I think the funniest thing about these threads (the supertoaster and sound chron guy come to mind) is that these petty vagines actually post to validate their bullshit only to be run off even more asshurt than they started.
the funniest thing is that john idem is a tool who couldnt grade a record correctly to save his kangaroo hopping ass.
im still fucking pissed about the condition of little beaver funkadelic sound/joey 45s he sent me years ago.
why didn't you send them back ,, what was it 1 or 2 copies at $5 each ..
no it was 10 copies traded for more than that. we did a multiple hundred dollar trade involving the soul communicators and a few other things. your grading of mint- was actually VG.
...and i decided to keep them when you didnt respond to me for two weeks. maybe you were away or maybe you just didnt want to deal with me... i dont know and dont care which.
dood, thats just the old school writer in him, y'know over grading and getting over on the (old) man is hella hip hop, yo.
idem- you can scratch like qbert? then why are you busy bustin balls about trivial ass ebay bull shit and selling crap records on ebay? go get that paper kid.
thats because q bert is good . and he has improved like crazy .. my point was that actual show not him as a person .. maybe he was tired from jetlag . i don't know , we only had a brief talk afterwards .. me i just got records and i got 5 records out too .. thats it . he's got more battle records out .. its hard in melbourne too . i'm not in the u.s. .. the better stuff sells down here , i don't need to put them up on ebay .. i was younger too then it was like 12 years ago .. i must have been 23 . obviously since then i get to shows for free and just sit in the back talkin with people just drinkin and havin a good time .
I think the funniest thing about these threads (the supertoaster and sound chron guy come to mind) is that these petty vagines actually post to validate their bullshit only to be run off even more asshurt than they started.
the funniest thing is that john idem is a tool who couldnt grade a record correctly to save his kangaroo hopping ass.
im still fucking pissed about the condition of little beaver funkadelic sound/joey 45s he sent me years ago.
why didn't you send them back ,, what was it 1 or 2 copies at $5 each ..
no it was 10 copies traded for more than that. we did a multiple hundred dollar trade involving the soul communicators and a few other things. your grading of mint- was actually VG.
...and i decided to keep them when you didnt respond to me for two weeks. maybe you were away or maybe you just didnt want to deal with me... i dont know and dont care which.
justin i am pretty sure they just had a film of dirt on them . just a quick clean would have done the trick , they were unplayed . i found 50 of them in a warehouse .. you know i would have traded them back . anyway thats like 5 years ago .. i would have replied to emails if i were sent them .. i had no idea john ..
I think the funniest thing about these threads (the supertoaster and sound chron guy come to mind) is that these petty vagines actually post to validate their bullshit only to be run off even more asshurt than they started.
the funniest thing is that john idem is a tool who couldnt grade a record correctly to save his kangaroo hopping ass.
im still fucking pissed about the condition of little beaver funkadelic sound/joey 45s he sent me years ago.
why didn't you send them back ,, what was it 1 or 2 copies at $5 each ..
no it was 10 copies traded for more than that. we did a multiple hundred dollar trade involving the soul communicators and a few other things. your grading of mint- was actually VG.
...and i decided to keep them when you didnt respond to me for two weeks. maybe you were away or maybe you just didnt want to deal with me... i dont know and dont care which.
justin i am pretty sure they just had a film of dirt on them . just a quick clean would have done the trick , they were unplayed . i found 50 of them in a warehouse .. you know i would have traded them back . anyway thats like 5 years ago .. i would have replied to emails if i were sent them .. i had no idea john ..
dude... what the fuck?!?! are you trying to tell me that i dont know the difference between some dirty ass record and the 10 scratched up 45s that you sent me? out your goddamn mind down there.
and no you didnt reply back for almost a month. by then i had already flipped some of them for a loss just to get them out of my possession.
plus... that shit could of been 2 days ago or 10 years ago... dont matter. ill always distrust you and warn others.
I think the funniest thing about these threads (the supertoaster and sound chron guy come to mind) is that these petty vagines actually post to validate their bullshit only to be run off even more asshurt than they started.
the funniest thing is that john idem is a tool who couldnt grade a record correctly to save his kangaroo hopping ass.
im still fucking pissed about the condition of little beaver funkadelic sound/joey 45s he sent me years ago.
why didn't you send them back ,, what was it 1 or 2 copies at $5 each ..
no it was 10 copies traded for more than that. we did a multiple hundred dollar trade involving the soul communicators and a few other things. your grading of mint- was actually VG.
...and i decided to keep them when you didnt respond to me for two weeks. maybe you were away or maybe you just didnt want to deal with me... i dont know and dont care which.
justin i am pretty sure they just had a film of dirt on them . just a quick clean would have done the trick , they were unplayed . i found 50 of them in a warehouse .. you know i would have traded them back . anyway thats like 5 years ago .. i would have replied to emails if i were sent them .. i had no idea john ..
dude... what the fuck?!?! are you trying to tell me that i dont know the difference between some dirty ass record and the 10 scratched up 45s that you sent me? out your goddamn mind down there.
and no you didnt reply back for almost a month. by then i had already flipped some of them for a loss just to get them out of my possession.
plus... that shit could of been 2 days ago or 10 years ago... dont matter. ill always distrust you and warn others.
whatever justin . a few records . i have gotten records off you since and you didn't bring it up , also what we traded on at the time your prices were high , so it would have evened it up anyhow ..
yeah, I think this ones nearly done its dash - at the end of the day Idem's a good dude and has contributed a lot to the funk/soul scene here in Australia
I think the funniest thing about these threads (the supertoaster and sound chron guy come to mind) is that these petty vagines actually post to validate their bullshit only to be run off even more asshurt than they started.
the funniest thing is that john idem is a tool who couldnt grade a record correctly to save his kangaroo hopping ass.
im still fucking pissed about the condition of little beaver funkadelic sound/joey 45s he sent me years ago.
why didn't you send them back ,, what was it 1 or 2 copies at $5 each ..
no it was 10 copies traded for more than that. we did a multiple hundred dollar trade involving the soul communicators and a few other things. your grading of mint- was actually VG.
...and i decided to keep them when you didnt respond to me for two weeks. maybe you were away or maybe you just didnt want to deal with me... i dont know and dont care which.
justin i am pretty sure they just had a film of dirt on them . just a quick clean would have done the trick , they were unplayed . i found 50 of them in a warehouse .. you know i would have traded them back . anyway thats like 5 years ago .. i would have replied to emails if i were sent them .. i had no idea john ..
dude... what the fuck?!?! are you trying to tell me that i dont know the difference between some dirty ass record and the 10 scratched up 45s that you sent me? out your goddamn mind down there.
and no you didnt reply back for almost a month. by then i had already flipped some of them for a loss just to get them out of my possession.
plus... that shit could of been 2 days ago or 10 years ago... dont matter. ill always distrust you and warn others.
whatever justin . a few records . i have gotten records off you since and you didn't bring it up , also what we traded on at the time your prices were high , so it would have evened it up anyhow ..
weve already had this exchange once before john. on fryers site. ive mentioned you as a past irritation before on soulstrut as well. so yeah... ive brought it up before and it still bugs me. but oh well, live and learn.
even? theres nothing even about sending someone scratched records claiming theyre clean.
lets just stop responding to each other. you think you did no wrong but you did. im going to keep holding on to my distrust of your record dealing ways but that wont matter to you anyway. so.... yeah. im done.
dollar_binI heartily endorse this product and/or event 2,326 Posts
Yeah holmes, you need to stop bitin'. We all know enzo started that shit...now you tryin' to eat offa his strength.
In relation to Jinx's post (not the swap with idem) there are people who post on here that have stiffed me in the past, nothing major but still they never pulled through on swaps when obviously that was the basis for an exchange in the first place, so it goes, I now 'distrust' those people although they may in fact be ok in the 'real world'
:q had it comin that night .. he got paid thousands of which sheep lashed out so he can stand up there and cut for 20 minutes , was really dissappointed in his show and this is not to reflect that he is one of the nicest guys on the planet . my point was being . i can cut like that too .. blah blah blah , i was so bored at the show , i got drunk and got up on stage . we chatted later . i asked him if he goes out diggin , we could go out the next day diggin . he looked at me like to say what is diggin ? i asked if he bought old records you know the real and he said no .. the next time he came to australia he asked around who was the guy that digs around here .. to which quite a few heads down here replied that dude that got up on stage with you that night ... anyway this is going 12 years back now . i'm sure we can all laugh about it now , more ways than one ... peace to q all the best john ..
I'm still not sure what john is saying here. Sheep doesn't know how to dig or scratch? Q-bert criticisms? I'm not sure but it smells like poop and, like the rest of this thread, blatant self-aggrandizing. Forgive me though, maybe you're huge down under--I've just never heard of you.
I'm not sure what your post is adding, you've never heard of cymande so I'm not surpised you haven't heard of Idem - Kicks was on point with his post before ...
:q had it comin that night .. he got paid thousands of which sheep lashed out so q can stand up there and cut for 20 minutes , was really dissappointed in his show and this is not to reflect that he is one of the nicest guys on the planet . my point was being . i can cut like that too .. blah blah blah , i was so bored at the show , i got drunk and got up on stage . we chatted later . i asked him if he goes out diggin , we could go out the next day diggin . he looked at me like to say what is diggin ? i asked if he bought old records you know the real and he said no .. the next time he came to australia he asked around who was the guy that digs around here .. to which quite a few heads down here replied that dude that got up on stage with you that night ... anyway this is going 12 years back now . i'm sure we can all laugh about it now , more ways than one ... peace to q all the best john ..
I'm still not sure what john is saying here. Sheep doesn't know how to dig or scratch? Q-bert criticisms? I'm not sure but it smells like poop and, like the rest of this thread, blatant self-aggrandizing. Forgive me though, maybe you're huge down under--I've just never heard of you.
read it again dumbass and read the quote before i started the above. don't start shit and i never heard of you either , so whats your point .
to the point . you know this thread would have only been a page if you all agreed that 99problems is a biter and changed his name . why would you call yourself 99crates when you don't have 99 crates is beyond me ? doesn't make sense . i reckon 99breaks sounds better . or just keep your 99problems . biter
to the point . you know this thread would have only been a page if you all agreed that 99problems is a biter and changed his name . why would you call yourself 99crates when you don't have 99 crates is beyond me ? doesn't make sense . i reckon 99breaks sounds better . or just keep your 99problems . biter
I don't know much, but I know these truths to be self-evident:
??? Idem is 35 and still using the term "biter."
??? The majority of us considered this to be a joke thread until, you know, shit got protracted. I'm still not convinced. Prove it to me, Garnet Mimms.
??? This is a devolution into juvenile name-calling. Normally, I'd ignore it or be amused, but I'm tired of bullshit tonight (today). You girls are all pretty.
??? I have no qualms with a country that contains a city named "Perth." I like that name. And Cathy Freeman kicks all kinds of ass. Now as for the gun lobby...
??? If you ask me, here's something we all need right about now:
Hugh do you really think that anyone cares the difference between 99crates or 200crates? That if this were reversed, anyone would see it different?
Matter of fact, when I look at the ebay names I never think that Up_Pig!/ Down_Pig! is some guy with a pet pig that he is commanding to help him list records.
I do not think Funkyou! is a rude tourettic teenager with a Rhino comp.
I do not think The Sound Library is only a lending service and I do not think that 99crates actually has - precisely - 99 milk crates holding his collection.
I don't know too much about John's status as a funk hip-hop icon in Australia, but this is not a DJ gig and Drew is not trying to eat off of his reputation that, to be quite honest, I don't think anyone much knows or cares about outside of Sydney.
I still think they should battle. That's hip-hop. I think John is shook because he has Kathy Dennis and Drew has Oracy.
Matter of fact, when I look at the ebay names I never think that Up_Pig!/ Down_Pig! is some guy with a pet pig that he is commanding to help him list records.
lol, but how dope would that be?
I still think they should battle. That's hip-hop. I think John is shook.
Matter of fact, when I look at the ebay names I never think that Up_Pig!/ Down_Pig! is some guy with a pet pig that he is commanding to help him list records.
lol, but how dope would that be?
I still think they should battle. That's hip-hop. I think John is shook.
the skreets are watching...
Matter of fact, it dawns on me that you may not have breaks for DAYZ at all, but that you only have breaks for a few mere HOURS.
Matter of fact, when I look at the ebay names I never think that Up_Pig!/ Down_Pig! is some guy with a pet pig that he is commanding to help him list records.
lol, but how dope would that be?
I still think they should battle. That's hip-hop. I think John is shook.
the skreets are watching...
Matter of fact, it dawns on me that you may not have breaks for DAYZ at all, but that you only have breaks for a few mere HOURS.
and are your records really GOOD? idem needs to post a pic of his 200CRATES with the quickness...
dood, thats just the old school writer in him, y'know over grading and getting over on the (old) man is hella hip hop, yo.
idem- you can scratch like qbert? then why are you busy bustin balls about trivial ass ebay bull shit and selling crap records on ebay? go get that paper kid.
my point was that actual show not him as a person .. maybe he was tired from jetlag . i don't know , we only had a brief talk afterwards ..
me i just got records and i got 5 records out too .. thats it . he's got more battle records out .. its hard in melbourne too . i'm not in the u.s. ..
the better stuff sells down here , i don't need to put them up on ebay ..
i was younger too then it was like 12 years ago .. i must have been 23 . obviously since then i get to shows for free and just sit in the back talkin with people just drinkin and havin a good time .
justin i am pretty sure they just had a film of dirt on them . just a quick clean would have done the trick , they were unplayed . i found 50 of them in a warehouse .. you know i would have traded them back . anyway thats like 5 years ago .. i would have replied to emails if i were sent them .. i had no idea
john ..
dude... what the fuck?!?! are you trying to tell me that i dont know the difference between some dirty ass record and the 10 scratched up 45s that you sent me? out your goddamn mind down there.
and no you didnt reply back for almost a month. by then i had already flipped some of them for a loss just to get them out of my possession.
plus... that shit could of been 2 days ago or 10 years ago... dont matter. ill always distrust you and warn others.
think again.
Who do these fuckers think they are?! Don't they know who I am?!
Yeah holmes, you need to stop bitin'. We all know enzo started that shit...now you tryin' to eat offa his strength.
Sheeet... that's been my family name long before Enzo made some cars
whatever justin . a few records . i have gotten records off you since and you didn't bring it up , also what we traded on at the time your prices were high , so it would have evened it up anyhow ..
weve already had this exchange once before john. on fryers site. ive mentioned you as a past irritation before on soulstrut as well. so yeah... ive brought it up before and it still bugs me. but oh well, live and learn.
even? theres nothing even about sending someone scratched records claiming theyre clean.
lets just stop responding to each other. you think you did no wrong but you did. im going to keep holding on to my distrust of your record dealing ways but that wont matter to you anyway. so.... yeah. im done.
I'm still not sure what john is saying here. Sheep doesn't know how to dig or scratch? Q-bert criticisms? I'm not sure but it smells like poop and, like the rest of this thread, blatant self-aggrandizing. Forgive me though, maybe you're huge down under--I've just never heard of you.
I'm not sure what your post is adding, you've never heard of cymande so I'm not surpised you haven't heard of Idem - Kicks was on point with his post before ...
then dude turned away from the challenge and then automatically brought it down to
then was like,
and basically now i'm here,
but still this thread is kinda
i smell superpoaster.
read it again dumbass
and read the quote before i started the above. don't start shit
and i never heard of you either , so whats your point .
please stop typing the same thing. it really sucks to see this over and over again.
thank you ahead of time.
You sound like a pussy ( i dont know a better word to use in this situation)... give... it... up. please.
I don't know much, but I know these truths to be self-evident:
??? Idem is 35 and still using the term "biter."
??? The majority of us considered this to be a joke thread until, you know, shit got protracted. I'm still not convinced. Prove it to me, Garnet Mimms.
??? This is a devolution into juvenile name-calling. Normally, I'd ignore it or be amused, but I'm tired of bullshit tonight (today). You girls are all pretty.
??? I have no qualms with a country that contains a city named "Perth." I like that name. And Cathy Freeman kicks all kinds of ass.
Now as for the gun lobby...
??? If you ask me, here's something we all need right about now:
Idem if you need one hollar at a dude
-1.5 wall_units esq.
Matter of fact, when I look at the ebay names I never think that Up_Pig!/ Down_Pig! is some guy with a pet pig that he is commanding to help him list records.
I do not think Funkyou! is a rude tourettic teenager with a Rhino comp.
I do not think The Sound Library is only a lending service and I do not think that 99crates actually has - precisely - 99 milk crates holding his collection.
I don't know too much about John's status as a funk hip-hop icon in Australia, but this is not a DJ gig and Drew is not trying to eat off of his reputation that, to be quite honest, I don't think anyone much knows or cares about outside of Sydney.
I still think they should battle. That's hip-hop. I think John is shook because he has Kathy Dennis and Drew has Oracy.
lol, but how dope would that be?
the skreets are watching...
Matter of fact, it dawns on me that you may not have breaks for DAYZ at all, but that you only have breaks for a few mere HOURS.
and are your records really GOOD? idem needs to post a pic of his 200CRATES with the quickness...