an ebay user is biting my name ?



  • nzshadownzshadow 5,526 Posts
    Matter of fact, when I look at the ebay names I never think that Up_Pig!/ Down_Pig! is some guy with a pet pig that he is commanding to help him list records.

    lol, but how dope would that be?

    I choose to believe that this is real.

  • Hugh do you really think that anyone cares the difference between 99crates or 200crates? That if this were reversed, anyone would see it different?

    Matter of fact, when I look at the ebay names I never think that Up_Pig!/ Down_Pig! is some guy with a pet pig that he is commanding to help him list records.

    I do not think Funkyou! is a rude tourettic teenager with a Rhino comp.

    I do not think The Sound Library is only a lending service and I do not think that 99crates actually has - precisely - 99 milk crates holding his collection.

    I don't know too much about John's status as a funk hip-hop icon in Australia, but this is not a DJ gig and Drew is not trying to eat off of his reputation that, to be quite honest, I don't think anyone much knows or cares about outside of Sydney.

    I still think they should battle. That's hip-hop. I think John is shook because he has Kathy Dennis and Drew has Oracy.

    Johnny - I too think the name thing is of meagre significance, and John doesn't really do himself any favours with his continued replies - his wording of things is, how do you say, not the best. But the time its get to page 5 and every tom, dick and harry up in this joint wants to throw in their witty and clever two cents, and things deviate away to unrelated things which happened years and years ago, things like unhappy trades - where many fingers could be pointed - its kinda wearing thin. Unfortunately for John he seems to get drawn into these sorts of threads about once a year, seemingly not realising how many people are reading, and getting caught up with trying to answer ten plus people at once on a rather slippery slope. I can't help but note that some of the more stand up types on here choose not to drink at the same well. Why bother? well I'm a bit more familiar with the boards than him and some of the two faced shit around here, I know I'll sure enough see him out there in the real world doing the do like I have done for the past 6+ years since I moved to Melbourne, and the inherent US centricity of this place, and its manifestations, (as alluded to by Kicks) gets a lil tiring.

  • DB_CooperDB_Cooper Manhatin' 7,823 Posts
    But the time its get to page 5 and every tom, dick and harry up in this joint wants to throw in their witty and clever two cents

    Thank you for the indirect shout-out, and for deeming my contributions both witty and clever. In return, I say that you are a gentleman and a scholar, whose good looks are only outmatched by his pleasant demeanor.

  • Rich45sRich45s 327 Posts
    Forgive me though, maybe you're huge down under

    If I have my SS graemlin vernacular correct, this would be a fantastic time to use this one

  • the inherent US centricity of this place, and its manifestations, (as alluded to by Kicks) gets a lil tiring.

    hmmmmmm, a board that started in the US, (supposedly)about american records, and american music ....

    take that shit to

    i dont think location, post count or any of that really enter the equation. it boils down to some asshurt ebay seller gettin sand in his vagine because of a similar sounding name from another small-time seller half a world away. shit is stupid and your boy is getting called out on it.

  • you guy's are a bunch of FURD BURGLARS!

  • emyndemynd 830 Posts
    Anybody see this?

    soon as i saw 99problems using 99crates on the sale section of which i look at alot and then he changed his name on the bay to 99crates . fumugated me ..[/b]



  • DB_CooperDB_Cooper Manhatin' 7,823 Posts

    P.S. Don't forget Vermont is significantly closer to the Bronx than Australia so your eBay doppelganger could potentially be much realer than you.

    I'm surprised nobody caught this. For real, though - don't step to Vermont. Shit's realer than real. MS-13 has the whole state on lock.

  • dollar_bindollar_bin I heartily endorse this product and/or event 2,326 Posts
    you guy's are a bunch of FURD BURGLARS!

    You've got me shaking in my Pmua's

  • MS-13 has the whole state on lock.

  • canonicalcanonical 2,100 Posts
    Don't let this thread die.

  • DB_CooperDB_Cooper Manhatin' 7,823 Posts
    Don't let this thread die.

    Don't be fooled - it will die if it fucks with Vermont. Know that.

  • to the point . you know this thread would have only been a page if you all agreed that 99problems is a biter and changed his name .

    please stop typing the same thing. it really sucks to see this over and over again.

    thank you ahead of time.

    You sound like a pussy ( i dont know a better word to use in this situation)... give... it... up. please.

    and finally elise's input in a beef thread that is most welcomed!!!! you got me all warm & fuzzy woman!!!!

  • eliseelise 3,252 Posts
    to the point . you know this thread would have only been a page if you all agreed that 99problems is a biter and changed his name .

    please stop typing the same thing. it really sucks to see this over and over again.

    thank you ahead of time.

    You sound like a pussy ( i dont know a better word to use in this situation)... give... it... up. please.

    and finally elise's input in a beef thread that is most welcomed!!!! you got me all warm & fuzzy woman!!!!

    efff you....


  • efff you....


    that's like punching me in the arm!

  • maybe Eclipse or some of the former members of Non Phixion should take on 200Crates cause they mention "200 crates" in that Eclipse Promo from the Green CD.

  • djsheepdjsheep 3,620 Posts
    someone needs to dig up the thread from a ways back where Sheep outs Idem for offering Qbert a $20 note to battle him then encase this thread in amber for future generations to admire.

    q had it comin that night .. he got paid thousands of which sheep lashed out so he can stand up there and cut for 20 minutes , was really dissappointed in his show and this is not to reflect that he is one of the nicest guys on the planet . my point was being . i can cut like that too .. blah blah blah , i was so bored at the show , i got drunk and got up on stage . we chatted later . i asked him if he goes out diggin , we could go out the next day diggin . he looked at me like to say what is diggin ? i asked if he bought old records you know the real and he said no .. the next time he came to australia he asked around who was the guy that digs around here .. to which quite a few heads down here replied that dude that got up on stage with you that night ... anyway this is going 12 years back now . i'm sure we can all laugh about it now , more ways than one ...
    peace to q
    all the best
    john ..

    i'm in paris right now... whats up john!! yeah, i remember that shit, i got a photo of you handing him the bill and the video of you battling him. ill post it on youtube in a year when i get home to the archives!

    hello strutters... good to see everyone's keepin the spirit alive around here... whats up with idemday?


  • what do you do when an ebay user and strutter is biting your name ?
    i know what i used to do when i was a writer in the 80's but i'm too old for that now and he's on the otherside of the world + why would you want to be known as
    99 crates when there is a 200 crates ..
    thats like saying you have a small penis


    I suggest that, in the spirit of compromise, you change your name to 200luftballons.

  • faux_rillzfaux_rillz 14,343 Posts
    i asked him if he goes out diggin , we could go out the next day diggin . he looked at me like to say what is diggin ? i asked if he bought old records you know the real[/b] and he said no .. the next time he came to australia he asked around who was the guy that digs around here .. to which quite a few heads down here replied that dude that got up on stage with you that night


  • i asked him if he goes out diggin , we could go out the next day diggin . he looked at me like to say what is diggin ? i asked if he bought old records you know the real[/b] and he said no .. the next time he came to australia he asked around who was the guy that digs around here .. to which quite a few heads down here replied that dude that got up on stage with you that night


    I have it on good authority that you do not buy the real.

  • mannybolonemannybolone Los Angeles, CA 15,029 Posts
    i asked him if he goes out diggin , we could go out the next day diggin . he looked at me like to say what is diggin ? i asked if he bought old records you know the real[/b] and he said no .. the next time he came to australia he asked around who was the guy that digs around here .. to which quite a few heads down here replied that dude that got up on stage with you that night


    Yeah, it's like complaining that John Coltrane doesn't collect...I dunno, vintage saxophone reeds or some shit.

  • i asked him if he goes out diggin , we could go out the next day diggin . he looked at me like to say what is diggin ? i asked if he bought old records you know the real[/b] and he said no .. the next time he came to australia he asked around who was the guy that digs around here .. to which quite a few heads down here replied that dude that got up on stage with you that night


    Yeah, it's like complaining that John Coltrane doesn't collect...I dunno, vintage saxophone reeds or some shit.

    Comedy aside there is just no fucking reason to associate John Coltrane and Q-Bert. Please be serious.

  • faux_rillzfaux_rillz 14,343 Posts
    i asked him if he goes out diggin , we could go out the next day diggin . he looked at me like to say what is diggin ? i asked if he bought old records you know the real[/b] and he said no .. the next time he came to australia he asked around who was the guy that digs around here .. to which quite a few heads down here replied that dude that got up on stage with you that night


    Yeah, it's like complaining that John Coltrane doesn't collect...I dunno, vintage saxophone reeds or some shit.

    Comedy aside there is just no fucking reason to associate John Coltrane and Q-Bert. Please be serious.


    Or perhaps you are not yet on that level?

  • i asked him if he goes out diggin , we could go out the next day diggin . he looked at me like to say what is diggin ? i asked if he bought old records you know the real[/b] and he said no .. the next time he came to australia he asked around who was the guy that digs around here .. to which quite a few heads down here replied that dude that got up on stage with you that night


    Yeah, it's like complaining that John Coltrane doesn't collect...I dunno, vintage saxophone reeds or some shit.

    Comedy aside there is just no fucking reason to associate John Coltrane and Q-Bert. Please be serious.


    Or perhaps you are not yet on that level?

    Let's stick to the script: do you - or do you not - cop the real? Questions need answers. The real won't wait.

  • faux_rillzfaux_rillz 14,343 Posts
    i asked him if he goes out diggin , we could go out the next day diggin . he looked at me like to say what is diggin ? i asked if he bought old records you know the real[/b] and he said no .. the next time he came to australia he asked around who was the guy that digs around here .. to which quite a few heads down here replied that dude that got up on stage with you that night


    Yeah, it's like complaining that John Coltrane doesn't collect...I dunno, vintage saxophone reeds or some shit.

    Comedy aside there is just no fucking reason to associate John Coltrane and Q-Bert. Please be serious.


    Or perhaps you are not yet on that level?

    Let's stick to the script: do you - or do you not - cop the real? Questions need answers. The real won't wait.

    See, you just showed your cards.

    You know and I know that I spend plenty of money at your store.

    What I did not know until just now is that I have not been spending it on the real. Basically, it was all wasted money. And, yes, I do blame you for not steering me towards the real. I could have put that money towards losing my virginity or something.

    It never pays to tell the game on the internets.

  • i asked him if he goes out diggin , we could go out the next day diggin . he looked at me like to say what is diggin ? i asked if he bought old records you know the real[/b] and he said no .. the next time he came to australia he asked around who was the guy that digs around here .. to which quite a few heads down here replied that dude that got up on stage with you that night


    Yeah, it's like complaining that John Coltrane doesn't collect...I dunno, vintage saxophone reeds or some shit.

    Comedy aside there is just no fucking reason to associate John Coltrane and Q-Bert. Please be serious.


    Or perhaps you are not yet on that level?

    Let's stick to the script: do you - or do you not - cop the real? Questions need answers. The real won't wait.

    See, you just showed your cards.

    You know and I know that I spend plenty of money at your store.

    What I did not know until just now is that I have not been spending it on the real. Basically, it was all wasted money. And, yes, I do blame you for not steering me towards the real. I could have put that money towards losing my virginity or something.

    It never pays to tell the game on the internets.

    Well you know that I know that you know that I know that I can swing anything... um, I mean that yes, you spend money in the store.

    And I would indeed say that it is on the real, which as I understand it refers to "old records" that you find "diggin".

    However, it is important that the rest of this board - and the public at large - have no doubts about your level of experience with the real. Now, as to your level of experience elsewhere, yes you may have to invest some money. You know the old saying - "You better practise before having a girlfriend. Woman expect men older than 30 having had some experience."

  • yuichiyuichi Urban sprawl 11,332 Posts
    hmmm, now I know why you dudes are Legendary up in here.

    By the way, Qbert will probably take Coltrane in a 7 game series.

  • sbonesbone 144 Posts
    i was seriously starting to get bored ...
    honestly who really cares names are trival .....
    just put a one on the end and you can be the techer tooo!!!

    one luv


    yes he's actually quite famoso, dope and an all around good fella.

    peace, stein. . .

  • dec0ndec0n 38 Posts

    yes he's actually quite famoso, dope and an all around good fella.

    peace, stein. . .

    yeah Katalyst is great, def check out his 1st lp "Manipulating Agent".
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