Tell the most obscure joke you know



  • LaserWolfLaserWolf Portland Oregon 11,517 Posts
    i got one

    It was a dv??rgtjej that each walk it regnade got j??vligt evil in fi**to. so went she to the doctor, and told if his problems. the doctor checked around a little, but could not see something wrong at all. Next walk it regnade got she than a walk j??vligt evil, and rang the doctor. "Came down tomorrow to mottagningen so shall I see what I can do", said the doctor. When she went down next day could the doctor still not find something wrong, and she went home, dissatisfied. So a day began it rain, and she got so evil that she went down directly to the doctor and said that now receives you fan fix up it here. The doctor checked a little, "hmmm...hmmm..yoke..." late did he a little grejer there, a little here, until it ended that do evil. "oh, how did you?" asked she the doctor - "I klippte down 5 cm on each rubber boot!"

    Fy fan, that's a good one!

    Another point: this thread is supposed to be about obscure jokes, like the one above, the one Gary started the thread with, and LaserWolf's symphony-theme jokes (I had no idea that cellists were the stepchildren of the symphony!). With that, I give you my favorite joke from first grade:

    Have you heard the one about the Aggie who drank so much Fresca he snowed in his pants?

    I don't get it, but when I lived in Oklahoma we told aggie jokes. Here is an Okie joke:

    Razorback: In Arkansas we have pine trees that grow clear to Heaven
    Others: All the way to heaven?
    Razorback: Miss by that much.
    Aggie: In Texas we have oil wells that gush all the way to heaven.
    Others: All the way to heaven?
    Razorback: Miss by that much.
    Sooner: In OK City a woman gave birth out her asshole.
    Others: Out her asshole?!??!
    Sooner: Missed by that much.

  • Q: What's the difference between Courtney Love and Wayne Gretzky?
    A: Gretzky showers after three periods.

    Q: How can you tell when a drummer is at the front door?
    A: The knock gets faster.


    Q: How many folk musicians does it take to change a light bulb?
    A: Seven - one to change it and the other six to sing about how much better the old one was.

    Q: What do pirates and trumpet players have in common?
    A: They are both murder on the high C's.

    General Custer and his aide were in the fort.
    The aide said, "General, I don't like the sound of those drums."
    From over the hill a voice yelled, "He's not our regular drummer."

    Bill: "Hey, Buddy. How late does the band play?"
    Buddy: "Oh, about a half beat behind the drummer."

    Q: What do you call a group of lesbians with guns?
    A: Militia Etheridge.

    Q: If you drop an entertainment lawyer and a trombone off a building, what do you get?
    A: Applause.

    Q: What's the inscription on a blues singer's tombstone?
    A: "I didn't wake up this morning..."

  • SwayzeSwayze 14,705 Posts

    Q: What do you call a group of lesbians with guns?
    A: Militia Etheridge.


    you wanna go to the zoo this weekend?

  • Ahh man, I need to call you, Im leaving for Egypt. (only temporarirlry)
    I wouldve though, hellz.

  • SwayzeSwayze 14,705 Posts
    Ahh man, I need to call you, Im leaving for Egypt. (only temporarirlry)
    I wouldve though, hellz.

    Cool. While you're out there look for some Egyptian Lover 12s. I love that guy!

    I flaked hard on Day and Ts*ga this weekend for palm springs. I feel like a dick, but damn, i need to see monkeys.

  • DJ_EnkiDJ_Enki 6,471 Posts
    Q: How can you tell when a drummer is at the front door?
    A: The knock gets faster.

    I heard this punchline as, "He knocks offbeat, and he doesn't know when to come in."

    Q: How many guitarists does it take to play "Stairway to Heaven?"
    A: All of them, apparently.

    Q: What's the difference between a bunch of genius midgets and a women's track team?
    A: One's a cunning bunch of runts....
    (My 10th grade science teacher told our class that joke. Awesome.)

  • LaserWolfLaserWolf Portland Oregon 11,517 Posts

    Q: How can you tell when a drummer is at the front door?
    A: The knock gets faster.


    Q: What does the drummer say when you answer the door?
    A: Dominoes!

    Q: What do you call a guy who likes to hang out with musicians?
    A: A drummer!

  • verb606verb606 2,518 Posts
    i've always liked this one for the first grade set..

    What did 0 say to 8?

    "Nice belt."

  • bluesnagbluesnag 1,285 Posts
    A physicist, a mathematician, and a statistician go hunting. They see a deer, the physicist shoots, and is 10 feet off to the right. The mathematician shoots, and is 10 feet off to the left. The statistician then yells "We hit it, we hit it!!"

    Wakka wakka wakka!

  • Hippie Johnny asked Hippie Jane is she'd ever been picked up by the fuzz. "No, but I've been swung around by the tits a few times," she replied.

  • nzshadownzshadow 5,518 Posts
    whats the last thing a drummer says in a band?

    Hey guys, wanna try one of my songs?

  • asstroasstro 1,754 Posts
    What did the drummer get on his IQ test?


  • nzshadownzshadow 5,518 Posts
    What do you call a Jew that eats pork?


  • magpaulmagpaul 1,314 Posts

    What's the difference between Jill Dando and Daz?
    Daz passed the doorstep challenge.

  • cpeetzcpeetz 2,112 Posts
    Q: What's better than winning a gold medal at the Special Olympics?

    A: Ummmm....Not being fucking retarded!

    Sorry I know that's very un PC and seriously harsh but...
    That shit cracks me up.
    (The delivery on the punchline is key, you have to have that perfect "No Duh"

  • knewjakknewjak 1,231 Posts
    All female cats are from Ohio, and
    all male cats are from Oklahoma.

    (it may take awhile to get this one)

  • pcmrpcmr 5,591 Posts
    a woman steps into her corner grocery store on a friday night around 9:47 PM

    She puts her stuff at the counter

    2 cucumbers....beep
    honey garlic bbq sauce....beep

    the cashier smoothly asks "You're single right?"
    "How do you know?" the blushing women aswers

    Its cuz you're fucking ugly!

  • ElectrodeElectrode Los Angeles 3,110 Posts
    Punk joke...

    Q: What is Million Dead Cops?

    A: A good fucking start!

  • BreakSelfBreakSelf 2,925 Posts
    Here's one that a Swedish friend of mine told me:

    Q: What does a Finn call a banana?
    A: A yellow bend.

  • two muffins are in an oven the first muffin turns to the second muffin and says, "whoa, its sure hot in here?" the second muffin turns to the first muffin and says "whoa, A talking muffin!"

  • SPlDEYSPlDEY Vegas 3,375 Posts
    a woman steps into her corner grocery store on a friday night around 9:47 PM

    She puts her stuff at the counter

    2 cucumbers....beep
    honey garlic bbq sauce....beep

    the cashier smoothly asks "You're single right?"
    "How do you know?" the blushing women aswers

    Its cuz you're fucking ugly!


    - spidey

  • There are 10 types of people in this world: Those who can count in binary and those who can't.

  • SPlDEYSPlDEY Vegas 3,375 Posts
    ^ that one reminds me of this one:

    Two functions, x^2 and e^x are walking down the street. Off in the distance they see a differential operator walking towards them. e^x turns to x^2 and tells him: "You better get out of here! If that operator differentiates you a few times you'll disappear, but he can differentiate me all he wants and I'll stay the same."

    So x^2 runs off and e^x goes to greet the differential operator. "Hi, I'm e^x" he says. "What's your name?"

    The operator looks at him with a demonic grin and says: "d/dy".

    - spidey

  • LaserWolfLaserWolf Portland Oregon 11,517 Posts
    ^ that one reminds me of this one:

    Two functions, x^2 and e^x are walking down the street. Off in the distance they see a differential operator walking towards them. e^x turns to x^2 and tells him: "You better get out of here! If that operator differentiates you a few times you'll disappear, but he can differentiate me all he wants and I'll stay the same."

    So x^2 runs off and e^x goes to greet the differential operator. "Hi, I'm e^x" he says. "What's your name?"

    The operator looks at him with a demonic grin and says: "d/dy".

    - spidey

    WAY over my head.

    I'm still trying to figure out the ohio and oklahoma cats.

  • la tuya.

  • la tuya yacksone (as my cousin pronounced it one time which had me in tears for twenty minutes laughing)

  • ^ that one reminds me of this one:

    Two functions, x^2 and e^x are walking down the street. Off in the distance they see a differential operator walking towards them. e^x turns to x^2 and tells him: "You better get out of here! If that operator differentiates you a few times you'll disappear, but he can differentiate me all he wants and I'll stay the same."

    So x^2 runs off and e^x goes to greet the differential operator. "Hi, I'm e^x" he says. "What's your name?"

    The operator looks at him with a demonic grin and says: "d/dy".

    - spidey

    Hahaa.. hope you don't mind me stealing that one.

  • bluesnagbluesnag 1,285 Posts
    ^ that one reminds me of this one:

    Two functions, x^2 and e^x are walking down the street. Off in the distance they see a differential operator walking towards them. e^x turns to x^2 and tells him: "You better get out of here! If that operator differentiates you a few times you'll disappear, but he can differentiate me all he wants and I'll stay the same."

    So x^2 runs off and e^x goes to greet the differential operator. "Hi, I'm e^x" he says. "What's your name?"

    The operator looks at him with a demonic grin and says: "d/dy".

    - spidey

    oh shit! the demonic grin gave me the shivers.

    speaking of calculus word play, someone showed me an integral once which could be read as a limerick, but i have to remember it...

    a classic:

    why is 6 afraid of 7?

    because 7 8 9!

  • Q.Why do elephants have big ears?

    A. Because Noddy would'nt pay the ransom.

    Why does Noddy have a bell on his hat?

    Cos he's a CUNT!

  • speaking of calculus word play, someone showed me an integral once which could be read as a limerick, but i have to remember it...

    Integral t squared dt
    from 1 to the cube root of 3
    Times the Cosine
    of three Pi over 9
    equals log of the cube root of e

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