Web servers/ web design

Can someone please direct me to a reliable web server I can use to host my site (hopefully w/ reasonable prices).... a good web designer (someone who could help with up keep also) reference would help also. Thanks in advance.
Web design and upkeep isn't always cheap if you want it done right.
Reliable, Cheap, and no bullshit tech support that is fast!
Startlogic has been pretty good to me. Cheap with lots of space/bandwidth.
Soulstrut Radio anyone?
True but for $4 a month on a reliable server you can't beat it. If you really need a lot of tech support they're certainly not the people to go with.
I'm in the process of transferring my domains over from bullshit directnic.com.
The last straw was dealing with their absolutely craptacular email service. About a week ago I had a day I couldn't get any email whatsoever. Even when it's "fixed" I get a load of smaller problems.
Why does anyone not involved in porn or spam want 1000 POP accounts? It's all about server space and bandwidth, and for that you want this
I was with MediaTemple for a few years - very good service (excellent tech support), but I was getting crazy additional bandwidth bills. 34SP were cheaper, but weren't as good.