Anyone here own a VPI? Opinions?

Hey there.Bout to buy a record cleaner. The loricraft looks real nice but is much more expensive... they make a damn good case for it though.Can anyone elaborate on the charge that VPIs (and other vacuum cleaners) clean warped records unevenly?Thanks folks.
I believe AP was go go gadget record cleaner about the VPI and said if anything doesn't have the vacuum componenet of the system, it is thus inferior. never personally dealt with it though. just remembering what he wrote here about a year or so ago.
Hi, JP,
Seriously, I think the VPI is a great machine, but you can get results that are just as good with much cheaper machines. I've had great success with the 100.00 KAB EV-1. Here'a a link to their webpage:
They have reviews reviews of this RCM, along with several others @
If money is no object, the loricraft or keith monk's machines are the best out there, but, at 3000, they better be good...
Also scope out There are ALOT of posts about this type of thing in the vinyl asylum.
I have one of these. It's simple and effective, and does the job. Copped it for $50 from an audiophile who didn't need it anymore. I still clean most records by hand though.
Haha I'm not really fucking with you on that one!
How bout the noise of the unit? Is this something that's annoying or distracting?
it's as loud as a standard vacumme cleaner.
Not something I'd want to run all day errryday huh?
Loricraft, while much quieter, requires the user to manually distribute the liquid around the record. LAME.
In other circumstances, this is a chore of great enjoyment.
I would strongly suggest a Nitty Gritty V 1.1 (basic model). The VPIs are way more expensive and they both do the same quality job (I've witnessed this many times). Also, you want to get a record vacuum cleaner that is completely manual, do not go for a version that is automated in any way.
You're going into uncharted territory with that Loricraft. Read the reviews too and I'm skeptical.
I only run about 30 records per sitting on my VPI. It gets kinda hot too. The noise is no problem.
I used to use the Nitty Gritty and it works, but not as well made. And changing the felt pads is a pain. With the VPI, you just pop on a new tube ($20 at Bags unltd). They also have adapter sets for 45s and 10s/78s. The Nitty Gritty only does 12s. No?
One good thing about KAB nitty gritty based cleaner is that you supply your own vacuum. You can hook up something with more suction than a conventional nitty gritty/vpi vac motor. Also, I don't like the fully automated machines. I like to control what direction the spindle is turning.