rep your BEER



  • Danno3000Danno3000 2,851 Posts

    and last night i cooked a wild hare ragout

    Your are extremely fortunate that it's legal to sell game in most of Europe. You can't eat wild hare (or indeed wild anything) in Canada unless you or a friend kills it.

    This is my local beer of choice:


  • VagabondVagabond 417 Posts

    I will baptize my first child in this. Easily the best Belgian beer I've ever had, and will likely stay that way until I man up and order a case of this...

    Best beer in the world?
    Just got done working my way through a case of those Trappiste Ales that I ordered through the local wine bar. Definitely one of my faves.
    Anything by these guys is heaven. I will have these at my wedding someday.

    I agree with JustAlice. Northern Cali. is on top of their beer game...Anything by Anderson Valley is delicious...
    These boys get you drunk:

    You can't go wrong with these either:

    Big Co-sine on the Terminal Gravity also...MMMMM Beeeer !!!

  • hammertimehammertime 2,389 Posts
    $86 + $42 shipping for a six pack!

    I know, it's completely stupid. Beer is my second major vice, records being the obvious first.

    Actually I just got a lead on a spot out in the East Bay that may be able to service my need (no AYO).

    eh it's no stupider than the record game...which is to say, it's pretty stupid.

  • Danno3000Danno3000 2,851 Posts

    One of the wonderful things about Quebec is that these are corner store brews there.

  • hemolhemol 2,578 Posts
    I definitely give a huge cosign to anything unibroue. I haven't tried their dark wheat ale yet, but it's supposed to be slamming.

    I got some of this

    to go with mustard dill salmon cooked in peas and onions and wine, served over heirloom quinoa. Alt beers are always a good look, no matter the season. I love food. And I love good beer.

  • PrimeCutsLtdPrimeCutsLtd jersey fresh 2,632 Posts
    huge cosign to anything unibroue.

  • djJazzOnedjJazzOne 302 Posts

  • eliseelise 3,252 Posts
    All of you guys have some good taste!

    I've been feeling this beer for a minute:

    and this is sick on draft:

    Founders is the schteeeeeeeeeeeeeez!!

  • kicks79kicks79 1,346 Posts
    Oh Tiger is from Singapore thanks for enlightening me
    Dude i never said Tiger wasn't from Singapore. I was merely stating that i also like anything from the land of the rising sun.
    And this schit on a hot day a the beach goes down like a treat

  • DrBorisQDrBorisQ 298 Posts
    For sure it all depends on the situation. I perfer a nice brew but when your broke or theres no alternative this will do fine

    But theres no way im touching VB or light beer i'd rather be sober.

    Ha - Chris pulling out the draught, after a long relationship I'm trying to avoid that these days .. co sign on the VB, for some reason that stale shite is what always gets served at my work functions, total WTF !!

    i can't drink VB anymore either, the smell just reminds me of being really drunk at university.

  • Blow_FlyBlow_Fly 41 Posts

    Of the Eastern European beers I would have to say that this one is a real treat.

    Another Lithuanian drop that'll sharpen you up.

    Can't believe noone has repped this!

    While at the pub the guest ale is from the Hogs Back Brewery in Surrey, England.

    T.E.A. Traditional English Ale
    The flagship of Hogs Back beers and winner of the Champion Best Bitter at the CAMRA Great British Beer Festival at Olympia.

  • ToccuDomuToccuDomu 225 Posts
    First off???. favorites from the local brewing experience:

    I brew my own as well. Some good, some bad. Need more room in the homestead to do things up properly in order to mash brew or make lagers, but a hoppy ale suits me for most of the year. I can???t really get with the Belgians.

    Lazer: Big cosine on the New Glarus Brewery. Every time I cross the river, I pick up whatever I can find. Lake Louie Brewery in Madison makes some good stuff too, but the distribution is even more limited than New Glarus.

  • DrJoelDrJoel 932 Posts
    Troegs: Nugget Nectar
    Dogfish Head: India Brown (have to kill the cold supply before spring)
    Jolly Pumpkin Brewing: Calabaza Blanca Wit (no pumpkins involved..great brewery)

    Bring on spring and bring on dry hoppiness and wheat beer for days and days.

  • CosmophonicCosmophonic 1,172 Posts
    All around top

    When in Germany (Stuttgart, baby)

    Nice Polish I??ve been drinking a bit of lately

    When it??s all about the Japanese

    When I??m all about the homeland (hometown, really)

    Although I do enjoy a CB now and then.

    My favourite microbrew in America, though, used to be Flying Dog. Do you guys know this? Great beer with awesome Ralp Steadmanesque labels. I heard it disappeared a while back, hope it??s not true!

    - J

  • AserAser 2,351 Posts

    I try not to drink beer nowadays, it really is bad for my figure (ayooooo). This has been my fav for the past few years though. I would recommend if you're a fan of Newcastle.

    My old standbys are.....


    In regards to tsing tao, you really need to pair it w/ seafood. Especially something spicy, as it cuts the heat quite well. Plus I'm a chinaman, we're programmed to drink tsing tao for life.

  • No Pig's Eye or Hamm's, Minnesotan?
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