriscoolchris 301 Posts
    Let's see,got some good ones-

    Full pint knocked into my record
    Seeing a fight,and have the opportunity to play "Rocky Theme"
    Angry Bartender sprays 3 people with the coke spray gun.Hip outfits coke brown and dripping.
    Djing a Boat Party and seeing my girlfriend about to be thrown off the side of the boat.She just got thrown up on,and was about to fight someone about a foot and half and 75 pounds bigger.BAD NEWS
    Getting kicked off the Decks 2 songs into a set for lighting a joint.
    Getting Tiny of "Friday" movie fame-telling me to "Switch it-this shit is wack".(Not Kidding at all)
    Having to crap mid set.(Fela Kuti,yall)
    Having to throw up mid set(nothing helps,yall)
    Seeing a"Burning Manish" woman on seriously large(5+ foot)stilts dancing solo at a dub night at the Elbo Room in the mission.Dance Floor is not full,she catches a bad step and falls straight backwords onto the wood floor.It seemed like an eternity before she hit the ground.When she did the record skiped.Ouch.


  • cascas 1,484 Posts

    Having to crap mid set.(Fela Kuti,yall)

    i like to drop "five minutes of funk" then play beat the clock!!

  • Young_PhonicsYoung_Phonics 8,039 Posts

    Your Elbow Room anecdote remind me of this one time Ross and I where hanging out at Dub Mission and this couple in spandex excercise gear was doing yoga and stretching. What was even wilder is that they had this total look on their face like they belonged doing this and how dare anyone would even give 'em side looks.

  • Young_PhonicsYoung_Phonics 8,039 Posts
    Ahhh man and I think I just had a Docbrown-esque experience:

    I got called yesterday to dj this last minute private party today in the afternoon. IT WAS WILD


    I dj'd a Baby Loves Disco type of party. WAMP WAMP!

  • bozakbozak 334 Posts
    this thread reminds me of this
    okayplayer thread

    there are some doosies in there

  • mannybolonemannybolone Los Angeles, CA 15,025 Posts
    Ahhh man and I think I just had a Docbrown-esque experience:

    I got called yesterday to dj this last minute private party today in the afternoon. IT WAS WILD


    I dj'd a Baby Loves Disco type of party. WAMP WAMP!

  • lord234lord234 236 Posts
    Having to crap mid set.(Fela Kuti,yall)

  • DJFerrariDJFerrari 2,411 Posts
    Well, I got threatened behind the turntables this weekend... AGAIN!

    So after a relatively successful rare groove set Friday night at the Elbo Room, I was feeling pretty good about DJing. Saturday night I was to play a party for the Capoeira Arts Cafe in Berkeley. I have played for this crowd numerous times and they always get super into it and dance their asses off to whatever I play. Apparently this was a big one as they're moving locations so there was supposed to be a ton of people from Brazil that wanted to hear Brazilian music. That didn't turn out to be the case. There were a few people like that and hundreds of very stubborn local folks that only wanted salsa music. That really isn't my thing so I play all the latin funk and soul that I have hoping it's close enough.

    I have about 8 conversations in 10 minutes with people saying they only want to dance to salsa music. I explain that I'm playing the closest I have to salsa and that it was meant to be a Brazilian night, but all I get is ice grill after ice grill. I was starting to get frustrated as the conversations started sounding like a broken record (no pun intended) when one dude comes up and says "What the fuck! I asked for salsa 30 minutes ago and you haven't played any yet!" I give my explanation again, but dude just comes back with "seriously, if you don't play some fucking salsa music right now I'm gonna kick your ass! There's a bunch of other people here too that want to kick your ass for not playing salsa music!" Then dude just storms off.

    Now it was a relatively tame threat compared to my last one involving a kinfe and if he had really tried anything I wouldn't have had a hard time ripping his fucking throat out, but I was still pissed. I run over to my homies that are putting on the show and tell them that I have to leave. It's 3AM at this point so it wasn't a big deal that I wanted to stop. I go back to play a few more songs just to ride it out for a little bit when this guy comes over and politely asks for some salsa music. I blow up in his face and pretty much threaten to kick his ass! He was totally thrown back and after a second I realize dude was probably the nicest person there so I apologize profusely. Oops

    I start packing my shit up and the organizers tell me that all the Brazilians were very impressed with what I was playing. That's really who I cared about and who I was there to play for. There just wasn't as many of them as advertised.

    What really got me was how viscious the Berkeley crowd was. Every other time I've played there they've been totally into the stuff I play. They normally dance to everything. It's never been a "salsa or bust" kinda thing. Totally threw me off guard.

    Now yes, I know I need to be prepared for anything, but still... this was a favor for some friends. I asked for no money as it was a fundraiser and I was told that I was there to play Brazilian music for Brazilians. I brought all the equipment, helped setup the party and stayed for 6 hours with a 2 hour break while another DJ played. Not really the treatment I was looking for!

    Oh well, just another reminder that I have no business trying to DJ live as it's almost always such a hassle. Just gotta keep them podcasts coming

  • Jonny_PaycheckJonny_Paycheck 17,825 Posts
    Dude they took those goddamn salsa classes and they are gonna put them to some use okay??? GOD

  • waxjunkywaxjunky 1,848 Posts
    the one time i went to milk this midget

  • the one time i went to milk this midget

    was posting that mj pic really worth bumping this thread? reallyyyyyyyy?

  • Seeing a fight,and have the opportunity to play "Rocky Theme"

    haha! Excellent.

  • waxjunkywaxjunky 1,848 Posts
    the one time i went to milk this midget

    was posting that mj pic really worth bumping this thread? reallyyyyyyyy?

    Something weird is happening. I was about halfway through reading this thread, when I realized it was from several months ago. Somehow it got bumped to the front? Still, it's a pretty good read. And I have a bad memory, I guess.
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