Apocolypse Now v. Full Metal Jacket



  • rootlesscosmorootlesscosmo 12,848 Posts
    SICKO...wait until the movie comes out, and I dont think anyone will have anything positive to say about america....

    I bet you're wrong.

    Here is the torrent, download it and see for yourself :


    dude, I'll wait for the fucking network TV premier.

    my only point was that all you folls need to chill with the Holocaust extermination Amerikkka talk.

    the idea that I could watch a fucking Michael Moore movie and suddenly have nothing positive whatsoever to say about the USA is childish.

    maybe you non-USA strutters can write off our country without a second thought, but please forgive a dude who actually lives here for having a little perspective.

    I live the fucking US health system. I know how fucked up it is compared to a lot of the world. I also know how similar it is to a lot of the world. and I also know how much better it is than a lot of the world.

    some of y'all need to grow up and start thinking and stop dropping bumper sticker catch phrases.

  • vajdaijvajdaij 447 Posts
    see, I never took the bitch route with the ignore user function

    You ought to. Putting kala on ignore was one of the best things I ever did for my local Strut experience.

  • TheMackTheMack 3,414 Posts

  • cascas 1,484 Posts

    some of y'all need to grow up and start thinking and stop dropping bumper sticker catch phrases.

    my other car is an airplane
    suck my drunk, i'm dick
    shhhh! i'm listening to a book!
    jesus is coming...look busy.
    what's your favorite popeye's side order?

  • SICKO...wait until the movie comes out, and I dont think anyone will have anything positive to say about america....

    I bet you're wrong.

    Here is the torrent, download it and see for yourself :


    dude, I'll wait for the fucking network TV premier.

    my only point was that all you folls need to chill with the Holocaust extermination Amerikkka talk.

    the idea that I could watch a fucking Michael Moore movie and suddenly have nothing positive whatsoever to say about the USA is childish.

    maybe you non-USA strutters can write off our country without a second thought, but please forgive a dude who actually lives here for having a little perspective.

    I live the fucking US health system. I know how fucked up it is compared to a lot of the world. I also know how similar it is to a lot of the world. and I also know how much better it is than a lot of the world.

    some of y'all need to grow up and start thinking and stop dropping bumper sticker catch phrases.

    No one is putting america down. You are missing the point. The point I was making is , actaully, I was arguing that you can say something bad about america, because america has some fucked up shit going on right now, and I pointed to healthcare...I was making a point and example.

    I love america, but it's just like you love parents, but dont agree with them on certain things, and they piss you off... get it?

    Our country has some serious issues ,and healthcare being the main one ( our obese rate is greater than any other country), and with that being said, I'm not just going to sit back and have a coke( pun intended) and a smile....

    It's like you're a player , and you're on a team that use to be a championship team, but then the team starts to suck. As a player, you know what the team is capable of, so you call people and you have meetings and you go over shit to make the team better....that is the same thing with calling out america...

    As a country ,we can do better across the board, and that is the truth. If you cant see that, then that points to why americans are the way they are....they just dont see it ..I think the word is called blind.

  • rootlesscosmorootlesscosmo 12,848 Posts

    my other car is an airplane
    suck my drunk, i'm dick
    shhhh! i'm listening to a book!
    jesus is coming...look busy.
    what's your favorite popeye's side order?

    HWJD: How Would Jesus Drive?
    Ithaca is GORGES

  • DocMcCoyDocMcCoy "Go and laugh in your own country!" 5,917 Posts

    Yeah, that's a great film, as is this, although it's actually about the Korean war.

  • MjukisMjukis 1,675 Posts
    SICKO...wait until the movie comes out, and I dont think anyone will have anything positive to say about america...

    No one is putting america down.

  • UnherdUnherd 1,880 Posts
    wait until the movie comes out, and I dont think anyone will have anything positive to say about america....

    I bet you're wrong.

    download it and see for yourself

    the idea that I could watch a fucking Michael Moore movie and suddenly have nothing positive whatsoever to say about the USA is childish.

    No one[/b] is putting america down. You are missing the point. The point I was making is , actaully, I was arguing that you can say something[/b] bad about america

    Wow. New lows reached daily around here lately. This is fucking retarded...

    Also, for the record
    ( our obese rate is greater than any other country)

  • Also, for the record
    ( our obese rate is greater than any other country)


    dude, that article clearly says" proportion of overweight or obese men"....

    Im talking about america as a whole, men , woman and child ....you put up an article about men???....'c'mon, doggie...FOH

    Here, since you dont know how to do research. Here is a factual article on why america is the most obesed country:


  • UnherdUnherd 1,880 Posts

    In Greece, 38% of women are obese, compared with 34% in the United States.

    The task force estimates that among the EU's 103m children, the number overweight rises by 400,000 each year.

    "The time when obesity was thought to be a problem on the other side of the Atlantic has gone by," said Mars Di Bartolomeo, Luxembourg's Minister of Health.

    Jussaying, America, and others are fat as shit.

    But nah, your right, for some reason i trusted the Guardian, when I should have been checking dentalplans.com and their user-generated content.

    I got

    But yo, werent we talking about Vietnam movies. Damn dude, you really derail threads with the best of them....

  • In Greece, 38% of women are obese, compared with 34% in the United States.

    The task force estimates that among the EU's 103m children, the number overweight rises by 400,000 each year.

    "The time when obesity was thought to be a problem on the other side of the Atlantic has gone by," said Mars Di Bartolomeo, Luxembourg's Minister of Health.

    Jussaying, America, and others are fat as shit.

    But nah, your right, for some reason i trusted the Guardian, when I should have been checking dentalplans.com and their user-generated content.

    I got

    But yo, werent we talking about Vietnam movies. Damn dude, you really derail threads with the best of them....

    naw, you didnt get sonned.I was just pointing that out.

    Actually, I didnt mean to derail it. It's just that I was following up to a comment that someone said about not being able to say something positive about america...and it just went from their.

    Dude, its a messageboard. I'll piss in this post if I want to.

  • white_teawhite_tea 3,262 Posts
    This thread certainly took a right-hand turn.

    I guess I didn't really think too much about the implications of comparing Vietnam movies. I was born right around the time Acopolypse Now hit the streets, so suffice to say, I didn't live through the war in any sense of the term.

    But, I feel, I've learned a lot about what it might be like to go to the war, even from a movie a lot of people (read: movie snobs) might hate on: Forest Gump, like when Forest gets on the bus to go to war, not knowing a soul, and sits next to Bumpa Gump. Got to buddy-up to get by.

    ANYWAY, I'm surprised there's such a camp for Kubrick. I pretty much celebrate his entire catalog (I thought Barry Lyndon so very funny/sad), but I still ride harder for Francis Ford Coppola.

  • kicks79kicks79 1,334 Posts
    Have you guys noticed that all these whats better threads always end up in huge arguments generally about things that had nothing to do with the original thread in the first place. Im ridin for Apocolypse, Even though i've seen Full Metal more and and it has more golden quotes the 2nd half of the film really lets it down. Platoon and Hamburger Hill are also dope films about vietnam. Anyone know any good films that show things from the vietnamese point of view?

  • BeatChemistBeatChemist 1,465 Posts
    Anyone know any good films that show things from the vietnamese point of view?

    The thread takes an unexpected turn for the better!!

    I'm guessing there isn't much out there... but I'd love to hear about anything that gives a more thorough representation of the North Vietnamese. The history of that whole region from since the French attempted to colonize it is quite tumultuous and interesting. The Vietnamese are a strong people. That cannot be argued.

  • motown67motown67 4,513 Posts
    The only thing that I can think off the top of my head from the Vietnamese perspective was this movie, which is a post-War film by a Vietnamese American called "Three Seasons." It deals with the after affects of the war, but it's one of many storylines.


  • motown67motown67 4,513 Posts
    Plus, anyone seen the original and remake of the Quiet American? Both very good about French Indochina and how the U.S. first got involved.

  • CousinLarryCousinLarry 4,618 Posts

    Saw this one, it was pretty good.

  • 3RD_Man3RD_Man 213 Posts

    All war movies are POOP! Y'all need to get on some "My Girl 2"... not that pussy Macauley Culkin ish.. all bout the sequel, y'know?!?

  • ElectrodeElectrode Los Angeles 3,110 Posts
    I'm not saying that both movies are not brilliant, but Vietnam and WW2 movies have run their course for me. Maybe it's because I'm a 23 year old guy who hasn't "been there" and "lived it", but all these war movies seem the same to me for the most part.

  • i love both films- but for me Full Metal Jacket gets the edge...

  • JuniorJunior 4,853 Posts
    Plus, anyone seen the original and remake of the Quiet American? Both very good about French Indochina and how the U.S. first got involved.

    I haven't seen the 2002 version yet but I'm assuming that they didn't reconstruct the ending as they did in the original film? Pretty much ruined the enjoyment of the 1958 version for me.

  • deejdeej 5,125 Posts

  • soulmarcosasoulmarcosa 4,296 Posts
    DePalma, Penn, Foxx & Leguizamo get no love? I haven't seen it in awhile, but I recall this one being good:

  • DjArcadianDjArcadian 3,632 Posts
    First Half of FMJ > Apocalypse Now
    Second Half of FMJ < Apocalypse Now
    Entire FMJ < Apocalypse Now

    Second half of FMJ is really weak.
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