is it me or do the red hot chilli peppers blow chu



  • BsidesBsides 4,244 Posts
    Why are you guys acting like their old stuff was so good?

    And one of yall liked the dave navarro record? shame.

  • havent listeneed to any of their new material in decades, but "under the bridge" is my shit

    I realize this song may have some sympathetic hold on your hobo heartstrings, and I can forgive that (like I will never get rid of my Jellyfish Bellybutton LP, as it will forever connect me, musically, to one magical night with a high school foreign exchange student with a terribly sexy case of hyperhidrosis), but if you strip whatever sentimental attachment you have (a story, please?) to this song, I think you'll find an empty sleeve.

    hmmm,story? dont know, probably several. it got listened to a bit since it was out my senior year of high school. liked the LP enough. but really came back to "under the bridge" years later. dope song to play on a guitar at parties that everyone can sing along to (which is a very underrated party activity,btw)

    what are other sing along songs that everyone still knows?
    yellow submarine? GTFOHWTBS

    matter of fact, i was in a trailer, on a hippy commune, well outside of macon,georgia. the patron hippy was singing a "rainbow acid and mushroom tea" song, that little 7 year olds were passing through the trailer and singing along with. then a drunk/high native dude sung a solo song about a wizard coming to his camp fire and telling him about helping the world. there was a hush after he was done and the dude reverently added, "that was written by Uriah Heap"

  • faux_rillzfaux_rillz 14,343 Posts
    dope song to play on a guitar at parties that everyone can sing along to (which is a very underrated party activity,btw)

    No offense, Tone, but a drunken "Under the Bridge" party singalong sounds painful.

  • dope song to play on a guitar at parties that everyone can sing along to (which is a very underrated party activity,btw)

    No offense, Tone, but a drunken "Under the Bridge" party singalong sounds painful.

    we had a work potluck dinner where it had curative effects. imnot talking about ,"yo.YO! take clipse off the s errato for a hot second, i got some shit i want to rock..."

    acoustic is once in a while

    plus, i can play blackbird

  • parsecparsec 5,087 Posts
    RHCP = worst schitt evar

  • bassiebassie 11,710 Posts
    jock cock rock

  • edith headedith head 5,106 Posts
    anthony kiedis is my favorite rapper

  • For what RHCP is they're not terrible.

    What they is is terrible.

    For some strange reason I'm betting you once owned an Urban Dance Squad CD.

    Never even heard of it.

    Pretty shocked that you wouldn't own a record entitled Mental Floss for the Globe .

  • faux_rillzfaux_rillz 14,343 Posts
    Why are you guys acting like their old stuff was so good?

    Pretty much--I loathe them solely on the basis of their older material. It's been well over a decade since I was forced into close association with teenage white suburbanites (a/k/a high school) and, mercifully, I have not been exposed to any of their music since then.

    If you like that Blood, Sugar, Sex, Magic crap, you do not like rap ---YEAH, I SAID IT

  • tonyphronetonyphrone 1,500 Posts
    Rick Rubin is really overrated.

    He deserves his props for the early Def Jam stuff and resurrecting Johnny Cash.

    But he's got a ton of turds. The new Weezer, Tom Petty, Chilli Peppers, System of the Down, Neil Diamond records and the worst Timberlake track ever.

  • dayday 9,611 Posts

    If you like that Blood, Sugar, Sex, Magic crap, you do not like rap ---YEAH, I SAID IT

    Hahaha that's absurd.


    In no way comparing RHCP to him, cause it's clearly no contest once the opus that is "Californication" came out.

    That said, I can't lie - I like some of their stuff, but this last record is just bad. SAME EXACT songs over and over again.

    They're getting old.

  • tonyphronetonyphrone 1,500 Posts
    Californians love this shit-I might not get it. Sublime either.

  • faux_rillzfaux_rillz 14,343 Posts

    If you like that Blood, Sugar, Sex, Magic crap, you do not like rap ---YEAH, I SAID IT

    Hahaha that's absurd.


    Of course not.

    What has Rachmaninov got to do with rap?

    If you can stomach the songs where these frat rock dudes cop a rap-inflected delivery, you do not like rap [/Archaic]*

    *Except Archaic apparently likes them.

  • faux_rillzfaux_rillz 14,343 Posts

    If you like this crap, you do not like music--you especially do not like Jamaican music!*

    *I have been subjected to exactly one Sublime sing in my life, but I have no hesitation in making this pronouncement. It was that awful.

  • Again, just for discussions' sake, are there current AOR bands out there that the Strut *is* feelin? I'm guessing "No". "John Mayer blows chunks." "David Matthews just ain't what he used to be." "I have a Counting Crowes tattoo on my back."

  • faux_rillzfaux_rillz 14,343 Posts
    "I have Counting Crowes-inspired white dude dreadlocks spilling down my back."

  • "I have Counting Crowes-inspired white dude dreadlocks spilling down my back."

    Some dudes are crying now faux_rillz.

  • noznoz 3,625 Posts
    Rick Rubin is really overrated.

    you must hate rap music.

  • dayday 9,611 Posts

    What has R[/b]achmaninovHCP[/b] got to do with rap?

  • noznoz 3,625 Posts
    For some strange reason I'm betting you once owned an Einsturzende Neubauten CD.

  • faux_rillzfaux_rillz 14,343 Posts
    For some strange reason I'm betting you once enjoyed the untoward intentions of the one Kid606.

  • bassiebassie 11,710 Posts
    Again, just for discussions' sake, are there current AOR bands out there that the Strut *is* feelin?

    i like some Sam Roberts songs - does he get play in the US?

  • DORDOR Two Ron Toe 9,909 Posts
    Whatever ya think about RHCP (Not that I pay them any mind since Mother's Milk)

    But how could anyone hate on Flea?

    Or Will Ferrel for that matter...


  • PrimeCutsLtdPrimeCutsLtd jersey fresh 2,632 Posts
    Hillel dieing was the best thing to happen to that band (frusciante is much better at the guitar)...They're a good rock band with a below average singer. Somehow it works. I'm not afraid to say I like them. Blood,sugar, sex magic is a great record. I dig californication too. Then they slipped a little and relesed a bloated album that has some decent tracks on them. I got respect for what those guys do. After all those years it's good to see them at it.

  • HarveyCanalHarveyCanal "a distraction from my main thesis." 13,234 Posts

    If you like that Blood, Sugar, Sex, Magic crap, you do not like rap ---YEAH, I SAID IT

    Hahaha that's absurd.


    Of course not.

    What has Rachmaninov got to do with rap?

    If you can stomach the songs where these frat rock dudes cop a rap-inflected delivery, you do not like rap [/Archaic]*

    *Except Archaic apparently likes them.

    Frat dudes typically don't shoot h.

    But yeah, I still more or less like the Chili Peppers.

    I haven't picked up an album of theirs since BloodSugar (1991), but I haven't really had reason to be mad at the group's radio hits since then. They simply are what they are...

  • faux_rillzfaux_rillz 14,343 Posts
    They simply are what they are...

    This is a good defense to charges that a group has failed to change with the times; "Hey man, they are what they are."

    It is not a good defense to charges that they are and always have been crap.

  • ElectrodeElectrode Los Angeles 3,160 Posts
    Even as a naive youngster with little distinctive musical taste when I was into Primus, L7 and shit like that, I still didn't like them. I can't stand Anthony Keidis' voice (lispy, fey sounding 'rapping' with nonsense lyrics using fancy sounding words...kill me now!!!) nor do I like the sound of slap bass. However, musicially, they are highly talented, despite that a lot of their songs, as a lot of people mentioned already, sound the same. I wouldn't find myself buying any of their CDs, but I "can't knock the hustle".

  • HarveyCanalHarveyCanal "a distraction from my main thesis." 13,234 Posts
    They simply are what they are...

    This is a good defense to charges that a group has failed to change with the times; "Hey man, they are what they are."

    It is not a good defense to charges that they are and always have been crap.

    Not really trying to defend anybody here. I can certainly fathom why certain people can't stand the Chili Peppers. And I can live with that without it posing any threat to my own opinions of their music.

    But I will go ahead and say that early songs such as True Men Don't Kill Coyotes, Police Helicopter, and American Ghost Dance are faaaaaar from crap.

  • faux_rillzfaux_rillz 14,343 Posts
    And I can live with that without it posing any threat to my own opinions of their music.

    Turning over a new leaf?
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