When is the last time you forgave someone?

GuzzoGuzzo 8,611 Posts
edited June 2007 in Strut Central
To forgive is divineId like to think that over the last few months I've had a lot of humbling experiences and many people whom I held grudges towards ended up being very helpful in this time, some of these people were even here on soulstrut. Those that I had grudges against had to deal with my asshole attitude towards them and looked past it to offer me some real help when I needed it.I've lived most of my adult life with the mantra of "forgive but never forget" but I've come to realize that never forgetting is lying to yourself about not holding a grudge.Recently I've forgave those tat put me through thier personal drug hell, their selfish ways, and forgiven myself for being a man with some fucked up beliefs on how one should operate within this world.So for all you hardheaded blowhards out there, when did you last let go of some hate and forgive someone?


  • waxjunkywaxjunky 1,848 Posts

    It's pretty much in my nature to forgive people. But not until I'm ready.

  • Birdman9Birdman9 5,417 Posts
    I don't see the point of consciously holding grudges

    If someone is sincere, what is gained by NOT forgiving them?

    If someone doesn't KNOW you're pissed, what is gained by staying mad?

    These are the things that I have to remind myself of all the time. That, and just because you have forgiven someone does not make them an integral part of your life. Sometimes all parties benefit from just moving on. But that anger part that people love to hold on to, that's what causes all the stress....all the forgiveness in the world won't help if you can't let go of that anger.

  • DB_CooperDB_Cooper Manhatin' 7,823 Posts
    that anger part that people love to hold on to, that's what causes all the stress....all the forgiveness in the world won't help if you can't let go of that anger.

    Indeed. You do yourself a disservice by perpetuating your own unhappiness. As the saying goes, "living well is the best revenge."

  • yuichiyuichi Urban sprawl 11,331 Posts
    So for all you hardheaded blowhards out there, when did you last let go of some hate and forgive someone?

    To me forgiving someone after I get some shit off my chest is the next natural step because I really really really really like the sense of resolution. It takes a lot of energy to hold grudges, and keep hating people. I noticed the best cure for this is to speak with them directly or keep yourself busy so that these issues become nothing but trivialities in your daily life. Ofcourse, easier said than done sometimes.

  • LaserWolfLaserWolf Portland Oregon 11,517 Posts
    Props. It is hard to forgive. It is hard to admit that you had a problem holding grudges.

    I wish I could tell you someone I have forgiven. I don't hold many grudges and I am very accepting, kinda, sometimes. Recently I find I am becoming more of a curmudgeon. So little things that people do irritate me, but then I'm good.

    So does this mean that you and Shig are friends again?

  • GuzzoGuzzo 8,611 Posts
    So does this mean that you and Shig are friends again?

    I don't know, I haven't spoken to shiggy in a while but I'd have no problem buying him a beer and getting down to some Bell Biv Devoe karaoke with him if the opportunity arose

  • lord234lord234 236 Posts
    To forgive is divine

    Id like to think that over the last few months I've had a lot of humbling experiences and many people whom I held grudges towards ended up being very helpful in this time, some of these people were even here on soulstrut. Those that I had grudges against had to deal with my asshole attitude towards them and looked past it to offer me some real help when I needed it.

    I've lived most of my adult life with the mantra of "forgive but never forget" but I've come to realize that never forgetting is lying to yourself about not holding a grudge.

    Recently I've forgave those tat put me through thier personal drug hell, their selfish ways, and forgiven myself for being a man with some fucked up beliefs on how one should operate within this world.

    So for all you hardheaded blowhards out there, when did you last let go of some hate and forgive someone?

    that's real. i recognize myself in this.

    i might actually forgive you for clowning me because of that jaylib thread.....

  • holmesholmes 3,532 Posts
    I really have a hard time forgiving people & tend to hold onto grudges, like "I will get you back & 100 years isn't too long to wait" shit. I know this is unhealthy, but I keep putting it at the bottom of my "issues to address list", not really sure where to start with it I guess. I have been able to get a couple of people "back" but they really weren't the victories I'd hoped for.

  • SPlDEYSPlDEY Vegas 3,375 Posts
    I recently forgave the member of my last band who broke up the band. Even though he was pretty much baiting everyone against me, and ego tripping. Going so far as to audition other guitarists and singers while I was in the band. Young Diego would've beat the shit out of him. In my life now, I've reached a level of zen, and things that are fixable don't upset me. Things happen, but things happen for a reason. With that said, I can still get upset about something. I'm just not as bothered by much anymore.

    "To err is human" is the important part of that pope quote Guzzo.

    - spidey

  • JuniorJunior 4,853 Posts
    It takes a lot of energy to hold grudges, and keep hating people.

    That's the way I see it. I really don't have the time to hold anger and resentment against people as I go through life. Obviously the nature of the original grudge will come into play but the world's a big place and it's far easier to at least get along in a civilised manner or, if that's not possible, avoid the person. Storing up shit almost always ends in a whole heap of not a good look.

    I find taking this attitude in day to day life pays dividends the other way too in that you get a lot less vendettas thrown in your direction.

  • Mahatma Ghandi was the illest of alltime he forgave the guy who killed him as he lay dying with his last breaths!!! now that's some serious shit.

    If you walked in on your wife of 20 years riding the shit out of some other guys dick, you'd forgive her?? not that i'd want revenge and i'm not the jealous type, but i'd never forgive her for doing that. This is a lil to philosophical for me as maybe lack the religion aspect of it all. I think you need a lil bit of religion in life to practice constant forgiveness.

  • LaserWolfLaserWolf Portland Oregon 11,517 Posts
    Adam recently pmed me to say he was glad that your disagreements here did not get in the way of our friendship.

    Let me say to everyone that when I argue with you in a thread it does not mean I hate you. I just disagree with something you said in a thread or a view you hold. I come from a family that disagrees about what color the sky is and will argue about it for hours, but we love each other.

    I will not disagree with your taste in music because I disagree with your politics. Just because I disagree with your views on health care does not mean I will bait you when we are talking about education.

    To all you strutters out there that I have argued with, I still you love you baby.

  • :5pager: :5pager: :5pager:

  • GuzzoGuzzo 8,611 Posts
    Mahatma Ghandi was the illest of alltime he forgave the guy who killed him as he lay dying with his last breaths!!! now that's some serious shit.

    If you walked in on your wife of 20 years riding the shit out of some other guys dick, you'd forgive her?? not that i'd want revenge and i'm not the jealous type, but i'd never forgive her for doing that. This is a lil to philosophical for me as maybe lack the religion aspect of it all. I think you need a lil bit of religion in life to practice constant forgiveness.

    not so true I'm not a religious guy; if anything I'm an agnostic who seems to be coming to more of a atheist conclusion.

    the only faith I feel I need is that faith in myself and those I choose to keep in my life. If my wife cheated on me and I caught her red handed I'd most likely be angry, but my reaction says a lot about me and not her action.

    what inspired this thread is that I forgave someone that I met for a public insult. It was not someone I thought I'd ever be face-to-face with but I realized that harboring anger towards him and his past actions wasn't going to get anything done.

    ...and damn it felt good to do so

  • LaserWolfLaserWolf Portland Oregon 11,517 Posts
    Mahatma Ghandi was the illest of alltime he forgave the guy who killed him as he lay dying with his last breaths!!! now that's some serious shit.

    If you walked in on your wife of 20 years riding the shit out of some other guys dick, you'd forgive her?? not that i'd want revenge and i'm not the jealous type, but i'd never forgive her for doing that. This is a lil to philosophical for me as maybe lack the religion aspect of it all. I think you need a lil bit of religion in life to practice constant forgiveness.

    What if she told you she was not "riding the shit out of some other guys dick"? Would you believe her or your eyes? I'd believe my wife.

  • faux_rillzfaux_rillz 14,343 Posts

    what inspired this thread is that I forgave someone that I met for a public insult.

    Forgiveness is cool and all, but I want to hear more about this practice of meeting people for public insults. Is it something one marks on one's calendar? Perhaps with a star or exclamation point?

  • faux_rillzfaux_rillz 14,343 Posts
    Mahatma Ghandi was the illest of alltime he forgave the guy who killed him as he lay dying with his last breaths!!! now that's some serious shit.

    If you walked in on your wife of 20 years riding the shit out of some other guys dick, you'd forgive her?? not that i'd want revenge and i'm not the jealous type, but i'd never forgive her for doing that. This is a lil to philosophical for me as maybe lack the religion aspect of it all. I think you need a lil bit of religion in life to practice constant forgiveness.

    What if she told you she was not "riding the shit out of some other guys dick"? Would you believe her or your eyes? I'd believe my wife.

    It's such a ridiculous example--infidelity is a small thing in the face of what it takes to make a twenty-year relationship work.

  • Phill_MostPhill_Most 4,594 Posts
    i've never forgiven anybody and i never will

  • GuzzoGuzzo 8,611 Posts

    what inspired this thread is that I forgave someone that I met for a public insult.

    Forgiveness is cool and all, but I want to hear more about this practice of meeting people for public insults. Is it something one marks on one's calendar? Perhaps with a star or exclamation point?

    in my private mind garden I hold public insult press conferences in the section known as "the courtyard". Only major figures are allowed to speak.

    afterwards I hold private meetings with my alter egos and we discuss weather we should forgive these figures for their insults.

    we almost never agree, but this one time we all decided we should tell this guy we understand and we don't hold any anger against him.

    Next courtyard event is Wednesday 3:30pm EST. I don't know if I'll have time to send you a pass but you're definitely invited

  • yuichiyuichi Urban sprawl 11,331 Posts
    i've never forgiven anybody and i never will

  • RockadelicRockadelic Out Digging 13,993 Posts
    To err is human

    To forgive is divine

    To forget is stupid

  • parsecparsec 5,087 Posts
    Just last week.

  • Phill_MostPhill_Most 4,594 Posts
    i've never forgiven anybody and i never will

    i hold a grudge like a microphone
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