(Coffee) Charging extra for soymilk is a bad trend

First, of course, was Starbucks. Now even my local spot started charging 40 cents extra for soymilk. I bitched and dude told me soymilk costs more. It does not. They SHOULD charge extra for cow's milk.
yeah, i thought it was a rip when i asked for soy instead of milk.
profiting off the 'conscious' lifestyle folks is a huge industry...
'conscious' huh? at least 75% of the world is lactose intolerent.
Soymilk does cost more. For a consumer, a 32 oz container of soymilk is usually about $2 or $3. You can get a gallon of cow's milk (128 oz) for about $4 or less.
However, they shouldn't be charging extra for the tiny amount that you put in coffee.
I buy soymilk from Costco and shit's the same has bovine tittie.
That's funny. I forgot about the whole soymilk faggitizes your kids story.
I started those Ian vs Ian threads before I had some coffee. You tell me.
As well it should. Do you know how hard it is to milk a bean?
soymilk is people
is this an argument you really want to be having?
Still, charging for any type of creamer is like charging for ketchup packets.
why not?
The whole Milk does a Body Good is st8 fantasy.
skim milk is good for you. A University of Tennessee study found that dieters who consumed between 1,200 and 1,300 milligrams of calcium a day lost nearly twice as much weight as those taking in less calcium. Researchers think the mineral probably prevents weight gain by increasing the breakdown of body fat and hampering its formation.
Milk isnt the only source of Calcium on this planet.
Its incredible the extent to which people have been duped by the Dairy Council into automatically associating Calcium with dairy products. Calcium is an element. It is not made by cows. It is consumed by cows then passed into their milk (along with all of the fat and pus). Cows eat greens. That's where they get their calcium. Humans can also get their calcium from greens. Simple.
Now, I do consume dairy products. I'm not a crusader for veganism or anything. But I do recognize the fact that broccoli is a much healthier source of calcium.
Kidney stones are caused by a low intake of calcium.
Class dimissed.
Coffee = healthy........
Coffee > Broccolli.......
Maybe so, but I sure as hell ain't putting broccoli on my cereal!
i completely agree with that, but there's growing percentage of people, who aren't lactose intolerant, that don't consume dairy (read: vegans etc...) being one of those 'conscious' eaters, i see this kind of price gouging everyday. the merchants know you're not going to eat meat/dairy no matter how cheap it is, and the next thing you know you're being charged extra for soy milk.
the real schitt is almond milk.
Exactly. Coffee on my cereal, or
no phytoestrogens for me, thanks
speak engrish fucker