an ebay user is biting my name ?

idemidem 98 Posts
edited May 2007 in Strut Central
what do you do when an ebay user and strutter is biting your name ?i know what i used to do when i was a writer in the 80's but i'm too old for that now and he's on the otherside of the world + why would you want to be known as 99 crates when there is a 200 crates ..thats like saying you have a small penis BITER


  • Neither name is very i suggest you get over it...

  • RAJRAJ tenacious local 7,784 Posts
    Somehow this reads like a bad publicity stunt.

  • FlomotionFlomotion 2,391 Posts
    99 crates is a better name.

  • idemidem 98 Posts
    yeh but who was first ?
    the egg or the chicken

  • idemidem 98 Posts
    Somehow this reads like a bad publicity stunt.

    what publicity stunt raj ?
    for who ?

  • idemidem 98 Posts
    99 crates is a better name.

    why ?

  • idemidem 98 Posts
    Neither name is very i suggest you get over it...

    is that because you did not think of it el sparko ?
    now i'm just wasting my time

  • cpeetzcpeetz 2,112 Posts
    99 crates is a better name.

    why ?

    It just sounds better.
    I think you are flattering yourself, the guy probably never even knew
    about you or your name.

  • idemidem 98 Posts
    yeh you could be right but i doubt it

  • 99 crates is a better name.

    why ?

    I would say one is more likely to have 99 crates than 200. You could say 99 crates is like saying you have a small penis but 200 is definitely pushing it sir.

  • idemidem 98 Posts
    what are you saying i don't have 200 crates ? i ain't lyin dude , i've been collecting records since 1983 .. seriously diggin since 1988
    pullin in 100 records a week back in them days and no weak shit either . that was a count from 5 years ago ..
    seriously i want the dude to change his name , i know that seems mad stupid but maybe if i ask him nicely since he really ain't usin the bay that much , his had 7 transactions in 6 months . he really don't need the name and i am sayin he is a biter , he obviously has changed his name to 99 crates over the last year or 2 ..

  • you should definitely step to him.

  • idemidem 98 Posts
    thats what i'm doin now johnny . just makin a point

  • what are you saying i don't have 200 crates ? i ain't lyin dude , i've been collecting records since 1983 .. seriously diggin since 1988
    pullin in 100 records a week back in them days and no weak shit either . that was a count from 5 years ago ..
    seriously i want the dude to change his name , i know that seems mad stupid but maybe if i ask him nicely since he really ain't usin the bay that much , his had 7 transactions in 6 months . he really don't need the name and i am sayin he is a biter , he obviously has changed his name to 99 crates over the last year or 2 ..

    Maybe he came down from 300 crates with only 99 left..wait for a while.

  • idemidem 98 Posts
    wait for what ?

  • I see your point, if i were you, i'd file a complaint with ebay.
    Just let them know that you originated the idea of having numbers before the word "crates" and i'm sure they'll sympathise.
    I do have my suspicions over how many crates you have, some one PMed me (possibly one of your friends) to tell me you only have 162... I think we need picture verification of all 200 crates before we can endorse you.

  • wait for what ?

    Till he runs out of crates mate...

  • I've had my name since 99 and people have bit my shit since, but getting asshurt over it is the least of my worries. Let um live - the real cats know what's up and the toys, newbies & wannabees shouldn't matter.

  • SwayzeSwayze 14,705 Posts
    I hope you keep those Taylor Dane 12's your selling in your [i]other 200crates.

  • idemidem 98 Posts
    I hope you keep those Taylor Dane 12's your selling in your [i]other 200crates.

    hahaha , that pop shit is left over from a shop my wife and i used to have for 2 years . i'll blame that one on her

  • idemidem 98 Posts
    he just messaged me back as i sent a message to him ..
    and i all i wrote was are you biting my name ?
    he replied

    No, I just thought of it as a spin-off of my regular screen name 99problems.

    ( so f**k man he don't even have 99 crates its a fu*king spin off ?

    see .. change that fu**in name

    why don't he just have 99problems
    makin it 1 more makes a 100

  • catalistcatalist 1,373 Posts
    who cares?

    this shit is so unimportant.

  • FlomotionFlomotion 2,391 Posts
    he just messaged me back as i sent a message to him ..
    and i all i wrote was are you biting my name ?
    he replied

    No, I just thought of it as a spin-off of my regular screen name 99problems.

    ( so f**k man he don't even have 99 crates its a fu*king spin off ?

    see .. change that fu**in name

    why don't he just have 99problems
    makin it 1 more makes a 100

    ...the same 99problems that posts on this board by any chance?

  • DB_CooperDB_Cooper Manhatin' 7,823 Posts

    why don't he just have 99problems
    makin it 1 more makes a 100

    If he continues to receive emails from you, he very well may have to retract his previous statements and up the number to 100.

  • Mike_BellMike_Bell 5,736 Posts
    he just messaged me back as i sent a message to him ..
    and i all i wrote was are you biting my name ?
    he replied

    No, I just thought of it as a spin-off of my regular screen name 99problems.

    ( so f**k man he don't even have 99 crates its a fu*king spin off ?

    see .. change that fu**in name

    why don't he just have 99problems
    makin it 1 more makes a 100

    ...the same 99problems that posts on this board by any chance?
    Yeah, that's him.

    It's fucked up that he's putting D**w out there like that. Seems like a solid dude.

  • idemidem 98 Posts
    unimportant to you . how would you like it
    what are you sayin everything else on here is important .
    + you know there is a catalyst here in sydney .. producer , famoso . puts records out . has his own record label . sells thousands . dope shit too .. had his name for decades . but no matter i won't tell .

  • SwayzeSwayze 14,705 Posts
    Are ebay user names the [i]5th element?

  • Are ebay user names the 5th element?

    That's what I'm saying.

    "Back in the days, you'd get stepped to for biting/
    Nowadays suckers they be finding it exciting."

    You gotta step up and deal with this John. It's only right.

    You gotta fly out to Vermont and step to him.

  • I really can't see why you are making a fuzz over such an unimportant matter. Either you register your name and try to sew the man or let it go. Don't really think you are in eachother's way.

  • drewnicedrewnice 5,465 Posts
    he just messaged me back as i sent a message to him ..
    and i all i wrote was are you biting my name ?
    he replied

    No, I just thought of it as a spin-off of my regular screen name 99problems.

    ( so f**k man he don't even have 99 crates its a fu*king spin off ?

    see .. change that fu**in name

    why don't he just have 99problems
    makin it 1 more makes a 100

    ...the same 99problems that posts on this board by any chance?
    Yeah, that's him.

    It's fucked up that he's putting D**w out there like that. Seems like a solid dude.

    D**w IS a solid dude.

    LOL @ the projected self-importance of this thread.
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