5 things that killed SOULSTRUT....

SPlDEYSPlDEY Vegas 3,375 Posts
edited February 2007 in Strut Central
I realize that talking about Soulstrut is pointless cause we all got different opinions. A few people wanted my opinion on the "is Soulstrut dead?" Look if u agree with me that's cool, if you disagree that's cool to. It's Soulstrut not life and death.Everybody's saying it. Waxidermy has a thread titled about it, let me clarify:a. I am NOT saying that there hasn't been a batch of stellar posts lately (Jewbacca is probably the greatest thing to happen to the planet), or a group of dope new posters delivering catchphrases or a handful of members that still make you wanna listen. I also know soulstrut is subjective and it's all opinion. The superpoaster of today may be on par with the Pap of yesterday, but in the grand scheme of things, the negatives far outweigh the positives.b. There's 3 things you can never argue about... Religion, Politics and Elise. Cause no matter your opinion, somebody will tyrannically oppose and get all fuckin emotional. It's just my humble opinion, relax. Who cares anyway?c. For the record, Faux rillz, Dolo, and Sabadabadaabda are not listed here because they've been around since the beginning of time. And we have ourselves to blame for not manning up to take control of those..Ok, where was I?5. Cliques: Who you wit?The days of the solo poster are over. Back in the day, you were judged solely on what you brought to the discussion. Then for some reason recently, it became totally necessary to have a movement. Touring together, crew t-shirts, beef with other crews, collaborations, etc.. Not that that's a bad thing, but it's like people cannot identify with one poster, there has to be a movement or somebody else involved to validate them. Look at today's most successful posters. They all have a movement. Hcrink and the Dungeons and Dragon squad, Faux rillz and the southern rap is so yummy crew, Reynaldo and the I only spin $100 45's-tang, Dizzy and shig's random shit jamboree, O-dub's overanalyzing hyphy-unit, Rockadelic republican party, etc.. And for some reason, I see Pap day as the beginning of this inside joke standpoint. That and The Mack's argyle sweater photoshop sessions. It worked back then, they were dope targets. But it wound up being a cancer. Nowadays you need a Dante post, a Ms. Damn post, a Danno post, a Dcastillo post, a Delay post for people to really care... and for the most part it's all a bunch of shit you can read on blogs all over the internet. In this fascination with movements, name association and special guests, we've lost thread cohesiveness and the focus on just music. Quantity rules, not quality. 4. NOT ENOUGH MUSIC!!Like the crew theory, this is about quantity. People want more, even if it means a dip in quality. Some people can post about music quickly and do it well. Some people just want to bombard the board for the sake of doing it. Let's face it, I'm too broke to get on realheadz, and that's fucked up. Bottom line, we need a Record day, we can cover it up by labeling it as Board re-intergration. The value and pride that full length albums used to symbolize are no more, with music blogs, and Microwave mp3 trades. When I debuted in 2005, there were maybe 25-30 mp3's out that mattered. Soulstrut is now a disposable art. Mr. Splattermonkey of Da Myspace once said "you work 16 months on vinyl ripping and posting a thread about it and get a 2 week window of opportunity. After that your record is as good as dead for most people." That sums it up.3. TOO COOL TO HAVE FUNAsk yourself, "would I still mess with Soulstrut if there wasn't any raers in it?" Too many people would say no. We all wanna get Raers. Shit, I got bills too, I love breaks! But too many people just seem like they'd rather be doing other shit. Not afraid to go to the extreme and have fun. God forbid you use your imagination or post about something not involving records, news, celebritys, shit you don't like or what color your car interior is. Raj posted about a lot of this same shit back in the day, but it was still accepted as legit strut. 2007? He could never do a thread like What's your favorite Cure album. Big stacks and Mylatency rapped about the ladies with some R&B beats. Danno and Crink were labeled as hippies. But all those dudes would beat yo fuckin ass if you got out of line! Even the more serious political and race threads…everybody seemed to be enjoying making hypocritical posts. Gangsta posters had a fuckin sense of humor back then. Thes one, was hilarious and hard at the same time. Even if it was a joke to some, that shit was good reading. Everybody is so concerned with being feared and taken seriously, they can't come off those insecurities and do some guilty pleasure shit. Even the producers. Put some Aqua teen hunger force samples in your beats for once!2. LAW & ORDER: Moderhatters. "Boop Boop, it's the sound of the police!" Yup, the soulstrut police. Ironically, many people come to this site to bug the fuck out (albeit during work hours). In the wake of sabbabdbabdabdbabd getting busted by Deej for some bullshit, it has never been more evident that the Moderhatters are on a rampage. And as idiotic and unjust as things have become, they have the loopholes of law on their side.1. The Real World. Oh boy. Talk about a double edged sword. Never has it been so easy to not look at this board. Never has it been so easy to get your thoughts heard. If I make a dope beat I can go tell a friend and instantly get feedback. No more wasting time making threads, and myspace pages. Now people in Arkansas that only have TV can talk about dumb shit. That sucks for the no talent diggers who actually have to go to RECORD STORES, and LOOK FOR THERE OWN SHIT!!Message boards man, It's just stupid junior high shit. People leaving threats and talkin shit, people getting hurt over e-beef over pm's, kids on message boards flexin muscle and actin hard. Great! Now that we have a bunch of hatters on the strut, we got a bunch of em talking shit at record shows. Reality the blessing and the curse of Strut. I may catch heat for this, but I think the best thing is to blow up the internet and start over. I will still be diggin for records, makin beats, playing instruments and watching old movies for inspiration. But sometimes things need to fall apart to give birth to greater things. The fall of Soulstrut in its current state may give birth to something bigger and better. It's what I'm banking on, cause realistically, how much longer can it go down this road? I'm not saying go back in time. I say fuck fixing an abandoned building. Hit it with a wrecking ball and rebuild!- spidey


  • DelayDelay 4,530 Posts
    it's a website, dude.

  • mallardmallard 452 Posts
    if soulstrut is important enough to merit a post of that length, i think we should all just be proud to be part a very, very special community

  • You stike me as coming from a household that had family meetings.

  • mallardmallard 452 Posts
    You stike me as coming from a household that had family meetings.

    dolo yeurng is not whats wrong with soulstrut

  • mallardmallard 452 Posts
    i bet half the people awake right now are wrestling. i feel like wrestling.

  • Would this be a good time to admit that I was the young buck that inadvertently started the "bean dip" catch phrase like 5 years ago? Because I was.

  • mallardmallard 452 Posts




  • mallardmallard 452 Posts
    Would this be a good time to admit that I was the young buck that inadvertently started the "bean dip" catch phrase like 5 years ago? Because I was.

    i believe this type of disclosure calls for a new soulstrut holiday. 5 year anniversary of that one time someone said something pretty funny happening.

  • Everything he said was on point. This is a MUST READ!

  • mallardmallard 452 Posts
    dude [MalusArena].

    im glad i just realized you didnt type all of that.

    im not glad i realized you just had to think of all those substitutes.

    im glad i didnt read the whole thing.

    im not glad that your post was somehow relevant enough that a dude with less than 100 posts cosigned it.

    whatever that means

  • cpeetzcpeetz 2,112 Posts
    I wouldn't worry too much. I've been making a foray into Waxidermy
    and although they do keep things MUCH more record and music
    related, things seem much worse over there when it comes to the Moderhaters
    (ie crink his cronies and their e-fifedom) and in the overly righteous
    get bent out shape really quickly about nothing department.
    But that said, they are both great boards that are going to go
    through phases and changes.
    "You got to roll the punches to get to what's real"-DLR

  • jinx74jinx74 2,287 Posts
    i think you wasted your time on that post. its easier than all the dribble you wrote:

    what hurt SS (in no order):

    1. sensitive bitches crying over shit all the time
    2. records... what records? who in here buys records?
    3. knowledge dropped... by who? those folks up and left or come out to play very rarely
    4. is this site about records, politics, books, movies?!?! its all of that now so get used to it and stop getting weepy about what used to be
    5. new posters. i know this sounds bad but its true. less folks on the board = more unity (when was the last your town here soulstrut gathering?) so many cats on here now and i dont know half of them.

    anyway... those are my early morning thoughts. disagree or agree... i dont really care.

  • PunditPundit 438 Posts
    parody threads and random newbie lurkers killed soulstrut

  • edith headedith head 5,106 Posts

    Nowadays you need a Dante post, a Ms. Damn post, a Danno post, a Dcastillo post, a Delay post for people to really care...

    hello six dees! if you are going to single out posters mainly for alliteration & style purposes, please... call me edith.

  • Options
    Look at today's most successful posters.

    This was my favorite part.

  • RockadelicRockadelic Out Digging 13,993 Posts
    "Rockadelic republican party"

    Seriously, I'll paypal you $25.00 Mr. Arena if you can find a post where I support "The Republican Party".

    Sounds like an easy way to pay for lunch.

  • I am the final nail in the Soul Strut coffin.

  • JRootJRoot 861 Posts
    Hi Sween,

    Are you in my clique? If not you, then who? Medusa?


  • batmonbatmon 27,574 Posts

  • CosmoCosmo 9,768 Posts

  • The_NonThe_Non 5,691 Posts
    Hey Spidey,
    This is the longest haiku you've ever written.

  • PABLOPABLO 1,921 Posts
    Anybody that's not feeling the board: START a thread about an album, artist, label, whatthefuckever music related that doesn't suck!
    ...and DON"T respond to the BS threads!
    It's easy!
    That and some heavy-handed moderating (thread deletion) can put this place back on an even keel in like a day.

    Now, I'm off to make some nonsensical Photoshop thing or somthing.

  • BurnsBurns 2,227 Posts
    it's a website, dude.

  • I wonder how many people red that jzone thing...

  • twoplytwoply Only Built 4 Manzanita Links 2,918 Posts
    I wonder how many people read that jzone thing...

    Obviously not many. I thought this post was mildly clever/funny.

  • BreakSelfBreakSelf 2,925 Posts

  • BreakSelfBreakSelf 2,925 Posts
    Reged: 07/16/05

    Thank you, by the way, for 18 wonderful months.

  • The_NonThe_Non 5,691 Posts
    I wonder how many people read that jzone thing...

    Obviously not many. I thought this post was mildly clever/funny.

    I read it. I still thought this was

  • SoulOnIceSoulOnIce 13,027 Posts
    Parody or not, he still seems ass-wounded.

  • twoplytwoply Only Built 4 Manzanita Links 2,918 Posts
    The whole thing seemed pretty tongue-in-cheek to me. Maybe I'm not defensive enough of soulstrut.
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