version ?: Cameo - Rigor Mortis
2,867 Posts
allrighty, I've had a version of this on MP3 for a little bit, and I recently copped the 12" of this on chocolate city (single sided w/ "Find My Way"). I was recording my 12" so I can have a MP3 at a higher bitrate for playing out, but noticed that the intro is different. On my digital version, there is a vocal right after the drums ("I don't see why you won't groove...") and before the "yeow!" that leads into the grooveon my 12" it goes straight into the "yeow!"/groove after the drum intro with no vox. The thing that perplexed me is that both versions are the same length (6:14), so I assumed that the vinyl was the same version as my digital. Not a big deal in the scheme of things but curious if anyone can shed a little light on these different versions. Thanks!
that's why I needed it in my life. and after recording it, the 12" version is a another victim of time mislabeling. It's actually shorter, about the same length as the extra vocals in my digital version. So it sounds like they edited it out for that one.
hmmm, I know there is a 45 with a mono mix and a stereo mix which is also not common
anyone feelin like uppin this ?
rigor mortis.mp3 - 8.59MB